Safe Harbor (1/3)

Story by Serathin on SoFurry

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When a Nexus Storm blows a fox into the realm of a certain rubber dragon Renzyl is more than happy to help his impromptu guest take shelter from the storm. However the rubber realm proves to be a little too enticing for Reynard and he is drawn into the shiny paradise that have ensnared so many others.

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The Nexus Realm... a vastly interconnected dimension of both space and time harboring a multitude of planets, species, and everything therein. On the edges of this universe were the ten realms of nexus creatures who seek to rule over it, kingdoms of their own design where they and their minions call home. It was unusual for anyone to ever stumble upon such a place; most of the time those who get lost in the spaces between the planes of existence of the Nexus Realm end up in the Nexross, which was a sort of focus point for the universe and place where the lost end up being deposited. Everyone once in a while however a willful traveler, not lost but merely with no destination in mind, finds themselves drawn to one of these realms should their unknowing desire for it be strong enough...

That was exactly what happened as a cross fox suddenly found himself on the plateau of a rocky mountain, a scene not expected when making the extra-dimensional hop. The strong winds blew across the stone and he had to brace himself more than once to avoid being knocked over by it. Immediately he knew that this place was not like the others, the magic of the realm that surrounded him having a different feel to it then everywhere else he had experienced. At the moment though the main concern was where he was going to go next... while he normally made sure he was next to some sort of town when he jumped there appeared to be no such structures and when he attempted to reach out and jump to a different plane he found himself unable to make any sort of connections.

Just as he began to feel a small amount of panic the vulpine traveler saw movement in the air some distance away. Though he always had to be wary in new environments it looked to be some sort of dragon flying around and generally most were sentient and relatively friendly. Plus as he looked around he realized he had nowhere to hide anyway as he waved his hands in the air in order to try and flag down the larger creature. Whether the creature had already seen him or had noticed the movement the draconic being turned direction and slowly began to drift down towards him.

As the fox continued to wave however he felt his arms begin to grow stiff, making it hard to move them. When he brought them down to see what was wrong he gasped in slight surprise as the fur on his fingers looked as if it was melting, turning into a shiny black coloration as his fingers froze into place. As the rubbery substance began to crawl up underneath his sleeves he started to try and run towards the edge of the plateau but each step felt like he was trying to wade through quicksand and eventually he found himself rooted to the spot. By the time the draconic creature, who also appeared to be completely made out of rubber from tail tip to snout, had landed and padded his way towards him the fox was almost completely immobilized from the hardening rubber.

"Mmmm, another intruder..." the feral rubber dragon said as he began to circle the mostly frozen male. "Before you lose the ability to speak you mind giving me your name?"

"Name... Reynard..." The fox replied, though it was hard to get the words out since it appeared he no longer needed to breathe while the rubber covered his chest. "What's... happening..."

"When you came into this realm through the wall you passed through has a petrification ward on it," the dragon explained, using his wing to gesture towards the purple, red, and blue mist that was behind the fox. Reynard didn't even realize he had gone through such a fog but when he tried to look back at the dragon he realized his neck had also stiffened to the point where he couldn't move anymore. "Don't worry, you're not going to be this way for long, I have already summoned my master in order to deal with you."

The rubber dragon smirked at the fox as Reynard felt the features of his face freeze, the rubber finally coating the rest of him. Though he couldn't move the situation wasn't unpleasant in the slightest, in fact he felt rather relaxed in his rubberized state. While he couldn't see himself directly as the dragon continued to move around he caught a glimpse of his reflection and was shocked to see that other than his vulpine ears and muzzle his face was completely featureless like a rubber statue. He didn't have long to dwell on his situation however as a second dragon suddenly appeared next to the first one, though this one was humanoid he was also completely covered in smooth black rubber as his glowing red eyes seemed to stare right into Reynard's being.

"Looks like Chrono was right about the northern plane walls being a bit weaker than normal," the new creature stated as he walked over towards the misty veil. "Second intrusion in this area, I'll make sure someone comes out to refortify this part when they can." When the muscular male was finished with his assessment he suddenly turned back towards Reynard once more. "And who do we have here?"

"Calls himself Reynard, Master Renzyl," The feral rubber dragon replied. "Didn't sense anything malicious off of him and he didn't seem to know about the veil, so I'm guessing the Nexus Storm that's swirling around shunted him over to this area. What should we do with him?"

"You are correct in your assertation," the one called Renzyl said as he snapped his fingers, causing Reynard to suddenly regain control over his body. "Tell me, and be honest, did you seek this play intentionally or was there somewhere else that you needed to go?"

With all the attention on him once more Reynard suddenly felt a bit anxious, trying to hide the emotion with a sheepish grin as he scratched the back of his head. "Well, I'm not really trying to get anywhere in particular," Reynard stated simply. "I was stepping from a city I was visiting and trying to get to a place where I was told that a small cottage sat at the edge of lake on the top of a mountain. When there was no lake or cabin I assumed that I didn't arrive there."

"You would be correct," Renzyl said with a bemused grin on his face. "I do know of the spot you are talking about and it makes sense how you got redirected here instead of your destination. I'm not sure what your extent of knowledge is of the Nexus Realm but there is currently an interdimensional storm happening in this area; much like a ship gets blown off course in the ocean if they face something similar those with the ability to hop between places or times sometimes end up here if the pull is strong enough."

"The pull?" Reynard asked, tiling his head to the side in curiosity. "What's that?"

"Something that we can discuss later," Renzyl replied simply. "For the moment with the storm raging around his area I'm afraid that I can't get you to your destination, but I am happy to offer you safe harbor here in my realm for the time being. If you'll just come with me we can get you a place to set up for the next day or so and something to eat."

The sudden congeniality of the rubber dragon man was extremely disarming, the fox thought to himself as he looked down at the hand that was being offered to him. Reynard knew that he couldn't leave, the storm this creature mentioned likely blocking his ability to make a link to anywhere he knew, and this Renzyl seemed to be very nice. He found himself nodding and grabbed onto the rubber creature's hand, and suddenly the winds that had been whipping around him could no longer be felt. After a few blinks the cross fox realized he was standing in a bedroom with obsidian walls, Renzyl still standing next to him as he looked around at his new surroundings. The place reminded him of a somewhat fancy hotel, except with much more rubber involved as he went to the bed and sank his hands into the incredibly soft mattress.

"Lord Renzyl, you summoned me to-" another voice said, Reynard turning just in time to see a shiny silver rubber raptor step into the door and look at him with mirrored eyes before a frown formed on his saurian muzzle. "Oh no, not again. If you are going to keep making Nexus Beasts your brothers are going to be furious."

"Relax Chrono," Renzyl replied with a dismissive wave before gesturing for the fox to stand next to him. "This is Reynard, a weary traveler that is merely staying here until the storm passes. I have no intention of making another like our nanite dragon friend, at least not at the moment, and once stable connections can be made we'll be sending him to his little cabin paradise."

The raptor seemed to stare at the two in disbelief for a second before he just sighed and shrugged his shoulders. "Alright, should I get Fawkes to make something in particular?" the rubber raptor asked. "Or are you going to be taking care of him personally?"

"I can handle our guest," Renzyl stated. "You just need to tell the others that we have a visitor and to act accordingly. Meanwhile is there something in particular that you wish to have for a meal?"

Reynard didn't realize that the last question was asked to him and the fox thought for a few seconds before giving the first thing that came to his mind. It didn't take long until he found himself eating, the food not only delicious but also filling as he didn't realize how hungry he had been until then. While he ate Renzyl explained that as a guest he could wander around the grounds as he pleased barring certain areas and that all the minions that wandered the place were more than willing to help. He remembered the feral rubber dragon that he met on the mountain and asked if all the creatures in the realm were like that.

"Mostly," Renzyl explained as he leaned back in the chair. "There are a few surprises here and there but my realm is a rubber lover's paradise. In fact I would warn you not to get too excited around here, otherwise you might not get back to that cabin at all if you indulge your desires too much during your stay."

The statement nearly caused the beverage that Reynard was drinking to come out of his nose as the rubber dragon smirked at him. Though it was somewhat coy in nature it was clear that this creature knew about certain... interests he had, which was why he couldn't look too long as the glistening physique of Renzyl before looking away. How had he known that though, he wondered as he quickly got back to drinking normally. Perhaps that was the pull he was talking about, he thought as he felt a shiver run down his spine.

When Reynard was finished Renzyl stood up and informed him that he had tasks that needed his attention and to have fun frolicking about. "Oh, and if you're looking for my garden I would suggest going down the stairs and taking the double doors that are behind them," the rubber dragon said with a wink. "I think you'll find quite a bit of fun there that you might be interested. Just a suggestion though."

Once more Reynard felt his cheeks burn with embarrassment as the rubber dragon once more seemed to see straight through him, but when he turned to ask Renzyl how he knew so much about him he found nothing but air there. After a rubber lizardman came in and took his dishes for him the fox wandered over towards the window of his room that overlooked the courtyard below. As he watched the other latex creatures talking and playing around with one another it was sight that he didn't expect to see on his travels, though he found himself not minding the detour at all. Though he was a bit tired he decided to check out these gardens that Renzyl had mentioned, wondering just what could be out there that the rubber dragon thought would catch his interest.

As Reynard made his way down he almost immediately felt out of place for two reasons; the first was that all the creatures were rubber and usually reptilian in nature, and the second was that everyone he passed by was completely naked. It appeared they had control over what they showed though as he found himself glancing down multiple times to see smooth groins or bulges. He didn't do it too much as more than once he brought his eyes back up only to find the other male leering at him. Just like Renzyl himself though all the creatures he met as he walked through the rather large manor he had been teleported too were nice and either greeted him with a smile or stopped to chat with him a bit.

After a somewhat confusing conversation with a two-headed naga Reynard finally got to his indented destination, crossing the courtyard to the wrought-iron gate that led into the gardens area. The bushes that surrounded the gate looked like synthetic plants that one would pick up at a store, but when he leaned down to sniff one of the flowers he found them to be just as aromatic if not more so. When he got to the other side of the barrier he found another smaller courtyard that also had a number of rubber creatures inside. Unlike the area he had just come from however all of these creatures had something similar in nature, they all had either some sort of plant-like features or had a coloration and patterning that indicated their love of plants and flowers.

Reynard went and talked with a few of them in order to get a general layout of everything as well as what brought them there. Most had a rather similar story; they were recruited by Renzyl in order to help him with his rubber garden and had a deep yearning desire for plants while also fostering a fetish for latex. The fox learned that there was a brother of Renzyl that dealt almost exclusively with plants that sometimes tried to lure them away but more often than not the love of the shiny material was bigger than that of actual plants. The fox found himself with similar sentiments as he thanked them and continued on towards the various sections of the gardens.

The fox found himself staring at several different areas he could go; there was a hedge maze that he could try out that seemed like fun, an actual garden that even contained an orchard, and an arboretum in full bloom as well as a few other things. After looking back and forth between the various entrances he finally decided on checking out the arboretum, going especially as he got closer and saw the rubber vines start to reach out towards him as felt himself blush again. Whether it was Renzyl putting the idea in his head or just his natural affinity towards such things he realized that the thought of them around his body was not an unwelcome vision... though he also remembered what the rubber dragon had said of indulging too much and decided to continue inside.

Almost immediately Reynard was surrounded by the fragrant air of multiple flowers, the scents blending together in a way that caused him to breathe in deeply. As he began to walk down the paved stone pathway and see all the different variety of plants he felt a grin spread on his muzzle. He started to feel a bit giddy and his body shuttered slightly from the feeling of warmth that was radiating from his chest. Though his mind was still clear there was a subtle buzz of pleasure that he was experiencing as he continued to tour the area.

"I know that look," a voice said, Reynard turning to see one of the larger flowers that was growing in the area bend down towards him, the petals opening up to reveal a serpentine face. "I assume you must be Reynard from the lack of shine. If this isn't where you're planning to slake your lusts I suggest you leave soon before it is."

"Slake my lusts..." Reynard repeated, his jaw dropping in slight awe as the stem of the creature pulled itself out to reveal more snake-like form. "Whoa..."

"Yes, though I don't have the same level of sensing such desires that Master Renzyl does I know a plant love when I see it, and though you like them I can see that's not what you're here for," the rubber flower snake explained. "I think I know where you can find what you're actually looking for, and it's a plot that is further down in the arboretum where the larger trees are. Just take two lefts, straight, and then another left and you can't miss it... unless you would like to spend a little time with me instead, I'm sure my plot has room for two flower nagas."

Though the fox found himself licking his lips at the offer he shook his head, the flower snake nodding in response and slithering back towards the dirt it had come from and wiggled its body back in. After the petals had closed around its face once more Reynard quickly made his way through the pathways using the directions that had been given to him. After taking the last left he immediately saw what the flower snake meant when he stated he wouldn't miss it, the vulpine craning his head up at the willow tree that grew at the end of the pathway. There were a few other large trees like it but it was clear why he was pointed in that direction as he began to get close and saw it sway in his direction.

As he got closer Reynard realized this was not a typical tree; aside from the fact that it shined like polished rubber the vine-like leaves that hung from its branches were thicker and also had smaller, bright red leaves attached to them. It continued to sway towards the fox but as he approached it didn't move much more than that, allowing him to get right up to the curtain of synthetic foliage. Though they hung close to one another he could see the trunk of the tree and gasped slightly when he saw the outline of a humanoid creature in it. Had he been absorbed by the tree, Reynard wondered, or was he the tree itself?

Reynard didn't have long to think about the question however as he suddenly felt the earth shift underneath his feet, looking down just in time to see shiny black roots push up and wrap around his ankles. The fox yelped and fell forward onto his knees as his feet were pulled beneath the soil, feeling the surprisingly soft ground break his fall as the leaves of the weeping willow stretched down towards him. When he tried to pull free of his bindings he found the rubber roots to be surprisingly strong, even when he reached back and tried to pull them out himself he was unable to do so. With the pulling proving futile he turned back towards the vines of the weeping willow, which immediately slithered through the air and down his arms.

"Hey!" Reynard said as his wrists were suddenly pulled upwards, bringing him back onto his feet. "What do you think you're doing... here..." the fox's eyes began to grow heavy as the scent of cherry blossom wafted into his muzzle, growing stronger by the second as one of the thicker vines of the tree wrapped around his vulpine muzzle a few times before pushing into his maw. While he had been expecting to taste rubber the vine actually tasted like cherries, distracting him as more vines began to spread through his fur.

The sensation of the thin tendrils looping around him caused the restrained fox to wiggle in delight and pleasure, looking down to see his shirt and pants bulging out from the increasing number of rubber vines within. One area in particular was growing faster than the others, and that was partially because his own length was growing as well from the stimulation. Reynard let out a muffled groan as more vines continued to join in with the others, causing his tightening clothing to look bloated on them as he felt the coils shifting against one another. Finally it seemed that the willow leaves no longer enjoyed slithering underneath the fabric and with one big push they caused the clothes to rip completely off of him and leave him naked.

Though the fox's eyes widened slightly at being laid bare by the tree another sensation caused them to almost roll back into his head. As several of the rubbery tendrils continued to coil and stroke up and down his throbbing length another shiny black root had pushed up from the ground and settled the tip between the cheeks of his rear end. Though this was unlike anything he had ever seen or experienced before Reynard couldn't help but feel the thrill of excitement as the rubbery tentacles continued to squeeze and constrict against him in an almost massaging motion while he felt his tailhole start to get stretched. He knew that he was indulging in the thing that Renzyl had warned him about but as the vine in his maw began to stretch out his throat while the root behind him pushed up inside he found himself unable to care.

As the vines of the willow tree continued to push into the body of the stimulated fox the leaves on his body began to grow more organized. Even with his insides being spread open Reynard looked up when he suddenly felt his wrists come together, watching as what looked like a dozen of the smaller vines slithered downwards in a twisting fashion before reaching his hands. Suddenly his fingers were completely engulfed and the exquisite sensation of rubber against fur was almost too much for he fox to bear, letting out another muffled groan as he began to feel a tingling in his fingertips that was like what he felt when he got caught in the rubberization trap. His head went from looking at his completely encased hands down to the rest on his body and found that the areas where the white rubber was rubbing against his skin had caused the fur to melt once more, leaving dazzling white rubber in its place.

Reynard's back arched in pleasure as the tentacle inside his tailhole pushed further inside of him, breaking his concentration while the vines around his cock continued to stimulate the sensitive flesh even as it began to grow shiny as well. At the same time the roots that had kept his feet underground began to spread up his legs, forming a shiny black uniform skin that assimilated his body as it went. Though it was hard to think with all the pleasure coursing through his body he remembered the trunk of the tree and the creature contained within, realizing that he was about to endure the same fate. It was something that only caused him to be more excited as he was getting cocooned from the top and bottom, the white rubber vines completely coating him from the elbows down while the roots caught up and reached his knees.

It wasn't just his skin either that was being changed, Reynard realized as he hung there while the vines continued to encase him. When the willow leaves got all the way down to his shoulders several of them branched off and started to wrap around his head and neck too. The original one that continued to gag his mouth felt like it had slid down into his chest, something that wouldn't have been normally possible if he was not in a magical realm of rubber, and he could feel it wiggling inside of him as tendrils spread over his head. When a few had begun to push inside of his ears and nostrils he braced himself, only to gather that the vulcanization of his body had already happened to those areas as they stretched them effortlessly and pushed inside. What did happen however was that the sounds the fox had been hearing, everything from the squeaking of the vines as they rubbed against his rubberizing flesh to his own muffled grunts, became muted and as his nostrils were plugged the only thing he could smell was the delicious scent of the cherry blossoms the vines had decided to mimic.

Knowing that soon his eyes would follow the same path Reynard managed to bend his vine-wrapped neck to look down at himself one last time before he couldn't, seeing that the black rubber roots had already completely pulled his legs together and wrapped them up so they couldn't move an inch before slithering up his waist. The ones that had been stroking his cock remained on his hard shaft as the roots pulled it up so that it was pressed against his stomach while also allowing the one that was thrusting deep into his tailhole. Though it was hard to see with most of the willow vines still slithering around his unwrapped portions of his body he could see the new synthetic skin of his stomach bulging from the thick tentacle inside of him, which pleasured him in ways that were impossible before as the last of his fur disappeared.

Just as he watched the tentacle creating the bulge in his stomach stretching upwards Reynard suddenly could only see white as the vines that wrapped around his head finally went over his eyes. He groaned as he was deprived of the sight of his transforming body being cocooned up, but he could still feel everything as the roots and vines got to the point where they met just below his chest. At first he thought that was where it was going to stop, but then his entire body shook when the black rubber slipped underneath the white latex and the two continued to coat him in both directions! Not only could he feel the dual layers being applied to him but with his own body becoming rubbery in nature and with the blocking of his other senses the feeling of those tentacles slipping and sliding over and under one another caused him to practically writhe in the air.

Eventually his squirming became less as his muscles grew relaxed, the only thing that Reynard could do was hang there and experience the intense pleasure of the full-body stimulation. Just when he thought it couldn't get any more surreal he found he could see again... but it wasn't from his point of view. It didn't take him long to gather that he was actually seeing from the eyes of the one trapped in the trunk of the willow tree as though to show him what he looked like. With most of the vines already around the fox's body Reynard could hardly see his own vulpine features as the white latex bulged and writhed with the roots underneath it. He could still sense every second of pleasure coming from his own form however as he watched the outline of his head disappear underneath as the tentacles growing up underneath the layer of white rubber bulged it out until it was completely unrecognizable.

It wasn't long before the cocooned creature went completely still, the only things still moving were the white tentacle at the top and the black tentacle pushing up from underneath. For Reynard even after he returned back to the darkness of his rubbery encasement he could still see the mental image of his body with the roots still sliding around his trapped form. The slight bulge that was his cock still throbbed slightly as he was driven to another orgasm. While the fox wasn't sure what was going to happen next his mind was so saturated in lust and pleasure that he didn't even think about it, hanging there and enjoying the stimulation for as long as it would have him...

Safe Harbor (2/3)

For what seemed like ages the bright white pillar of rubber that contained the fox continued to remain still, the vines practically merged together to form one solid mass to contain the creature within. Reynard had lost all track of time while he...

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Secrets of Peaceful Negotiations (3/3)

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