Raiyev Part 9

How long had he been standing there, idle with his thoughts? Raiyev silently cursed his foolishness. Bilicek eyed Raiyev up and down, glaring almost irately. Raiyev tried to think of something to say. "Well?" Bilicek said after another moment had...


Raiyev Part 8

"She's dead!" he cried. The tall fox was stooped over the body of Dr. Paxton lying on the ground in the cafeteria. Raiyev had seen it happen; well, most of it, anyway. He, along with the rest of the cafeteria, had looked over at Paxton when he heard...


Raiyev Part 7

Raiyev was reluctant to get up in the morning?the previous night had been wonderful beyond description?but he had wanted to get to work early, in hopes of catching Toni and talking to her before anything else happened that day. When he and Brad finally...


Raiyev Part 6

Toni caught Raiyev's eyes and gently nodded her head, her face looking genuinely concerned about something. With a final glance around the large hallway, Raiyev slowly approached the ferret. "You wanted to see me about something?" he asked her,...

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Raiyev Part 5

Raiyev read and reread the paper. He had spread the soap over the rest of the paper, trying to find anything more to the message, but there was nothing else. _Surely this must be some kind of a practical joke_, he thought. _This is something that you...


Raiyev Part 4

Flashes from the bulbs of a dozen newspaper photographers bounced lightly off the greying fur of the well-dressed President. President Alexis McKenzie was the oldest feline president the USA had ever seen inducted into office. However his wisdom,...


Raiyev Part 3

Raiyev was sipping his fifth cup of coffee, going over in his head everything he had just been told, when a bespectacled old badger opened the door. "So THERE you two are!" he said, trying to make his feeble voice sound firm while he looked at the...


Raiyev Part 2

"Name?" the large female bear in uniform said almost apathetically from behind the front security desk. The main building was bustling with excitement as furs were hurrying to and fro, phones were ringing off the hook, and the line to check in was...


Raiyev Part 1

Perhaps the best way to describe it would be to say that it was otherworldly. The raccoon saw the world die around him; buildings crumpled, people were blown away in the blink of an eye, and Raiyev could only feel in a way satisfied that science was...


InterRealm - Chapter 5

"Hey, Gunner, look!" the young Malamute exclaimed while peering through the frosted glass window. "What now, Justin?" the significantly older tiger grunted from the couch, his head not turning from the television. "Another queer couple making out?...

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