The Mook Maker, Chapter 41: All Fools Fall
"It's too dangerous! Please, reconsider, Master!" Tama protested. I didn't listen. That didn't mean I didn't agree with her though. She was right. It wasn't a good idea. Not only did the...
The Mook Maker, Chapter 40: And The Five Shall Appear
I wanted to ask what was happening. Problem was, I knew what was going on - we were, once again, under attack. There was no point in asking why, as neither I, nor my companion truly understood what the locals wanted, or how they...
The Mook Maker, Chapter 39: Speak the Word
Our newest guest, or rather a prisoner, was a blessing in disguise almost as much as he was a curse to have around. On the one hand, he possessed a quality literally unseen among the natives - an actual, discernible willingness to...
The Mook Maker, Interlude 7: The Sage
San Hyun-Ki couldn't believe he was still alive. It has always been dangerous to oppose those in power. However, sometimes, obedience was more deadly than open defiance to even the mightiest of men. Yet, Hyun-Ki hadn't...
The Mook Maker, Chapter 38: To Start Anew
It was, once again, like a movie without the sound, a dreamlike sequence playing on without my input or will, ever so distant while remaining eerily real at the same time. I saw our old camp within the small abandoned quarry completely overrun with...
The Mook Maker, Chapter 37: Each To Their Own
I didn't quite belong to this world. It was as foreign as it was, harsh, and completely hostile. I had been brought here against my will, with no explanation or guidance, and been thrown into life-threatening events again and...
The Mook Maker, Chapter 36: Prisoners of Our Own Device
It wasn't an attack. More precisely, it wasn't the enemy's assault against us, though the fires far away spoke volumes that there was indeed a fight. However, it didn't seem like one we were losing. Even despite Tama's confident words, I...
The Mook Maker, Chapter 35: The Corruption Spreads
I immediately tried to roll Miwah over. Unconscious and unresponsive, my werewolf was significantly heavier than I felt she would be, her body further weighted down by the suit of armour she wore, and the first thought that flashed through my...
The Mook Maker, Chapter 34: Strategist’s Shadow
I didn't truly understand the connection between me and my monsters. Existence of such a link was, however, undeniable. It was bringing me down to my knees every time one or more of them were 'sealed' - an effect that had some...
The Mook Maker, Chapter 33: Declaration of Intent
Names. Coming up with more got difficult. At first glance, naming seemed to be a quick and easy way to increase the number of my followers with little effort, and without the necessity for them to take part in any fighting and...
The Mook Maker, Chapter 32: Before the Storm
Assaults on castles were difficult. That was the whole point behind fortifications, after all. Defending them was easier than taking them. I wasn't even entirely certain I wanted to take the castle. Only motivation behind...
The Mook Maker, Interlude 6: The Landlord
"Impossible." Viceroy Gam Youngjae couldn't help himself but to exclaim. Though Youngjae would hesitate to admit it publicly, at least if it didn't serve his interest to do so, he knew he was far from being infallible, and could be...