The Dogs: Litany - Episode VI
The Sun was glorious above them, Sol Invictus, the rays of the Solstice fresh and gorgeous down from the Virginia sky - the air was alive with the smells of the summer, the damp earth from a passing shower, and the effervescence of a...
The Dogs: Litany - The World Enslaved In An Unlimited Moment
Stephen's eyes fluttered open, he lurched forward - on the edge of a couch, cloth, against his skin, and the pinching of a bunched up shirt underneath him, where the fuck was he, how the fuck did he get here? His head seemed to...
The Skin Cycle VI: A Wild Field
In a wild field, where you've left me To contemplate, but not discover What it was like, when we were alive. If your heart remained A pulsing organ, from which The bulging veins and arteries Would crawl up and blossom From the ground, into a flower-- I...
The Skin Cycle V: Stray Stars
I was made to see the stars glow cold Last night, in sync, With a distant wolf's mourning howl-- Walking home With the nightwind at my back. I had to stop-- Stop, and look about In bewilderment, To wonder where This auditory hallucination Had taken my...
The Skin Cycle IV: Forest Dark
The boy knows how to use his hind legs-- Heart-racing scamper, That little scamp. Barely a creature, Hardly a human-- Liminal being, Just as I-- A phantom, A smile in the fog, Not seen-- A crying laugh, Unintelligible To the ears of the living. My...
The Skin Cycle III: Better Dog
Hey, hey Boy like the puppy-- Rare-sweet lips Strawberry-blossom honey, Made by hypnotic-buzzing bees. Hey, hey Boy like the otter-- Almond eyes, match Slim-sleek body. Twisted, Making a motion-- Casual flex, Sinew and pelt. Untamed smile-- Wild...
The Skin Cycle II: Devolution
Prowler, crawling-- Pawing-- Warm wind coming down The pathway made On all fours. Indistinct, from The cluttered noises Of human speech-- Clitter, clatter, Patter, paw-- Down it goes, Down you are, On all fours. Beauty made, beauty taken-- Fluttering...
The Skin Cycle I: Midtwilight
Two stone faces Of beasts that truly never were, Form from marvelous nothingness, Falling into a realm Of divine mystification. Held, as I am, In the glowing-green Foxfire-light-- Phosphorescing within The horrid, nitrous evening... But, there's...
The Dogs: Not Exactly Night - The Beast That Shouted Fuck At the Heart of the World
Cody was on the bed, playing his 3DS, sorting his Pokémon in their boxes - there were all kinds of rumors on 4chan, which he would browse when Andy did not need his phone, that there would be some kind of system to transfer your old Pokémon to the new...
The Dogs: Litany - Preface
The novel that preceded this one was called The Dogs: Not Exactly Night; it is in that book that one first meets Andrew Lightfoot, Bligh Lynch, and Cody Tyree, and one first hears of Andrew's brother, Stephen. It has been called...
The Dogs: Litany - Episode V
Andrew shut the door behind him, hearing, as he did the first evening he and Bligh spent together as lovers, the sound of metal going into metal, demarcating him from the rest of the world. Behind the door was a secret, sacred solidarity -...
The Dogs: Litany - Episode IV
Bligh was glaring at Andrew - and Andrew felt it, he felt Bligh's eyes bore into him, and he kept his head facing the kitchen, watching Stephen root through his pantry like a raccoon, humming some deranged melody that Andrew suspected was a...