3. Announcement

**Announcement** The floor was cold and slightly moisty from the mist of the previous night. Stone glistening as the sun replaced the moon and its beams entered the room. With a deep breath, Spyro covered his face using his wings, blocking the...

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The Kataran Account of Creation

Long ago, 36 beings sent their consciousness forth into this realm, giving rise to our universe. Later, they spawned more beings like them as the universe expanded. When stars and planets formed, the beings took on physical forms to live upon them, in...

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Disclaimer for Legend of Spyro story.

For references i use the three legend of spyro games: a new beginning, the eternal night, and dawn of the dragon.

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LoZ TTT Pilot Chapter

What unfolded after would become know as, **the legend of zelda** the tail of twins

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Ages ago, deep in the heart of the north lay the Kingdom of Aróese. The Kingdom represented the combined might of the three great powers of the north: the bellicose Wolves, the nomadic Huskies, and the ever aloof Samoyeds, come together under the...

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The Wolf-King

The legend of the wolf-king, loosely ties into the lore of the wolfkin from the darkness. the dust shrouded king stirred upon his tarnished throne, his faded emerald eyes glinting softly in the gloom of the ancient keep.

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From Barrow to Barrow, part 1

Jon-Tom felt that momentary dizziness that accompanied time travel. It was completely unexpected, disorienting and disturbing. He had the presence of mind to wonder if this whole thing was a gag of some sort being perpetuated by Eve. Alma wasn't...

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Tribal Legends - Traveling Soul

## Tribal Legends ###### a suite of stories Written down and translated by Sharpfang '99. You can copy this story freely as long as no contents are changed Traveling Soul ============== The Story of Air. A tribal legend by Aris, translated...

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Tribal Legends 1 - The story of Ti'Kan and Ka'Mi

## Tribal Legends ###### a suite of stories Written down and translated by Sharpfang '99. You can copy this story freely as long as no contents are changed The story of Ti'Kan and Ka'Mi ============================= The Story of World A...

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Tribal Legends - Breath of Darkness

## Tribal Legends ###### a suite of stories Written down and translated by Sharpfang '99. You can copy this story freely as long as no contents are changed Breath of Darkness ================== The Story of Earth A tribal legend by Aris,...

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Tribal Legends - Ash and Coal or Gaining the Mind.

## Tribal Legends ###### a suite of stories Written down and translated by Sharpfang '99. You can copy this story freely as long as no contents are changed Ash and Coal or Gaining the Mind. ================================= The Story of...

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Legend of the Unkown (part 2)

#3 of legend of the unkown the second part of the unkown legend (planet explodes) (ship a.i) error...error....main engines malfunction....error (dovakiin) gah would you just shut up!!!

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