the road to happiness: 3

jon december 16 midnight "JESUS CHRIST ITS COLD!!" yell out loud my heater broke down and tonights temp was suppose to be in the 20's, all i felt was cold and its was hurting everytime i moved my body. i started getting frost bites it was burnng on...

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The Start of Something New: 6

Khile October 5th afternoon, Finally Friday and no more school for two days but they bite us with homework, they have no life but to bother us and try to ruin our lives like theirs. Today was pre-calculus then after that it was English four with an...

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The Road to Happiness: 4

? "How long do you think I have?" I asked the doctor in the white room. The only thing in the room was the medical bed I was sitting on and the posters on the wall for little children to read. "About 20 months. I'm sorry your insurances wont be able...

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The Road to Happieness: 7

December 18 Well I'm all packed up ready for our trip to Oklahoma, that's where they were giving my cancer treatments and hopefully with 8 weeks of treatment I should be cured. Finally I was packed up and able to zip up my suitcase, I came...

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my feeling i have right now

my feeling and emotions has changed alot doing the ast three months, with the lost of a father, my life lead to cutting and suffering for the most improtant father of my life i loved the most, the mate that cured me and love with all my heart, has...

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The Road to Happiness: 5

After breakfast I helped clean the dishes and what not. Khile was whistling the whole time and was pretty good at it too. Once the dishes were clean and everything was put away I sat down while Khile went to his room to do his morning routine. I just...

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The Road to Happieness: 6

Kansas City airport Longest flight ever!!! Khile and I spent 4 hours in a plane sitting there doing nothing . Luckily Khile brought his Ipad and we played some solitare and then listened to music, turns out Khile was a big fan of rap music just like...

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The Start of Something New: 7

Khile ? The whistle blew loud signaling the third quarter ending. It was our home coming game and almost the whole high school was here it seemed. My team and I ran off the field and the varsity gathered around while the seniors grabbed their parents...

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