Mystic Heart Odyssey - Chapter 8

It looked like an ursaran- larger than the most imposing stag, a wall made of muscle and covered head to toe in stripes.

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MHO pt 4 - Quality Time - Chapter 6

The warped ursaran slowly pulled itself up and returned to its normal shape as it looked around in confusion. after a moment, it shrugged it off and returned its attention to aelana and kuna.

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Mystic Heart Odyssey - Chapter 11

Only other tribe nearby is that one ursaran tri-, er, clan, or whatever they call themselves. and they're not exactly welcome guests.

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Downtime - Ch. 4 extended explicit scene (MHO)

You uh... you remember a while back when we were telling stories and chatting around the campfire, back before the ursarans and stuff?" kuna looked confused for a moment, then something slowly crept up out of his memory.

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MHO - The Cult of the Crimson Isles - Chapter 7

Even the ursarans have all kinds of spirits and ancestors they revere, even if they do put different ones above one another." "exactly. seems like hoku is the only one that even cares that there are other spirits around.

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Mystic Heart Odyssey - Chapter 4

"there hasn't been any outsider in our territory in a very long time- well, except maybe the stray ursaran we have to chase off, but they mostly know to stay out nowdays.

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Mystic Heart Odyssey - Chapter 26

There, in front of them, a seven and a half foot tall, twisted aberration of an ursaran stood, glaring down at them with a twisted, toothy grin and a pair of bloodshot, bulging eyes.

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In the Shadows of Kryckwood - Ch. 11 (MHO)

Far from afraid, she immediately pulled a large, serrated knife from its sheath and began frantically stabbing at it as she shouted muffled obscenities that'd make an ursaran's ears bleed. "what the fuck?!"

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In the Shadows of Kryckwood - Ch. 7 (MHO)

Back in lakefire, if the hunter-warriors had to fight off ursarans, they usually used nets, bolas, bows, and polearms, with knives as a backup. maybe hatchets or axes, in a pinch.

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Mystic Heart Odyssey - Chapter 37

"i try to think the same thing, though admittedly before this journey i hadn't seen any people besides konuul, and a few ursarans. until i met kuna, anyway." "aye?

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MHO pt 4 - Quality Time - Chapter 4

As far as i know we never officially met anyone except other konuul until those ursarans set up camp not far from us. and that was a short while after lakefire was settled. but maybe our stories just don't go back far enough."

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Mystic Heart Odyssey - Chapter 30

Only other tribe nearby are some ursarans, and they used to try and raid us sometimes," the canid said, then grinned, unable to resist a little minor bragging on behalf of his people. "key words, 'used to'. they know better now." "aye?"

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