Born to Serve - 01

A long, slow, moan of pleasure hissed from the lips of satisfaction. The sound told skilled hands where to press and kneed. Hardened knots of tension were found, loosened, and then smoothed into a state of restful bliss. Frankincense and coconut oil...

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Born to Serve - 02

Morning began with something cold. Maya did not know what it was that was chilling her but she felt it was not something she could sleep through. The blanket of sleep had fallen heavily over her and it took effort to shake free, but once the world...

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Born to Serve - 03

Soft shoes made very little sound as Maya pressed onward along the docks. Though she paused to read the names of the ships, her neck kept turning involuntary behind her. A sick panic gnawed at her stomach as she came up empty again and again. If the...

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Unintended Intruder - 12

A grueling countdown began at the beginning of the day and caused the clock to drag by as if the whole world were broken. Terry did his morning workout routine, but kept it light, with extra stretching exercises. His meals consisted of extra...

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Seeds of a Glowing Ember – 10

A garbled grey mess of on and off drizzle had been endured for much of the past day and a half from one saddle or another. The skin of his inner legs and rear had been hardened from years of hard leather enacting their toll, but ever since setting out...

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Seeds of a Glowing Ember - 12

There had been very little pain when the blade was thrust through his abdomen, but the soldier knew a fatal blow when he was exposed to it. For years he had witnessed men die from injuries such as this ... and now, he too would go the way of so many...

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Seeds of a Glowing Ember - 11

Below the life baring surface of the world dwelt an ancient tomb encased in unholy stone. Within labored a determined pair who drew symbols upon the floor with livestock blood. When the night was finally upon them, they rested for a time, and then they...

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Seeds of a Glowing Ember - 09

The fire crackled in its merry way as if the children were all in their beds. Though the old man knew it was all a lie, he let himself believe and remembered a time when young lovers frolicked through these halls and met in secret places to conduct...

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Seeds of a Glowing Ember - 08

When William opened his eyes, he started upright and realized he was not anywhere he recognized. It took him a moment to remember that he was asleep in the guest room Father Harold had been assigned, but when he turned there was nothing but air. As he...

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Seeds of a Glowing Ember – 07

Once more the light of the sun was upon them, and though it was covered in gray clouds, Lana knew she needed to stay in her room. The tumbling of her mind caused her to tousle back and forth in her bed. _What is Mother scheming? _ The question repeated...

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Seeds of a Glowing Ember – 06

Distant sunlight finally began to illuminate the cold gray cloud which had settled above their world. The fanatical rhythm of the stallion between his legs concerned him as he could not seem to slow the animal's vigor. Though this particular beast was...

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Seeds of a Glowing Ember - 05

"Mother?" Lana had finally found the strength to call out the title from the shadows where she had been gathering her courage. There was an empty pause as she waited, and then the Countess curled a length of silk across the page she had been...

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