
#7 of poetry! yes! this is new poetry. it took a lot of convincing and things to get me to post something once again. i wrote this... in the.. middle of summer? (which is winter for you southern hemisphere-ers.)

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The Night Was Young

#2 of poetry! more poetry, straight from da and fa i wake up turning my head as i usually do then i remember you aren't there anymore.

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Poem #72: Our Questions

#73 of poetry assignment #2/8 from my college creative writing poetry class. this poem is about patience. _our questions_ life doesn't just give us the answers to our questions we have to wait for our minds to find the answers that it seeks.

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You Can't Shut Me Up

#7 of a thousand megatons of love the poetry of jason, #2 think of these little poetry segments as "filler," as if this whole thing were a prosy comic.

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Beneath her coat was a whole identity

#10 of poetry 1st place winner of the typewriter emergencies poetry contest beneath her coat was a whole identity: a subtle form of ideas under soft fur, a constantly shifting mass of meaning... and somehow, she pulled it off.


To The Shrike

#3 of lyric poetry here's some ekphrastic poetry, with inspiration taken from a sumi-e painting done by legendary samurai, miyamoto musashi. the painting in question is titled shrike on a withered branch.

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the wolf

#2 of poetry more of my old poetry the wolf there stands my wolf softly in the midnight air ebony with fur as soft as the moon light i know him not by nights snare but by the dream that lies in there there walks my wolf in the dawn air


Poem #78: Toast

#79 of poetry assignment #7/8 of my college creative writing poetry class. this assignment was to write a poem of descriptive imagery about something constantly in our lives, or something that sticks out. i eat a lot of toast, so here we are.

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Tiny Candles

#12 of poetry a (hopefully) inspirational g-rated poem about love in the abstract. this was my first attempt at free verse poetry; it does not rhyme or have a meter, but now you know where i stand.

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Those Sundays

#3 of poetry one that will be published in the next civilized beasts poetry anthology.

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#9 of poetry a short poetry of depression my heart burns in flames of despair powerless partly to repair the crater in my soul resides where my being lonely bides the tears of grief i truly shed curled up in my broken bed hoping briefly for a bright

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One Dot Below the I (#5)

#9 of poetry more short poetry this rule you're sitting here listening only to your inner collisions you've gone to the movies within yourself man!

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