From Elsweyr With Love (#10)

She really didn't want to have to carry the thing all the way to elsweyr if she could avoid it. she had the secondary objective in ko'manir herself, and splitting up the objectives would increase the likelihood of success of at least one.

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The Story of the Khajiit: A Compendium

: the wise and the honourable (pg. 20) j'nari: the brute of elsweyr (pg. 24) dar'shada: whispers and blades in the dark (pg. 28) dar'isa: the axewoman

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J'Zel's Story

That had settled it - no abyss, no cruel fate, and especially no elsweyr.

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From Elsweyr With Love (#1)

While ta'agra did forbid the use of the first-person pronoun, she was happy to be back in elsweyr where she didn't have to think about the quirk it caused in the common tongue.

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From Elsweyr With Love (Epilogue)

But if this had worked as intended, she would be out of the picture and hammerfell would be at war with elsweyr!" "earlier, you made a mistake i'm afraid. you referred to my colleague here as number 5."

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Ma'jyrr the Swordswoman

Despite the standard nord's opinion on the cat-people of elsweyr, the renrijra krin has a rather large nord component.


K'Jaar adventures 1

I left back to elsweyr. my homeland. back to my family. if you need me you may sent some courier... i told them my home location... im going to spend a time even outside elsweyr... im going to pass every single land in tamriel.


“J’Dash and The Child of Darkness” A Story Inspired by Elder Scroll’s IV: Oblivion

S'mirra had just only moved to elsweyr after her family was freed and after the tribunal was overthrown!"

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On His Mane's Secret Service - #1

They take the weather reports from hammerfell and predict how long the same weather will take to arrive in elsweyr. it's not hard." "and are they accurate?" "usually. not always." "yes.

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On His Mane's Secret Service - #15

Though the rank is new, it is a higher rank than my own, i'll just be your contact back here in elsweyr. the mane will be your direct superior." "well, all this is awfully big news, but i certainly accept!

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From Elsweyr With Love (#6)

She had at least some immunity here as an unofficial representative of elsweyr. he was a nobody. and now he was a murderer. of an ex-secret police member. he did have to leave. "the caravan?" she asked. "yes. i'll meet you there.

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From Elsweyr With Love (#8)

"elsweyr," ra'jirra said, her eyes closing. "of course elsweyr. and i can meet my parents again. they're retired now, down in corinthe." "pretty place, corinthe. okay, you've convinced me. but why did you ask for me?" "haven't you guessed by now?"

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