Phoenix Coven - Chapter 32

Chapter 32 Beach Day Proper _Egad's Villa - Private Beach..._ _The Next Day..._ _12:00 PM - Noon_ Everyone was back down at the private beach again. Only this time, Bishop was with them, and wasn't hostile. In fact, he was relaxed, sitting on a...

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Phoenix Coven - Chapter 31

Chapter 31 Reunions and Cleansings _Ten Minutes Later..._ After Tommy had explained how Mick and Jet had rescued him from the brothel, and how kind, welcoming and understanding they were, Bishop was greatly moved. Not just at the fact of how they...

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Phoenix Coven - Chapter 30

Chapter 30 Beach Day _Egad's Villa..._ _The Next Day..._ _9:30 AM..._ After breakfast, everyone in the villa was cleaning and tidying up as music played through the house's sound system, giving the villa a "Saturday cleaning." Zarch was finishing...

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Phoenix Coven - Chapter 29

Chapter 29 Bishop's Search _Moon City Police Department - Costal Precinct_ _Office of Jean-Yves Ticcoran - Chief Inspector_ _One Week Later..._ _11:00 AM_ Bishop sat with his wings folded around him cloak-style and watched while Jean looked over...

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Phoenix Coven - Chapter 28

Chapter 28 Coming Out _Egad's Villa_ _Five Days Later..._ _Dusk...._ Tommy had been with Egad and his coven for about a week now, steadily opening up to everyone. They had all been very kind to him, and Tommy returned that kindness in any way he...

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Phoenix Coven - Chapter 27

Chapter 27 Bishop to King's Pawn _Shadewoods Manor_ _Medical Wing_ _6:00 PM_ Calilus watched with Bishop as Pete started to stir back to life, his battered body connected to machine-controlled cellular regeneration feeds as well as life support....

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Phoenix Coven - Chapter 26

Chapter 26 Healing Waters _One Hour After Tommy's Awakening..._ After Tommy had calmed down and ate breakfast, Egad started introducing him to the rest of the coven. After meeting the rest of the coven members, they stepped into the living room....

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Phoenix Coven - Chapter 25

Chapter 25 Comfort for the Wounded _The Next Day..._ _10:00 AM_ Tommy began to awaken, his eyes fluttering a bit while he returned to consciousness. After his eyes finished focusing on the world around him, he realized he was laying down in a bed....

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Phoenix Coven - Chapter 24

Chapter 24 Payback Operation _Pete's Fantasy House_ _Forty Kilometers from Moon City_ _The Next Day..._ _4:00 PM_ Mick drove the Audi down the very isolated country road surrounded by thick rainforest, Jet sitting in the passenger seat as they...

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Ferals - 3am

._ _they think being a tracker is like being in one of those action-adventure cop shows. thrills, chills, sexy guest stars, complex mysteries, explosive violence, and those weird forensic shots. the reality is nothing like that.

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Out of Water - Part X

Ivan questioned warmly, spreading his arms wide in friendship, "i have to say, my life has been one of action, adventure and virtue. nevertheless, it's not been a life without danger." "not at all, my friend, not at all.

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Tales of the Animal Kingdom

She can see why this guy appealed, and why his more pretentious colleagues looked down their muzzles at him for writing what is basically an action-adventure story. inspired by the story, she leans over and gives leo a little kiss on the forehead.

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