Food Chain: The Splicing

We could hardly believe it, Heather had been changed into a hybrid rat in front of us. Although she was initially winded from the change, her body recovered quickly and soon she was back on her feet. She seemed to be larger than her original form,...

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Food Chain Exposition 2 (Re-upload)

Most people would have to wait through hours on end for airport security clearance, which is probably why they insisted you come to your flight 3 or 4 hours early so you'd be cleared out before it arrived. I soon learned those participating in blood...

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Food Chain: Exposition

The terrified mouse girl ran through the jungle as quickly as she could, ducking, weaving, and leaping to avoid hidden traps that by now she has become well aware of after spending weeks mapping their locations. Her breathing was ragged, she was on her...

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Anthropia 6

"You want to what?" asked Jakra, surprised that Moon had offered her what she thought he said. "You want to...." she trailed off. "I want to hire you as my official body guard." Moon said matter of factly. "You've been loyal and a good companion for...

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Anthropia Chapter 5

The sound of clashing steel filled the room as Moon swung his sword in a horizontal slash, only for it to be countered by Jakra who crossed two daggers in front of her and used both her arms to block. "You're getting stronger, Jakra!" Moon called...

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Anthropia Chapter 4

Well, it had been a long trip, but eventually, Jakra, Valo, and Moon successfully made it to the recall point, and Moon was rather disappointed with it. He expected something more extravagant, but what he got instead looked rather unimpressive. ...

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Anthropia Chapter 3

Hey, judging by how many votes, faves, watches, and comments I've been getting, I believe the Anthropia series is quite popular. For those who may have missed my mentioning of it earlier, Anthropia has its own forum RP group, located...

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Anthropia: The Ancient Ones

**Name:** Ancient Ones **Species:** Mutated Humans **Average Lifespan:** Unknown, presumed immortal **Description:** The Ancient Ones can have quite literally any appearance, but virtually everyone that has been encountered has appeared...

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Anthropia Chapter 2

Moon slurped at the cricket stew hesitantly. In truth, his family was more accustomed to eating more flavorful meats like ham, and beef. Insect meat was usually for the commoners, not the regal nobility like the Solar Swords. **"I know it doesn't...

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Anthropia: The Back Story

**Anthropia Setting:** The exact date of when it happened has long since been lost to history. It was a time where humanity was on the cusp of godhood, their technology and science reaching levels far beyond what mortals should have acquired. The...


Carnal Demonology Volume 4

Before we proceed further into describing more demonic species, you're probably wondering what pregnancy and childhood is like for all these sex crazed demons. Well here's the details. Demons are creatures of lust, not love, and as a result, they...

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Carnal Demonology: Volume 5

This volume has more than the standard 11 demon species, as a result of the Carnal demons receiving an overhaul. You may notice the Demon Lords were removed from this section and replaced with some new demon species. This is because I plan to include...

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