Wherever I go

Wherever i lay_ stuffed animal no comfort pillow recalls a cold hug different darkness hidden within the night oh how life once felt so smug _wherever i try_ soul now crushed asunder under the weight of thoughts from yore

What Lies Beyond the Walls, Book II: Chapter 13

yore wrong, grus." the watervole looked at the shrew as he bit into his plum again and kept chewing. "yeah, yeah, i get wot yer sayin'.

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A Dragon's Song

When the dragon finally awoke, the castle fell in ash and smoke, when all that was left was ruin, where the curse finally broke, where wizards of old made mighty spells, this rang the ancient bells, that now echoed through the village of yore

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Lost Silhouettes

Before knowing only the dread of being forgotten and the fear of losing what had made them something more than just a pygmy in the eyes of the world but now they may know that which they had not before a life of countless joys, hearkening an age of yore


Guro Challenge #25: Organs

Here i am slavin' me paws to the bone over those damn pots, an' yore lazin' about! wot're you even doin'?"

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What Lies Beyond the Walls, Book I: Chapter 12

"yore jus' gonna shit yoreself right there?! you ain't even gonna try an' go on the ground?!" asked islik. "pfft!

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Misplaced Muse

Renew our curiosity in all things bizarre, bring us back to the days of hither and yore. let us look to the future, see what's in store for our fledgling race, let us strike out far.


Guro Challenge #3: Vore/Cannibalism

"yore fault fer droppin' me!" "i could just hold onto your scruff, why do you need to actually sit in my mouth?" "'tis fun! like bein' in a crow's nest on board ship." "just as wet as being on board ship too, i'd think."

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The Bellmaker: Behind the Bushes, Part 2

"yore me new mate now," said finnbarr. "and not in the nautical sense." the others watched as finnbarr gently eased his erect member into the tiny ottermaid figgs.

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Chapter 3: Prince Torrin

Alspur smiled wolfishly, "none o' yore business." torrin eyed him for a moment, then shrugged, "what did you find out about him?" alspur leaned back, looking bored.

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What Lies Beyond the Walls, Book I: Chapter 16

Was tryin' t'hit yore eyes!" benrath frowned when he saw the shrew wearing the red headband laughing. he walked up towards benrath, carrying another pinecone in his right paw as his posse backed him up.

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What Lies Beyond the Walls, Book II: Chapter 10

You...d'you remember wot happened to yore friend, guslin?" "he was _not_ my friend. and yes. why?" "you bit out his eye, son," said angus' father. "you pounced on him and blinded him with yore teeth." angus scoffed. "so wot?

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