048 - The Fool pt.08
The way the smoke from the exhale reaches it's tendrils in every direction, before reaching the open window has always felt calming. It almost makes up for draft it lets in or steep step that seems to shrink i size with every passing day. Is there...
047 - The Fool pt.07
_ **CW: Body Horror** _ Because cognitive thought and logic is for losers and chumps, Chloe finds herself outside the house once again for a ciggy break. At least this time the weather was pleasant, a little humid heat even, so there was no risk of...
046 - The Fool pt.06
At the back of the living room of the houseshare lies an inconspicuous door, sitting in the corner of two settees as if it wasn't ment to be occupied by any living persons. Well never underestimate someone as morally bankrupt as a landlord to Make...
045 - The Fool pt.05
As Ell came back with Butters 2nd milkshake of the night, she plopped herself down the now cleared up mattress to hear the rest of Butters story. In the time Ell had been downstairs Butters took the time to at the very least clean up their...
044 - The Fool pt.04
Chloe stretches out their back, while also tending to their triceps as they approach the living room. She notices that the entire room has been cleared out, meaning Lousid and his partners must've headed back to his room in the basement. Mercifully a...
043 - The Fool pt.03
After a good nap throughout the afternoon, Chloe was coming up to the tail end of their illness. But it comes at that cost of you rested so much during the day, you end up a little restless in the evening. A brief respite before sleep demands...
042 - The Fool pt.02
_ **CW: Self Harm Depiction** _ ?Wakey wakey mux-y bakey! Is it okay to come iiinnn~? Ell could hear signs of life in the room, but there was no answer regardless. Ooohh maybe they were still mad? Ell decides to enter the room anyways knowing full...
041 - The Fool pt.01
-VALENTINES DAY 2017 (TECHNICALLY THE DAY AFTER)- -NOTTINGHAM- -01:17- Ell slams her back to the door as she lifts her leg waaay past the 90 degree mark, as she dramatically plummets it back to the earth. Aaaahhhh. Walking. It's not great! Less...
040 - Proxime Pt.08
Ideas' walks back to the park bench where the others were waiting for her. She carried back two carrier bags full of small boxes filled with southern fried chicken pieces and chips. -Sorry everyone, the only place that was still open at this time of...
039 - Proxime Pt.07
They left the Huntsman mouthing something to himself, as he sat slouched against the wall staring into the nothing that he now resides. Ideas' managed to push through the scuffle with Butters, Sawyer and Tyard riding on their back (Butters and Tyard...
038 - Proxime Pt.06
_ **CW: Fascist Rhetoric Depiction** _ Ben was kicking back his pints like he usually does at the HHA meetings, he felt a sense of dulling of his senses in the sports club bar that he doesn't feel anywhere else, even to his family he is a germ waiting...
037 - Proxime Pt.05
In the chaos of swings being thrown and bodies being lobbed across the table, Butters tried their best to keep their grip on Tyard as not to get separated. The act of exiting this rumble was surprisingly difficult, perhaps only 2 or 3 seconds had...