The Three Apprentinces

He opened his eyesback up after sending a short prayer to starclan. "the oldest she-kit was named willowkit after redpelt's sister, willowstep who dies in a battle protecting her clan from a dog.

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Dreamhunter's Quest Chapter 1 [A Warrior Cats Fan Series]

Erin hunter also owns thunderclan, riverclan, shadowclan, windclan, and starclan. also, the warrior cats concept and the set up and functioning of warrior clans.

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Graystripe Has the Stars Knocked into Him

starclan help me, his every thought was yowling, unable to bear the pain on his fragile body, sure that he too would be in starclan soon just from the pain. and then he heard the pawsteps.

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Warriors Dawning Hook

The idea of cats in clans, and starclan, were created by erin hunter. however, the characters depicted in these chapters, as well as the location and other clan names, were created by me. ^^ **hook** "you're telling me... did he really?" "yes.

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Warriors Dawning Chpt 4

"pinepaw's a cat from starclan," twigpaw explained. "he's the one who put the thoughtful look on my face, i suppose." "really? how'd he do that?"

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warrior cats gay version sort of

Longtail got him by the collar "ha see hes even bad at fighting" he laughed firepaw was choking his lungs screamed for air then \*snap\* he was able to breath he wondered what happened when he saw that his collar was on the ground "this is a sign starclan

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A Tightly-Tangled Bramble

It had been, oh starclan since before the last gathering, and that itself had been over a half-moon ago.

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The Life of Half star - (Inspired by Erin Hunters Awesome Story Series Warrior Cats) - 11 - Family reunion and saying Goodbye

A Disclaimer: All publicly recognizable characters, settings, etc. are the property of their respective owners. The original characters and plot are the property of the author. The author is in no way associated with the owners, creators, or producers...

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Bristlefrost Knocks Rootspring Off His Paws

Bristlefrost shifted her paws, by starclan, that must've hurt bad for him to still be down there like that.

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[Commission] The story of Flashpaw: Bonepaw's apprenticeship

They started asking the others what they were thinking about and is starclan talking to them. they talked about being hungry and went off to catch something to eat, abandoning their vigil.

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Salt Pool Reader X Holly___ (Reader)

"starclan! please!" you yowl and as if an answer the pool starts to sparkle and you see the familiar face of your father in the pool and slowly his figure rises from the pool into a solid figure you could almost touch.

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Scarlet : Trail of Scourge part 4

"i know, it's just that i was hoping to get some advice from someone connected to starclan." scourge meowed, "i met a two cats in the forest, one wore a tooth spiked collar." jayfeather's ears pricked, and he turned to face scourge. "oh, did you..."

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