Son of a Dream

The Earth rushed towards her faster; the clouds exploded and on both sides like a tunnel and the ground revealed its patchwork of cities and farmland. She folded her body further, hitting the speed limit for Jumpers and exceeding it. The air was colder...


King sparo

Sins I was born I always craved power. I was poor and lived in a crummy shack with my sister and it was a hard time. One day a merchant with various magical objects, one of them caught are attenchen a music box that was suppose to grant wishes. This...


Under Cloak of Darkness: Chapter 5

She tried to run, but couldn't. She simply ran in place, legs moving but going nowhere. He walked up to her slowly, a smirk on his steel features. He reached her and stood to her side. She stopped running. Laughing, he knelt and spoke. "You think...


The Invasion of Acacia: Chapter 1

\*Disclaimer\* All Location, Names and Characters are © Jordan P. Unless Otherwise Noted The Retalian race and original concept is © Tom M. December 2004 \*Disclaimer\* Authors Note: This is the first chapter of of a story series, I don't know...


A Tail of Beastians - Chapter One: Abduction

It was morning like any other. Clear blue skies shined down upon the small town. The town was already full of energy, people moving to get their chores and errands done. The only person not seen moving was Alex. He was still asleep on his couch in his...


Double Birthday Surprises ch. 1

Disclaimer: I'm sorry to say that I don't own digimon. (That goes for all chapters!) -Silver and I look up from a fashion magazine- Silver: Hey; we were expecting you. (Smiles) Yeah, welcome back. Anyhoo, to recap on what happened last...


How I Met Silver Ch. 2 & Ch. 3

(A/N: I hope you guys enjoyed reading the first chapter of How I Met Silver, so here's the second one!) Ch. 2 Off to Battle! Surprisingly enough, I didn't burn down the house cooking dinner for us. - Silver bowed. "Thanks; that was...


How I Met Silver

Disclaimer: I don't on digimon or anything that's associated with digimon. (Except a copy of the Digimon Battle Spirit Game!) That goes for all chapters. Ch. 1 Silver Comes Calling For those of you who don't already know, my name's Lisa and this...


Technofox 09

Technofox 09 "Was Morgan really in the Tenth Mountain Division?" Firefox asked. Technofox nodded. "Morgan's no fool. It's risky to lie about public records nowadays, especially to a nerd with a wireless connection in her head. So you don't...


Helfer's Busy Day, Chapter 14

"Come on," he said, reaching his decision. "Where we goin'?" Helfer heard Vin hop to his feet, the rustle of dislodged cloth falling to the floor. He patted the papers in his purse and grabbed the other weasel by the paw. "To the palace."...



Animated Xavian was still having a hard time walking down the stairs, the extra three feet of body and two new legs were making life a little difficult. At nineteen years of age, Xavian had finally undergone the Animation, a time when the body...


Helfer's Busy Day, Chapter 7

Helfer glared back. "Are you threatening me, cutie?" he said. The badger drew up short and blinked. "Wot's 'at mean?" Behind him, the rat broke into a chuckle. "Reckon it means yer his type, Hensley." "Look," the badger said, but his...
