Pokemon - To Catch Them All - Heading to Hoenn

I awoke early the next morning and headed downstairs and got some breakfast before making sure that I got enough food for all my Pokemon. I handed out their breakfast and they all thanked me for the food. At that my mother descended downstairs and...

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Pokemon - To Catch Them All - Return to Kanto

I had finally managed to capture almost every Johto Pokemon, the only exceptions were the legendaries, a few baby Pokemon and Porygon2 but with time I would eventually manage to capture them in the future. But for now I had done what I needed to. At...

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Pokemon - To Catch Them All - Dragons Den

After my Pokemon were fully healed I headed on over to the gym once again but instead of entering I headed over to the lake and called out a Water Pokemon. "Lanturn come out!" Lanturn appeared swimming in the lake before I asked whether Lanturn could...

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Pokemon - To Catch Them All - Ice Path and Blackthorn City

Upon entering the Ice Path I brought out my Typhlosion since he was my only Fire Type Pokemon and he could keep me warm. "Typhlosion would you be able to travel with me outside your Pokeball. It's just it's quite cold and having you near will keep me...

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Pokemon - To Catch Them All - Mahogany Gym and Team Rocket Takeover

I checked my current Johto Pokemon in order to figure out which ones would be best suited for battling Ice Types. I knew that Pryce used Dewgong and his ace a Piloswine. As such the Pokemon I had that had a type advantage against Ice Pokemon were my...

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Pokemon - To Catch Them All - Lake Of Rage and Team Rocket

On the way back to Mahogany Town I decided to get some training done with the newest team members and they were quickly showing me just how powerful they actually were. First was Girafarig and he was a powerful Psychic Type and I had been needing...

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Pokemon - To Catch Them All - Olivine Gym and Safari Zone

I entered the gym fully prepared the best I could to deal with some defensive Steel Types. I had with me Heracross who would handle Magnemite and Quagsire who I was relying on to overwhelm Steelix before it could do anything. I walked onwards and...

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Pokemon - To Catch Them All - Cianwood City

I continued heading south down Route 41 and bypassed a whirlpool carefully before being challenged my a swimmer who sent out a Goldeen and I sent out one of my newer catches, being Chinchou and had him use Spark defeating Goldeen. The second Pokemon...

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Pokemon - To Catch Them All - Ecruteak City and Olivine Lighthouse

I headed back north up to Ecruteak City and healed up each and every one of my Pokemon and while that was being done I had decided on what three Pokemon I would use in my gym battle against Morty and his Ghost Types. The first team member would be...

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Pokemon - To Catch Them All - Burned Tower

After spending such a wonderful, relaxing time in National Park. The Pokemon eventually demanded that I continue on so that they could get stronger for me and to protect me. I accepted and we headed East from the National Park and reached Route 36. I...

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Pokemon - To Catch Them All - Goldenrod City and National Park

After thoroughly emptying my bank account at the Goldenrod department store I was eager to begin battling trainers once again to try and earn some money back. Turns out there was such a place nearby and it wasn't the gym. I followed down a tunnel which...

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Pokemon - To Catch Them All - Ilex Forest

After tending to Togepi I headed West to Ilex Forest where I assumed there would be a multitude of Bug Pokemon that would be a good challenge for my Pokemon to battle. Upon entering I was suddenly surrounded by looming trees and greenery everywhere....

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