LETHAL VECTOR - 3. Rend3vous

In front of the tv, an electabuzz sat on a beanbag with a controller in his hands. he didn't turn as the door opened, and chewed the end of an extension cord in his mouth.

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Pokemon: The Truth

It wasn't magic, it was a highly conductive metal that worked like a battery i had got a metal smith to add to my fathers sword when i had save the said worker from a really pissed electivier(for you original pokemon people: think an electabuzz mixed with


West Islands Chapter 7: Assault on the Fortress

The next to charge him was an electabuzz with a thunderpunch; volcan parried the punch aside with dual chop, using the second swing to strike the electabuzz on the cheek, dazing him before he brought up his knee and slammed him in the solar plexus, winding

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Professional Lab Breeder

We past a voltorb, electabuzz and a few other electric types so i guessed we were in the electric area. tracy took a right off of the path through and open green field.

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Chapter One

There was an electabuzz, a furret... a machop... but after those kinds, i don't remember the other names." "tuh-teddiursa... and flaffy," kara whimpered before suddenly shuddering. "puh-please... kyle! please..."

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Series Revised 2015

The battle came to a halt when a stark white bolt shot beside them and threw the electabuzz down the rocky hall. a howl erupted afterwards making the remaining combatants to turn. "come on, i wannadoitagain!"

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