Servant of Darkness - Ch. 10: Escaping the Meadows

Jinn looked upwards and could see the faint red orb from Dougal's flare as it ascended into the sky before disappearing. He came to a halt, his paw pads fighting for purchase on the wet, slick ground. It had been the retreat signal, but it also meant...

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Servant of Darkness - Ch. 8: Dougal

The Rusty Nail was a quiet bar tucked in a corner of the Burrows. Drunks and shady looking individuals were found meandering around the bar and an unmarked building beside it. Dougal figured it was a gamblers' den of some sort. He'd thought about...

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The Freehorn's Scars - Chapter 8

After the visit with Doren and Cale, Kirtok's work returned to normal as the weeks began to crawl by. Weeks eventually became months, and soon Kirtok was beginning to wonder if his replacement was ever going to show up. Even after reminders that she...

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The Freehorn's Scars - Chapter 6

After putting his belongings in his room, Kirtok headed back downstairs. He had ditched his guild vest in his room, feeling that it wasn't necessary to broadcast his affiliation to the Ebonwolves now that he was getting settled in Mullead. Mercenaries...

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The Freehorn's Scars - Chapter 9

With heavy footsteps, Kirtok moved toward the rotted pile of wood that had at one point been his childhood home. He moved unsteadily on shaking legs, as though intoxicated. His hands hung at his sides, his fists clenching and relaxing repeatedly as he...

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Servant of Darkness - Ch. 11: Prelude to Darkness

The bar was quiet, save for the sparse few patrons that sat scattered around the room like the first few fallen leaves in autumn. Freya was in her usual spot at the counter, nursing a drink and making small talk with the few people who walked by...

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Servant of Darkness - Ch. 9: The Roygan Mansion

"So, tell me again why we're doing this after all we've been through the last few days?" Jinn asked in a harsh whisper as he and the other three members of the guild clung to the shadows between two buildings. Petrus looked worriedly at Albert....

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Legion of Sytarel - Chapter 11 - A Child's Tears

_1 __st__ day of Nova_ _128 I.E._ Fires burned and crackled around Dane as the flames consumed the forest. Embers danced with the wind, whipping around him like forest sprites. He growled and got up, removing his sword from the corpse of the orc...

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Legion of Sytarel - Ch. 10: The Cost of Revenge

_30 __th__ Day of Xenar_ _128 I.E._ "This is a bigger camp than I thought it would be," Aiden whispered to Dane as they looked at the mixture of stone and wooden homes that dotted the horizon. "They look like they've been established here for a...

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Legion of Sytarel - Ch. 9: Northpine

_29 __th__ day of Xenar_ _128 I.E._ As dawn broke, Digran's Dreadnaughts packed up their camp outside of Tran and set out for the north. They had to cross through the forest that separated the Northpine logging camp and Tran, and considering the...

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Legion of Sytarel - Ch. 8: Fyrin the Expelled

_29th__Day of Xenar_ _128 I.E._ The majority of the Peacekeeper's Temple was made up of training grounds outside in the cloister, while the interior was taken up by living and eating quarters. There was a fairly large wing devoted to providing...

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Legion of Sytarel - Ch. 7: A Return Home

**Chapter 7 - A Return Home** _28th Day of Xenar_ _128th I.E._ After procuring the supplies they needed for their journey from Northern HQ, Dane and his soldiers set out for Tran. As the village came into view, he could tell that Tran was smaller...

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