Better Than One

I laid my head back down, murmuring in appreciation as fallie folded our arms behind our heads. i felt like i was glowing in the aftermath of our orgasm. "so," i asked a few minutes later, "what now?"

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Chapter 68: You Belong to Me

The dress had a high collar, and her dark hair was piled atop her head in a bun shaped like a seashell.

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After slithering around the mechanism, i've picked up head of amasu and she picked up the head of mine, before we, for a second, put the heads of eachother on our own necks, as a symbol of the bond we were forging.

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Chapter 60: Bone Training

He put a shaking paw on her head as if to stop her, but when she glanced up, he was looking at her with hooded eyes that sparkled with hunger. his mouth was open and gasping.

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Chapter 55: Deep Love

He heard the sun chief as he shifted to sit up on his elbow, and then his big paw clapped on keme's head. he gently pressed, and keme choked as the soft head of honiahaka's cock pressed the back of his throat.

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Chapter 1

Yanatiati's head snapped up. "oh! oh, your highness - such an honor --" "yana!" ayawami hissed. yanatiati sheepishly bowed her head again, but the chief was chuckling.

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Extra Chapter: Heartstrings

He sighed, watching weakly as sa's head slowly went up and down in his lap. his brows were pressed together as he sucked, slow, wet, and long. when he was close to releasing, yatokya stopped him.

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Chapter 7: Sa's Seduction

They kissed again, their heads twisting, deeper, hungrier. sa moaned. his paw smoothed up yatokya's neck and curled in his mane, pulling it loose of its tail.

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Naughty Fairy Tale

Swallowing the excess saliva in her mouth the red headed woman, no the red headed girl, started trembling in something more than panic. she felt a rush of heat moving from her core to her face and between her legs as a moan escaped her mouth.

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Chapter 16 A Useful Mouth

"the poor 'downtrodden' foxes," red mane said, shaking his head. "you were so innocent and pure before we _doglords_ came along, weren't you? no, you weren't.

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Chapter 73: What Ettoras Had

But she continued to suck, gurgling on her own drool as his paw guided her head up and down. he was aware of her buttocks rocking up and down over the heels of her little feet as his paws guided her head.

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Chapter 71: I Love You More

Gallus kissed asres on the head, then got up and got dressed.

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