Roen's Tale, Chapter 10

A distant 'crack' gets our attention, and we turn and look north. "Was that a whip?" Sarn asks. I look back at him, "Sounded like it." Amsel stands on his saddle, trying to see through the distant trees to the north. "Who'd be out here with a...

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Roen's Tale, Chapter 9

Waking with first light, I crawl out of the tent and shake, letting sleep fall from me like dust from my fur. I've never been one to sleep in, especially while on a job. After dropping a handful of tinder on the coals from last nights fire, I...

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Roen's Tale, Chapter 8

"I should have stayed with her." "Rami, will you _please_stop, it's been two weeks. Amsel and I both have mates we've left behind, too." "I know, it's just...I've never..." "...been in love before?" I finish for him. "Exactly." He sighs heavily,...

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The Merrin, part 29

With another drop in outside temperature, they've decided they can't wait any longer. As Avy cleans the bed again, Key heads outside to check the wind generators. It's too cold for him to walk to the com shelter, so he can't check on that anymore. Not...

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Roen's Tale, Chapter 7

Pridewyn, the village of cats. Despite the few exceptions, relations between Pridewyn and Arroketh have never really been good. For some reason, canines and felines just don't get along that well. As we stand at the top of a hill overlooking the...

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Roen's Tale, Chapter 6

The trip to Burrowfield is relatively quiet, at least at first. After I told the others what I learned from both Vit and Saell, all three became a bit distant. I could tell that both Amsel and Rami were considering the necessity of the trip. Sarn,...

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Roen's Tale, Chapter 5

As we pack our supplies on our jata, Sarn and I suddenly smell something foul. We both stop our work and turn to see Rami walking up to his jata. From his blood shot eyes and the smell, Sarn quickly makes a conclusion. "What did you get sprayed...

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Roen's Tale, Chapter 4 1/2: An Evening With Niva

Finding myself back at the café for supper, I wonder what I'm really here for, the food, or the company. Niva moves gracefully from table to table, dropping off meals, picking up dishes, and refilling drinks. After she drops of my meal she disappears...

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Roen's Tale, Chapter 4

While packing our things, Rami asks, "Where we going now?" I climb up onto my jata's saddle before answering. "Dendros." "Which way?" Amsel and I both answer, "Garrent." "Why Garrent?" Sarn growls. I look at Amsel, seeing if he's going to answer...

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Roen's Tale, Chapter 3

Nearly half a day out from Arindell, on the southwest road to Dendros, I feel like doing some reading so I reach into my pack. Not finding it, I shout, "Where's the book?" "You had it last night," Rami states. "I know I had it last night, I put it in...

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Roen's Tale, Chapter 2

Progress is slow, Rami and Amsel spend most of their time relaxing on theirs jata. Sarn, however, often heads off to hunt, leaving his jata to walk in tow behind another. I make better use of my time by rereading many of the scrolls, or collecting...

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Roen's Tale, Chapter 1

Having sold the hickory and lacrylic to the smiths who needed them, and the berries to the artisans, I find myself with a fair amount of coin. Feeling in the mood to splurge, I give Railu some coin and a nuzzle, "Find yourself something nice, love....

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