Summer Camp
impmon's orgasm came. veemon got off and let impmon sat up. veemon smiled, "my turn." impmon turned around hooking against veemon's chest. veemon held his penis and guided it into impmon's asshole. impmon pressed against the bed.
Playing Doctor
Agumon grabbed his shaft and now worked on it while he rode off of impmon. impmon was getting twice the pleasure. impmon felt it build to quickly. impmon moaned, "ahhhhhhhh!"
The Prison
Veemon shuffled against the edge coming up behind impmon. impmon lifted his short purple tail and veemon penetrated impmon. blackveemon lay down coming on moving his legs on his side of impmon.
Devin and his Digimon part2
You could choose one of us.'' said impmon after a moment of silence. '' good. let's see....'' said devin looking at impmon and agumon with a thinking gaze.
Devin and his Digimon part1
Next day, devin woke up at 8:00, seeing that agumon and impmon were hugging him close but they were sleeping. he didn't expect a hug from impmon, but he was delighted that impmon did that thing. after 10 minutes, devin has awakened agumon and impmon.
A new hero is needed
impmon climbed up and finally removed the blindfold. veemon's eyes quickly caught to the very curious impmon. impmon's eyes gazed into veemon's eyes.
5 Seasons of Love
As soon as impmon moved the dildo against her she released an early orgasm and that was when impmon looked down as his own rock hard penis. impmon only rubbed it a bit longer as she purred out even more and that was when impmon couldn't hold it anymore.
immortal 2
Gatomon embraced impmon with a hug. impmon wept as the warm feeling overwhelmed him. it was the first time he truly felt happy. when gatomon drew back they stared into each other's eyes. gatomon leaned in and kiss impmon. impmon grew back.
Imppot (Extreme filth and drug usage inside)
impmon appears to have stumbled across something strange on his search for something interesting, wonder if this will satisfy his needs~ this story is heavily inspired by marchingball's impmon corruption images made with my own little twist to it~ impmon/digimon
Prom Night
Veemon licked impmon shaft with passion and lust waiting for impmon to signal him further. impmon moans quickly got out and veemon went at his shaft. getting impmon's penis in inch by inch letting his lips presses against his soft skin.
The Real Reemon
We've already taken over and i suppose i have impmon to thank for that." impmon asked, "you know this clown?" gatomon said, "we trained as assassins together." gatomon climbed on the fence and impmon hoped up.
WereGarurumon's Stomach Virus
Don't look all that sick to me." scoffed impmon. weregarurumon sniffled twice before sneezing loudly all over impmon, blasting a huge trail of snot onto his body. "...that's disgusting..."