Stories in Six Words

#2 of writing prompts prompt #14 from the writing prompt group was to write a bunch of six word stories. so here are a few i threw together. these were surprisingly fun to do. also, i'm going to apologize in advance for the sixth one.


Something Else

I have never belongedI wonder why I am hereSomething is different about meSomething I sometimes fearI do not fear what I feelI fear what I feel isn't normalTo want to sing to the moonTo want to run with wolvesI do not fear what I longI fear that I will...

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Poem #56: Inspiration

_Inspiration_ The wind is flowing Through my veins I feel Rushing up through my chest Quivering at the top It's going to burst And the mess it makes Will enlighten humanity My hand trembles With ink against the page Slashes and curves and...

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Sometimes, I sit here and ponder how my imaginary friend that I put on paper would act in response to an imaginary stimulus. How would combat would work if we could shoot flames from our fingertips? How much slowly immolating hate can a good man take...

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Draft 3 (and beyond): this draft is where i begin to polish my writing. if i am writing a simple short story without a lot of plot, i may only polish it once or twice.

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#4 of the art and science of writing the three parts of a story are characters, presentation, and plot. an interesting book called "the energy of delusion" told me that all of the great stories have already been told.

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#3 of the art and science of writing the three parts of a story are characters, presentation, and plot. as a rabid role player, characters and their personalities are the most important part of any of my stories.

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Presentation - Writing Style

It was something that changed my style forever, but the basics of these styles can be found in books and creative writing classes. i will tell you a little about my writing style now: **what person?

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Poem #71: A Snow Globe

#72 of poetry assignment #1 of my creative writing poetry class in college. it's 1 out of 8. it's an extended metaphor for people and their personalities.

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Romance vs Porn

When writing porn, the reader wants to "see" the action.

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Bonded by Chance - Chapter 1

Trying to get my writing out there for those interested; trying to show my talent. it's 7:25am on a friday morning and it's early october. the air is cool enough for a light sweater but is still my favorite time of the year.

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The Glowing 2ed draft

Austin looks up as he is writing a letter to rob on the back page "1998 settled down for a time in st. croix wisconsin, finished high school with a 3.5gpa, 2000 i was awarded my associates of philosophy. doing mostly day labor in the meantime.

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