Brothel: Money Conversion

Real Life 1 pound = $1.60 1 pound = 240 pence 1 pound = 20 shillings 1 pound = 4 crowns 1 crown = 5 shillings 12 pence = 1 shilling Inflation to Story Line (Story Value) 1 pound = around $20 US 1 crown = $5 US


This has no title. But read it.

And trust me when i say that i am sorry that i ever helped to perpetuate this. now, i am hoping i will at least help to bring a stop to it.

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Emotinal Crisis Averted?

Then one of his requests was that i had to prommis to let him help me be learn how to be straight! how dare he! i said. "insert person's name here" how dare you!

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I'll Be Your Friend

I'll Be Your Friend By Carl Blessing/Murphy Slaugh Are you feeling sad and lonely? Do you want to rant and rave? Part of you wants to cry, Part of you wants to be brave. You feel like you're all alone, You feel you're world's come to an end....

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I'm drowning in sadness, my head below water watching everyone breathe. I'm panicking; gasping for breath, I need to breathe but it's impossible. Every time my head breaks above the water I'm just shoved back down. I try to swim, but I have weights...

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find my way

#1 of helping hand in case you haven't noticed my poems/poetry trying to help you find yourself or make you or someone else feel great about themselves if they dont now again im just here to help you out i may not be experienced with the rest of

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Lyrics *First song writer* NO MELODY*

Hi i am trying to write lyrics atm, i dont have a melody or any music just the lyrics. please comment to let me know and dont be too mean. Track 1 I wana live now I wana live forever I wana live to forget I wana live to remember I wana live to...

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Erläuterungen zu "Ahmehlias Abschied und Erlösung aus Liebe

Das sollten sich alle durchlesen die mit der grundlegenden handlungsweise in den Sorys "Ahmehlias Abschied und Erlösung aus Liebe ein problem haben. Der folgende Text behandelt die dem zu grunde liegenden Story lines. Destruktionstrieb ...

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another artist in need of help to get trough college

[]( she also has good prices.


Use what you have.

Whats the point in having nothing done with the money you earned and saved if it can't be used to help yourself? "_use what ever you have to live and survive the hatred that fills the world and humans.

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SHAREEEE TO BE FLOOFY!!!!(plz help them every one needs help here and there!!)

SEND THEM HUGS FOR US!!! []( []( [ ]( [Donate and we will make...

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Bonus Material: Notes from Fugitive's Trust

It's helpful for me and might be helpful for others. notes from fugitive's trust _these are some of the notes i took while working on the trilogy. they're not in any particular order.

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