Meeting the Folks

Meeting the folks: under the table by comfortablecreatures megan listened to the noises around her, the hustle and bustle of a busy downtown restaurant. nobody aware of the sexy young bunny sitting naked under one of the booth tables.

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Meet the Folks

O.o meet the folks by gruffy 2017 \* hello ,folks!

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Territory folks

And while raldi and hastal and you are hiding behind your little wall, folk like us will be doing something! folk like us, we've put our stake in the frontier -- wherever it is."

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Break the Circle

I went walking by the harbor As the day went down to dark. I went searching through my sorrows For a place to rest my heart. Will the circle be unbroken By and by? By and by? Is a better home awaiting In the sky, Lord, in the sky? There...

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A Town Called Yesterday

Young folk do sometimes visit, but they don't know how to stay within the town of yesterday." and in the town of yesterday policemen are unknown, and who you are and who you love's no business but your own. there aint no jails, no student loans.

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Shen's Song

This is based on a traditional folk song called "fare thee well" or "dink's song." it's ultimate source is unknown, but it's speculated to have originally been about a enslaved couple, parted when one of them has been sold away.

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Invane: WuterBreak

Invane: WuterBreak We had arrived onto the ports inside our own exploding barrels that we hide ourselves in. The sounds of waters splashing against the legs of the grounds beneath us with birds flying high, squawking and some other things....

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Invane: Raido Hole

In summary, we questioned the folks here. questions that were relatable in our quest into finding about the dragons and their whereabouts. most of the folks here commonly answered about the caves westward from where the village was.

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Invane: Always that one

Its another one folks, strap yourselves right on in and enjoy the fun. i mentally groaned to myself. setting my own left paw upon the surface of my snout.

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Invane: Inversion

Invane: Inversion So the sun had set. The villagers are all tucked in to sleep, poised for the next day coming. All was quiet upon the plains. Nothing was stirred. Except for us however. As I watched with a groaned and stared down onto Huzizu...

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Invane: ReTree

Invane: ReTree "Come on big money!" Exclaimed Huzizu while the rest of us gathered around him. He rolled his hand and dropped the dice upon the ground. It hit the ground a couple of times before settling off, revealing the fate of our money....

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Invane: Annual Guess

Invane: Annual Guess "First of all. Why are we here?" Horizoki questioned me while I answered him, "Just surveillance for the VPD Horizoki." "Could they do that on their own?" "Think they are busy however." "With what?" We ended the...

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