Tale 4-5 - Hungry For Glory 1

"Alright, let's just get this mod installed and see what it's all about." Elisha scrolled through her heads up display, locating the package her friends told her she just had to try out. The transparent pane of illumination showed the directory tree as...

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Ozien's journey

In the land of Arcane-Terra lived some of the most magnificent and powerful creature someone could ever imagine. Some of then where large, very large, and other where only few centimeters high, but in Arcane-Terra, size means nothing. There, the most...

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The Living Wilds

Ben walked along the displays at the museum, sighing a bit to himself as he looked into the huge tanks filled with a wide variety of rare wildlife. Recent discoveries had led to the capture of countless new species that had never come into contact with...

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Last Resorts

Ryan fell to the ground, snow coating most of his body. He looked up and could only see that massive blizzard he had gotten lost in. Ryan was 23, and had taken a liking to long hikes and climbing mountains. He had gone through his life always looking...

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Off the Menu

A deafening crash of metal on metal jolted Owen awake with a start. He jumped, struggling to sit up and look around, blinking into the unfamiliar darkness. Voices echoed all around him, mostly murmurs of confusion, a couple screams of fear. He rubbed...

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Whim - The Pieces We Are

You are welcome within me. Just imagine... your body becoming a part of my breasts, your form no more than milk, your soul linked to mine as you feel boy after boy arrive and drink deeply from my flesh, your entire being filling with the joy of...

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Krewing Up - Part 1

Krewing Up - Part 1 By Tyleb **Chapter 1** "Congrats bud!" Syntik, the olive green Asura, smiles as he gives you a slap on the shoulder. "All you gotta do is sign this 'ere contract and you're in!". "I... I'm really grateful, it's just," You pause...

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Lyren, the Christmas Dargon

A small shadowy fox sits next to the biggest pine tree you've ever seen in the middle of a small village as you see a big pale green belly barely poking out of the evergreen branches, numerous bobbles and knick-knacks dotting its branches in festive...

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The Hardest Life PT.1

The Hardest Life PT.1 Waking up from the black lands within the mind, in a blurred vision seeing what appears to be a large green forest and the sounds of animals speaking to each other. The fresh smell of plants, soil and water, but there was a...

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The dragon from the jungle CH2

Sometimes the best way to help yourself is by helping others grow. \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ The morning had started with the great sun beating down, filtering through the entrance of...

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tomo moku (lipu pi moku musi)

tomo moku lipu li tan nasin ike Pemene === tenpo suno li pona. soweli en akesi en waso li tawa lon nasin pi ma tomo. ona li pali li toki. ale li pilin pona. soweli Lijan li pilin pona a. ona li kute e ni: ma tomo li kama jo e tomo moku...

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Insistence and Assistance (vore story)

(Contains: non-fatal same size oral vore, semi-willing anthro male cat pred, unwilling anthro male mouse prey, burping, regurgitation, force feeding, voyeurism.) Insistence and Assistance by Bad Manners === "Yo, I'm home!" Cesar...

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