Important Issues of Writing
Why did it have to be post-apocalyptic to do it? are you trying to show your hero in a hostile setting overcoming hard or impossible odds? again. why did it have to be post-apocalyptic to do it?
Walk in the Wastes #1: August 15th, 2279
#1 of walk in the wastes a post apocalyptic, journal styled tale, told by bishop, a wanderer in the american wastes after the great war. takes place in a fallout alternate universe which includes both human and faunus characters.
Tales from Anthracite City 8: Metamorphosis
Anthracite City: Metamorphosis By Psion All Rights Reserved _After The Return and Demise of Crimson Screamer..._ When Jessica McQuinn awoke again in the lingering afterglow of her previous adventure exploring the more sensual side of humanity,...
And With His Many Jagged Teeth 16 - The Eagle Shall Fall
The town of Beech was disturbingly quiet, moreso than usual. Jeffries did not like it, hopping off the bus once it parked into the garage area along with Jerry and the Brotherhood members before James rolled up alongside them on the bike. They all...
And With His Many Jagged Teeth 15 - The Desert Started Burning
Sunset came down upon the earth to witness a new destruction, a slave camp unaware of plans being made upon it for a long time coming. The guards were ever-diligent for any lone wanderers out on the wastes, potential traders or victims to be a part of...
Trinka and The Robot (teaser) - The Furry Future
Trinka and The Robot - Ocean Tigrox It was finally time to escape. Finished with her chores, the young ferret scampered to the ruins first chance she could. Her adventure pack, slung over her shoulder, bounced against her soft grey fur. One of...
In the World After: Chapter 9
"Hey, where did Aaron run off to?" I called from under one of the 3 abandoned cars we had found on our way up to the mountains. Positioning the empty gas can underneath the gas tank of the car, I carefully pushed the point of a hunting knife to the...
Wild Rose Country - Chapter 20
It was a gloomy, wet, and foggy morning beyond the confines of the cave. A constant drizzle smothered the forest into silence and it seemed as if the world world ended in a solid wall of grey barely a hundred yards from the mouth of the cave. Not in...
Memory frame; The compound.(teaser)
Feedback is welcome, if you like the story and would like to hear more about Kitty and her greater struggles, let me know. This is just a teaser/introish. It starts about 1/3 of the way into the story, after the event. After the faction escape. **From...
Wild rose Country - Chapter 8
The rising sun hung low over the forested hills to the east, casting a pale yellow light upon the land from behind the obscuring tendrils of low clouds. Shielding her eyes with her paw, Sharra squinted up at the bringer of light and warmth through the...
_The story winds to its end as the principles find some measure of closure, and some questions are answered -- to varying effect._ _Thanks for stickin' with me, guys. Here's the last of it. Not all happy, but not (I hope) all that sad...
Wild Rose Country - Chapter 4
This is where the telling of this story will get a little different. I wasn't sure when exactly I should begin this next part but I figured that now is as good of a time as any. I have all of these memories from Sharra locked up in my mind and I have...