Poem #77: Carjacking Bikers

_Carjacking Bikers_ To steal from another person Is to spit on his day Laugh at his normalcy Or happiness or sadness For an entire 24 hours And he barely remembers it The next day Hopefully. Is to punch the smile from his face Take his...


Falling Through Again

How can I fall again into the deep crevice that holds my faults? Such a feat would be achieved from one with low fortitude and will to fight back. Emotions cannot always be controlled, but when they are you are left blank with how you were able to...


I Dream Of Insects 2

Our two transformed insects now have a new mission in life: to prevent others from suffering the same fate as they have. (there is no transform tag as the pair are already transformed in the beginning.)


The Anthro Girl: Chapter 2

It bothered me in a way; they had no passion for life, no motivation to get good grades, and no idea what they were going to do in the future.

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Those Sundays

**Those Sundays** ** ** A welcoming shade slants far across the ruffled air of the stable block, where swallows wheel and nest no loss with earthen love, from poll to dock. I brush loose hair from around your girth, as you nuzzle and lip for...

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Importance, One of Five

I wanted you to know how much you felt real to me because i've spent my life hoping you were real. hoping that, in these fields, you were there to hold. that you wouldn't go away.


My backstory

I was born July 25 1980in *insert city name here* Indiana. I went to school at Silver Creek jounir high from 1997 to 2000 I met my now husband Jack in Louisville at Thunder, in 1989 we dated from 1994 until 2002. We married on August 16,2002 we adopted...


Angela - Interview

As of now, just two adults in my life." "do you think you'll see the day when morphs like you are going to be considered full citizens, and fully welcomed into society?"


Mistakes are ok.

You can either get all the colors of your life's rubik's cube in its completed form or put it down and get frustrated and give up....help is an option too.

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Born For Loyalty Chapter 10

Rachel was out of her reach now and she could only hope she has a happy life. a growling interrupted her thoughts and she saw dawn holding her belly with a hoof and smiling sheepishly. she just shook her head.


Journey to Darkness

It was like i found my other half in life. she was just "perfect" in everyway possible. we dated through our high school years and then continued to the same college together!


Born For Loyalty Chapter 9

I have never seen such a lame group of dweebs in all my life! and pinkie pie. you! you are queen lameo with your weak little party pranks. did you really think i'd lose my cool?"
