Jesters Chapter 1
These bastards used to just be in the deserts of garund, but all bets are off after mammy lammy left them with no divine decree to enslave and breed--not that they need divine guidance to spam the world with more obnoxious pups.
Happy Tree Friends Oneshots ch. 7
Except for the part that there's no wifi, the dog constantly shits and pisses on the floor and the floor is really sticky with dust and i don't know if the piss has something to do with that but anyway, i remembered that the christmas special would be about lammy
The Crystal Chronicles: Chapter 4
The games planned, soul calibur 3, bomberman generations, space channel 5 \*special edition part 1 and 2\*, um jammer lammy, soulblade, and a few other random games for fun. of course, movies, anime, drinking, and food!
Made Special For Ewe
When the sissy lammy rammy wandered over close enough, he gave the spot next to him a light couple of pats.
Happy Tree Friends Oneshots chapter 5
Asked pop although he knew that the remaining girls giggles and petunia were taken while lammy was a lesbian. "i... i don't know. i guess i never stood a chance with anybody to begin with." said disco bear slumping in his seat.