Runt-Chapter 2

Runt Chapter 2 2 years passed since Andrew entered the human world, his older brothers got older and graduated, returning to the world of the pack to continue...

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The Howl in the Night-Chapter 4

The Howl in the Night Chapter 4 Jacob sat on his bed and waited, his pajama pants and a t-shirt in his arms as he wait for David to finish his shower. Jacob's eyes trained on the TV playing some movie when he hears the door open up signaling that...

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The Howl in the Night-Chapter 3 Version 2.0

The Howl in the Night Chapter 3 "Watch out!" called out Jacob as he collided with Amy from behind. The two tumbled down the incline plane of snow. As they came to a stop the two teens groaned and looked at each other before breaking out in a fit of...

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The Howl in the Night-Chapter 3

The Howl in the Night Chapter 3 "Watch out!" called out Jacob as he collided with Amy from behind. The two tumbled down the incline plane of snow. As they came to a stop the two teens groaned and looked at each other before breaking out in a fit of...

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The Howl in the Night-Chapter 2

The Howl in the Night Chapter 2 "Did you remember to bring extra clothes?" asked Hank as the car pulled up to the school. Jacob nodded while rolling his eyes, "Yes, I did mom, now quite worrying, I'll be fine," he smiled toward his older...

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The Howl in the Night-Chapter 1

The Howl in the Night Chapter One The howl pierced threw the night air making the unfortunate hunter's heart to stop. He rapidly looks around for the source of the howl as silence fell. The sound of rustling bushes makes him to spin around and trip...

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Pre-Last Stand: Fall of Heroes

Started this as a rp thread, because of lack of interest it didn't survive past week 3...shame, some of the characters were created by users of this site. If you'd like to add a character, pm me the stats by using this link's guide:...
