A Welcome Guest

The ancient attic smelled of dust, mold, books and rat shit. Cindy waved her arms around to clear old spider webs as Jessica followed behind her. "This is the dumbest thing ever," Jessica whined. "Think of the adventure!" Cindy said...

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A Wolf In Comfy Clothing

He stared at himself. Swallowing while picking at the hem of his dress. His cheeks were bright red and he blushed more deeply while hiding his arms behind his back after noticing the dark hairs covering them. Sighing, bringing his arms around...

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Beast of Burden Ch. 02

Dreams flowed through Emine's mind as she wavered between wakefulness and sleep. She felt disconnected from her body, frustrated with her inability to influence the images shuffling through her mind. Her awareness was smothered by the...

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Primal Fantasies: Wolf

The faint sound of cardboard hitting concrete was easy to miss but Joseph bounced from his couch as soon as he heard it. The mailman never knocked or rang the bell, even when the package required a signature. So, he'd grown used to...

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Night Moves

Blackout curtains kept the room in utter darkness while dampening the sound of passing cars splashing through the rain. Gina found herself suddenly awake. She lay for a moment, staring at the ceiling before closing her eyes and nuzzling back...

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Riding The Bull

Amelia glanced up and then groaned, pinching her the bridge of her nose as Kinsley and Naomi stopped by the wall of her cubicle. "You're coming, right?" Kinsley asked. She was dressed in clothes that clearly broke even the relaxed 'casual...

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It's getting dark. Nearly time but I try to let it last as long as possible before I hide myself away. With my mom gone, I have the whole house to myself. And the, what'd the guy say that sold it? The partially finished basement down below where I plan...

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Feline Therapy Ch. 01 [story / cheetah]

A faulty street light pinged in the darkness above as Ariel pounded down the wide sidewalk. The array of lights lining the nearly empty street cast an angry orange glow in the faint tendrils of smoke from a distant wildfire. She slowed, huffing loudly...

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Disobedient [story / cow girl]

I stand there and take it. God. My step-dad is such a fucking asshole. "What the hell were you thinking?" he asks. His face is red and he's got this big v-shaped vein popping out on his forehead. "Just because your mom is gone for the week, you...

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Office Party [story / dog / multiple]

I'm three pages deep on Amazon and I still don't know what to get for the party. I can't wear one of the typical 'slutty girl' costumes and not just because it's my first work party as an actual, functioning working adult. It's just not my style. I'll...

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The sky mourned with the village. Beneath the gray, flat clouds the sky was the color of curdled milk. Rain fell in drizzling slanted waves as lightning flashed soundlessly far into the distance. Mary walked with her younger sister, a bucket in...

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Layers Fan Fiction [MtF Costume Change]

The summer sun burned high overhead - the Eye of Sauron trapped between the edges of the world. Craig groaned, wiped sweat from his brow and flung it away before shading his eyes to stare at the baleful orb. Sweat lined his back from where...

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