Galactic Conflict - Chapter Twenty-Six

White fur danced slowly with the soft currents of warm water. Embodying this movement was the fox's tail that swayed slowly back and forth. Staring up at the surface, Yukiomaru could see the light being broken by the water. Sunlight danced with the...

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Tropical Revised - Chapter Ten

"Are you two all packed?" questioned the wolf, Nate sneaking up behind the otters in the crowded hallway. The final bell for the school day had just wrung, and with no school following next week because of Chymerage, the students were more than excited...

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Tropical Revised - Chapter Nine

School continued normally for the next couple weeks, and as time passed, the newly formed couple grew more comfortable with their relationship while around their friends. Several times after a long day at school, the otters and their friends would find...

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Tropical Revised - Chapter Eight

Soft chirping noises breached Rye's bedroom, carried upon the back of a chilled breeze, which rustled Rye out of his slumber and away from a very pleasant dream. Uncertain of which memories were a dream or real, Rye was slow to open his eyes and awake....

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Tropical Revised - Chapter Seven

The otters weren't alone on the kilometer-long track; dozens of other students were stretched across the track, including their friends. When they started, they were all together but since the others have pulled far ahead of the two otters, who were...

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Tropical Revised - Chapter Six

Two exhausted otters stumbled through Rye's welcoming door. Hours had passed since their departure from the Lagoon, and every second of those many long hours were filled with playing games, sports and video games with their friends, dancing and even...

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Cosmic Stars - Chapter Nineteen

The breeze brought only the sense of dry death with it, even more so than the winds that blew across the deserts on Velmaria. The city was nothing but a ruin, eroded to the point of a dull grey that accompanied the unnatural yellow tint of the...

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Cosmic Stars - Chapter Twenty

"Do you expect the rocks to be infested?" asked Jun, staring at his PawPad. He stood in a corner of the medical room of _Drach'n Fury_, accompanied by only two others. "We've initially found the alien on an inhospitable comet," Yukiomaru replied....

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Cosmic Stars - Chapter Eighteen

Flash after flash reflected from within the terminal of Fellorian's major port. Tapping the trigger repeatedly, Tiriaq growled while gunning down a heavily infected ferret. The creature finally stopped moving after it had several dozen bullet wounds in...

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Cosmic Stars - Chapter Sixteen

Silence filled the halls of _Drach'n Fury_, especially near the bridge and the Admiral's quarters. Under the watchful eye of Fury, it seemed that no sound could lift from the floor because of the freezing temperature. Stepping lightly through the...

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Cosmic Stars - Chapter Fifteen

_Eliminate Yukiomaru Alexander. That is my mission._ _I was chosen because I'm the only one who can succeed!_ Mist swirled around the fox, slowly falling toward the ground and spreading like an aggressive fog. It spread over their boots and covered...

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Cosmic Stars - Chapter Fouteen

Gliding among the stars were half a dozen capital ships, led by the largest ship that roughly resembled a raptor. The carrier was now the strongest ship the survivors had and it was spearheading the assault on Velmaria. _Drach'n Breath_ was severely...

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