Pokemon - To Catch Them All - Exploring Mauville City

I headed North and entered Mauville City and was surprised at how large the city was and how many people were out and about working and shopping too. I knew there was a gym here in Mauville and the leader was Wattson and he specialised in Electric Type...

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Pokemon - To Catch Them All - Contest Debut

After some thinking, I knew I was going to enter the Pokemon Contest, but choosing a Pokemon had been surprisingly difficult. I had consulted everyone of my Pokemon that I had caught in Hoenn and most seemed divided on whether they wanted to...

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Pokemon - To Catch Them All - Dewford Gym

I finished up in Granite Cave and headed back south to Dewford Town and headed to the Pokemon Centre to have my Pokemon fully healed and battled ready. While that was happening I did some research on the gym leader Brawly, I knew he specialised in...

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Pokemon - To Catch Them All - Granite Cave

After defeating Roxanne and claiming my first badge from Hoenn, the Stone Badge. I knew my next battle would be in Dewford but to get there, I needed to go south back through Petalburg Woods and hitch a ride on a ferry across to Dewford Town. After...

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Pokemon - To Catch Them All - Rustboro City

Now that I had left Petalburg Woods I continued exploring north of Route 104 and wasn't surprised when my Rotom Phone informed me that all the Pokemon that could be caught here had already been caught south of here. At that I explored and was surprised...

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Pokemon - To Catch Them All - Route 120

After leaving the Weather Institute and making doubly sure that Team Rocket wasn't waiting for me to leave before they returned. I continued on to Fortree City by first crossing a bridge that overlooked a small unassuming pond. However, according to...

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Pokemon - To Catch Them All - Petalburg City

Upon reaching Petalburg City I had my Pokemon healed up and brought some Pokeballs for the future but it the time I had I had been learning about my Pokemon's personalities and their likes and dislikes too. First was Mudkip and currently he was a very...

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Pokemon - To Catch Them All - Route 12, 13 and 14

I left the Celadon Gym, my new Rainbow Badge in hand and returned to the Pokemon centre to heal my Venusaur, Golbat and Charmeleon all who had battled hard winning me my badge. Once I got to the centre I handed my team to Nurse Joy and she began...

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Pokemon - To Catch Them All - Lavender Town and Celadon City Gym

After exiting the Rock Tunnel to the south I returned to Route 10, however, the southern part of the route seemed to contain the same majority of Pokemon that were on the northern part. Still there were trainers who wanted to challenge me to battles...

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Pokemon - To Catch Them All - Rock Tunnel

Heading through Route 9 was more difficult than I had anticipated, ledges separated areas making people who wanted to explore the entirety of the route and find all the secrets, they'd need to traverse the route multiple times. Not that I was bothered...

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Pokemon - To Catch Them All - Vermilion Gym

After resting at the Pokemon centre for the night, I had planned on waking up early and doing some training with Geodude and Onix, two off the Pokemon I planned on battling against the gym leader. But, knowing my attitude with the mornings I decided a...

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Pokemon - To Catch Them All - On The Way To Vermilion City

Since I'd now beaten the second gym, I decided to update my mum on how my journey was going, no doubt she would want to know whether I was taking care of myself. She answered the phone almost immediately, "Leo, it's good to hear you, how is your...

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