Not So Retired Any More XXXIII

#33 of not so retired any more chapter xxxiii - debrief the vixen struggled to maintain her cool. the key to her ability to survive this would be preventing the goza people from figuring out who she was.

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Not So Retired Any More XXXII

#32 of not so retired any more chapter xxxii - chase the snarling engine was nothing next to the growling breaths arlen was taking as he gripped the crash handle with one paw and kept his pistol below the window with the other, waiting for an opportunity

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Not So Retired Any More XXXI

#31 of not so retired any more chapter xxxi - sao paolo redux in a dirty motor hotel somewhere in rural france, simon gecko laughed into the phone. "he actually used his slush account?

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Not So Retired Any More XXX

#30 of not so retired any more chapter xxx - time and changes _i could get used to this._ arlen held sato's hips still so he could thrust up into the wolf in his lap, bottoming out in him as his boyfriend gasped and the cat kneeling

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Not So Retired Any More XXIX

#29 of not so retired any more chapter xxix - downtime two days later, the three were sitting on sato's patio in carmel, looking down his grassy, hilly yard towards the ocean a few miles off.

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Not So Retired Any More XXVIII

#28 of not so retired any more chapter xxviii - debrief, reunion sato goza had gotten the call and immediately made arrangements to fly, despite the discomfort he knew would be the price more so than the money.

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Not So Retired Any More XXVII

#27 of not so retired any more chapter xxvii - loose ends sato sat awake in the early hours before dawn, his bad leg propped up on the ottoman, his eyes glued to the wide-screen television set arlen had bought for football and race day viewing.


Not So Retired Any More XXVI

#26 of not so retired any more not sure how good my action writing was here. does it keep a good sense of pace and suspense? comments welcome :) criticism is also totally okay.

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Not So Retired Any More XXV

#25 of not so retired any more warning - warning - warning war is an ugly, awful thing. this chapter involves its effects on people, including children, with all that entails.

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Not So Retired Any More XXIV

#24 of not so retired any more chapter xxiv - fire dance it was the deathly silence she gave him that worried tristan the most.

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Not So Retired Any More XXIII

#23 of not so retired any more warning - this chapter contains (mostly/awkwardly) consensual sex between a minor and an adult...something i do not condone, but is part of the story.

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Not So Retired Any More XXII

#22 of not so retired any more chapter xxii - iron rain the rangefinders read 960 meters, which buck told him in a whisper so quiet the tiger could barely hear it - even with the sound amplifiers in their lashes - over the sounds of bombardment going

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