Little Club of Horrors (2/5)

The next morning Tana awoke coughing, holding his throat for a second before his body realized there was nothing there and allowed him to breathe normally. With the adrenaline of a potentially terrifying situation coursing through him the cobra...

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Sharing the Ultimate Experience (2/10)

Sslynthix, formerly Jason, took a few more days in order to get used to his new identity, though it was helped that it spread quickly among the hypnagas so that they knew what to call him immediately. He had also taken the time to set up his new...

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Seven Suits Enveloping

Deep in the vault of Sibergon Labs there was one section in particular that was marked 'defective product', a place where things that didn't quite work were sent in order to be tested on later. All manner of products were there, everything from...

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Sharing the Ultimate Experience (7/10)

As the rubber slowly began to encase their groins both the cheetah and the bull were able to watch what was happening to the other better than themselves.

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Non-Traditional Clothing (3/3)

Soon there would be six fully encased spandex cocoons just waiting to be reborn as his new lycra creatures.

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Pressures of A Double Life (2/4)

Unlike his supposed dream his member was completely encased in the rubber that was completely sealed against his skin.

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Pressures of A Double Life (1/4)

Milton sighed and looked at his watch as he waited for the bus, standing inside the small shelter as the rain came pouring down outside of it. The middle-aged man sighed as the bus that he had taken every day for work for the last few years was late...

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Safe Harbor (1/3)

It wasn't just his skin either that was being changed, reynard realized as he hung there while the vines continued to encase him.

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EFP - Zephyr

* * * Endless Fun Park is composed of dozens or hundreds of what could metaphorically be called 'biomes.' Each usually has a distinct theme and their sizes can range from a single, large chamber to mile-long tracts of the ring-shaped labyrinth. While...

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Renzyl's Worldswide Tour, Planet Nine: The Emerald Lagoon

When Vivid and Renzyl finally arrived at their next destination Vivid found himself standing on a sandy beach with sand between his toes and the sun on his face. They appeared to be on one side of a lagoon, with what appeared to be some sort of resort...

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Renzyl's Worldswide Tour - Planet Three: Cintar

The encased fox's thoughts were suddenly interrupted when the crystal finally touched the sensitive flesh of his rod and a single smooth piece of crystal began to form over it.

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Renzyl's Worldswide Tour - Arrival

The waistband of his pants slid down as the ooze completely engulfed the sensitive flesh, vivid biting his lip from the pleasure as he watched his encased cock flop out.

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