14 (DSV Nautica)Starcrossed paths(AU-945)

The Erebus shadowed the nebula like a predator stalking its prey, the black hull with the electric blue veins ever changing dimmed by its low power mode. Zhi had been to work on the propulsion  conduits for some time. His crew was busy tracing the...

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"The Thin Line," Part HH

\*\*\*\*\* Any fur observing me for most of the afternoon would have decided that I was either bored or that I had gone somewhat around the bend. The squaddies who were continuing work on the forts were probably of the latter view, since most...

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Vince and Rocky: Chapter 1

ONE Vince opened his eyes gently, seeing a blurry blue glow everywhere. As his eyes began to focus, he recognized his dormitory- The metal airtight door, the big window looking out into the training grounds, the moonlight shining in, his alarm...

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You Only Live 18 Times - #4 (SpyJirra)

"Besides," said Dar'Amon, "I'm not technically an Alfiq. We have a rather specialized research division working on our unusual biology. In some ways, we khajiit are even more unusual than the argonians in that regard. With the dwindling of magic in the...

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You Only Live 18 Times #15 - (SpyJirra)

Dar-Amon awoke to pandemonium. An alarm was sounding and he was rudely thrown from his place between Deej's breasts as the two argonians rushed to get ready. Dar-Amon remained safely out of the way in a corner as they scurried to-and-fro. In less than...

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You Only Live 18 Times #14 (Spyjirra)

"If I could risk kicking it," Wears-Only-Ropes said to Ra'Jirra,"I'm sure it would give way." "Yeah, but I'm sure that guard would hear it." "Not much of a guard. Hell, he might not even be there for all we know." "True, but I'd rather not risk it....

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You Only Live 18 Times #13 (Spyjirra)

It was well after dark when Deej finally returned. Dar-Amon had actually made a little more progress on the screen as the male argonian had put him back in the window when he kept mewling towards it. However, he had to be careful not to alert him to...

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You Only Live 18 Times #11 (Spyjirra)

Ra'Jirra was unceremoniously dumped into what appeared to be little better than a broom closet, and the door locked behind her. It was nearly pitch black within, but her eyes soon adjusted to the gloom. "A khajiit? What are you doing here?" whispered...

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You Only Live 18 Times #10 (Spyjirra)

Wears-Only-Ropes was seething. After a short orientation with some other new argonian crew members, the Dominion had completed it's trip from the mainland back to it's island cove that functioned as it's home base. It had surfaced with the morning sun...

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You Only Live 18 Times #9 (Spyjirra)

When they were close to the beach, Ra'Jirra hopped off the CATv3 and helped Geeus haul the craft out of sight into some high dune cattails. Then they let Geeus rest for some time before they walked over the dune behind it. The camp was visible just as...

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You Only Live 18 Times #8 (Spyjirra)

Ra'Jirra woke to Geeus knocking at her door. "Sorry to bother you, Arri, but a ship just came in from Elsweyr with an urgent message for you," he said when she opened the door. She took the letter, inviting him in. "Please wait here a moment, Geeus....

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You Only Live 18 Times #7 (Spyjirra)

Wears-Only-Ropes was intrigued. She had spent the day helping the village build two new huts for some newlyweds, and was pleased that her skills had proved useful. But she had told the elders that she really wanted to return to the sea. They suggested...

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