Shadowfox Null 08

silverfox and technofox were watching her. silverfox smiled encouragement and waved; technofox blinked.

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Firefox Chapter 01

She watched silverfox. silverfox looked over in her direction, recognized her, looked away uncomfortably. silverfox knelt down, touched her breasts to the floor, and ran her tongue over his foot.

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Shadowfox 06

_jerry is fucking silverfox, andrew's fucking me and silverfox, felicia and i are fucking silverfox._ a star network, centered on silverfox. "nice seeing you again, felicia," silverfox said.

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Shadowfox 05

"silverfox --" shadowfox began. "not now." silverfox's voice was low and angry. silverfox waited until she couldn't hear him walking away down the corridor. silverfox took a deep breath before continuing. "jerry is not my mark.


Silverfox 04

"almost certainly," silverfox agreed.

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Firefox Chapter 12

Victoria was barely aware of silverfox, but now that her back was turned, silverfox's expression turned to one of impossible longing. silverfox folded the robe and rested it on the bed.

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Shadowfox Null 09

silverfox had shadowfox's pants down around her knees. the situation was desperate. he pretended to consider. "silverfox! pistols!" he held the gun cases out and jiggled them to get her attention. playing along, silverfox swiveled her head around.

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Technofox 07

"so we look for the un-obvious," silverfox said, cross. technofox nodded. silverfox was right, of course.

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Technofox 1

Before silverfox could move, the little fox knelt and turned, pushing her muzzle against silverfox's cleft. "but --" silverfox began. technofox started licking her then, fiercely.

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Shadowfox 04

Subject biometrics match icon operative silverfox 0.999+; identity confirmation threshold reached. silverfox's airways are clear. silverfox's bleeding is under control. silverfox is unconscious.

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Shadowfox Null 10

Shadowfox was looking at the emails "silverfox" had sent little felicia. they had done a poor job of emulating silverfox -- this "silverfox" was evasive, promising answers and forgetting to respond, and finally promising a call on saturday.

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Technofox 08

Technofox glanced at silverfox. firefox would not have told this to silverfox's date in boston. it was strange that a co-worker knew more about them than a man silverfox took to bed. need to know was a bitch, sometimes.

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