Cosmic Stars - Chapter Twenty-Two

The moment a.j. withdrew, the guardian picked up a nearby spear that gave him a reach three times longer than the wolf's. every time the wolf tried to get within that reach, the guardian used his long legs to keep the distance.

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The boy with the Golden core(uneditted) Chapter 2

And then a full blooded wolf" "the wolf would gain... the wolf would gain all the essence of every species" "yes. can you imagine someone who can use tiger elemental. hyena enhancements and fox charms?

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The Weight: Chapter 3: Where Have You Gone, Charming Omega?

One side was angry that her father would do such things, but the other was a little more understanding, for she knew what kind of effects the fermented berries had on wolves when they consumed too many.

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A Growing Family

Claudette and stinky went through the den, and the first thing they passed was a young omega wolf laying down and sleeping. muttering strange things as he exhaled. claudette giggled as she and stinky observed the sleeping wolf.

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Jaybird, P2

#2 of jaybird jaybird is a short crime/drama themed story about two wolves in a dirty world. this story is based off a roleplay between myself and a friend.

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The End: Chapter 16: Off the Beaten Path

"kate, i-i don't think this is such a good idea," i replied nervously, "what if we-" my voice was caught in my throat when i felt her lay a gentle paw upon my wolf and begin to slowly rub it.

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The End: Chapter 20: Murder, Myths, and Meilo.

Elias, janice, and candu: three different wolves, three different lives, three different stories, all brought to the same, violent end by the same, vile paw.

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The End: Chapter 7: Old Haunts

Immediately i came to rest and upon a quick assessment of my surroundings, i realized that i had blindly wandered over to the den that belonged to the two wolves whom i had grown to call mom and dad.

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The End: Chapter 6: Fairytale

She stirred with a soft purr and turned to me with those eyes whose resplendent, amber flames enchanted my heart and lured it into its fiery hearth to be forever trapped with the hearts of all the other wolves who dared to gaze into their crystal spell.

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Both wolves were wagging happily for a few seconds, before the white wolf joined his twin outside.

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The Mourning After - Chapter 8 (Moving On)

Since discovering the dead wolves three days ago we had not wasted any time and had made excellent progress. but just before we rejoined the main road what did we find? wolves. a pack of wolves!

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The End: Chapter 12: Reconciliation

The wolf i married is vastly different than the wolf i know today, and i'm sure your mother would say the same about me- just as i'm sure you could say the same about humphrey, and, believe it or not, as he could say about you." "about me?"

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