Identity: Chapter Fourteen

CHAPTER FOURTEEN NED Ned told Lennox about the lawyer's concerns as they were preparing to enter the conference room. Another full-division meeting had been called for, and Captain Williston himself would be attending, yet another sign that the...

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Identity: Chapter Thirteen

CHAPTER THIRTEEN NED "Claudia Wittmore?" Garrett repeated, shocked. "That's...huge, Ned." "I know" Ned said simply, thinking. He'd never seen much of Wittmore's show; he tended to watch mostly movies, and rarely, the news; not talk shows. But...

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Identity: Chapter Twelve

CHAPTER TWELVE NED They chatted for perhaps a half-hour more before saying goodnight. Ned had ridden to the restaurant with Scarlett and Nolan, but when Garrett offered to give him a ride, he gladly accepted the coyote's offer. The date had had its...

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Identity: Chapter Eleven

CHAPTER ELEVEN NED Lugosi's, Nolan and Scarlett's favourite Italian restaurant, was a waterfront establishment located not far from San Fernando's port, and not surprisingly, the menu featured a number of dishes that involved seafood with some...

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Identity: Chapter Ten

CHAPTER TEN CLAUDIA It was foggy again. Damn this fog, Claudia Wittmore thought, as she backed the Chevrolet SUV out of the carport. One week of vacation and two out of three days, all they got was murky grey clouds of it, blocking out the view...

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Identity: Chapter Nine

CHAPTER NINE NED The next morning Lennox called a conference in the press room, where Ned and Scarlett had already been busy putting up photos and notes from the Fincher and Sota crime scenes along with arrows and scribbling on the whiteboard...

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Identity: Chapter Eighteen

CHAPTER EIGHTTEEN MIKEY Joey wanted to go out that night, so Mikey had relented into going to dinner at a steakhouse called the Bunkhouse, which according to one of Joey's friends at the hospital, served decent prime rib. The place was crazy busy,...

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Identity: Chapter Seventeen

CHAPTER SEVENTEEN NED The files concerning San Fernando's recent rise in organised crime were as unorganised as they were extensive. Apparently, whoever had originally compiled all of this information and evidence had had a system of...

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Identity: Chapter Sixteen

CHAPTER SIXTEEN NED "Please tell me this didn't actually happen" Lennox said. Ned wanted to look away, to look at anything other than the lieutenant's expression of disappointment, whether that be out the window, where it was foggy yet again,...

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Identity: Chapter Eight

CHAPTER EIGHT MIKEY Mikey listened to the television long enough for the announcer to switch to a different topic before he turned to Joey. "Well, that was depressing." The black and white Border Collie nodded soberly. "The man's crazier than a...

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Identity: Chapter Seven

CHAPTER SEVEN NED After work, the members of the San Fernando Metro Police Department, Homicide Division, were in the habit of frequenting a bar called Salty Sebastian's, a place that catered mainly to canids, although the owner, Salty Sebastian,...

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Identity: Chapter Six

CHAPTER SIX NED Hugo Sota had been gay. That had to mean something, Ned thought, as he and Scarlett did a final comb of the beach for other evidence. No, he hadn't had a boyfriend, the otters had said, but he _was_ gay; he had said so on several...

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