The Bound Ones Final Draft: Death of Innocence

**Death of Innocence** Peering through the dark lines, Rhys beheld an impossibility: a slender male dragon, gold, wrapped in a thin and filthy blanket. He was dreaming still, had to be. He pinched himself, claws out, but nothing changed. ...

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The Bound Ones Final Draft: Cages; Night Thoughts, Day Dreams

**Cages** Dizzy, sick and sticky with blood, he awoke. He shook his head to clear it, but could not rid himself of the nauseous sensation of swaying. "Rhys? Rhys! Wake up! Oh, gods, please, wake up!" A loud, metallic clang assailed his...

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Going Home p. 30-60

Moon's Day was another market day, and he accompanied his mother--not without a certain reluctance, but happily enough. Making their way past a cloth vendor, who laid out a bolt of purple-printed calico and rolled a yard of it over his arm to tempt...

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Going Home p. 1-30

_I am going to a crazy-house,_ the red-gold dragon reminded himself. _Everything there is weird, or wrong, or upside-down and backwards._ He was flying now, but he wouldn't be for much longer. When he reached the city limits he would have to land....

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Hell Week P. 35-77

Ana was quieter, though not entirely still. Nai sat up with him for the rest of the night--at least, for the scant handful of hours that counted as night. Ortice made no further complaints, now that Ana wasn't kicking him anymore. Bazlio had Oz to look...

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Hell Week p. 1-35

The litter was heavy, his back ached, and the rope was cutting into his hands. What he wouldn't have given for a cart, just one cart, a simple one with four wheels like a peddler might drive. He wouldn't even ask for an ox or a donkey. He wouldn't mind...

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