The Island Guardian 2 - A Family Adventure

The moment the raptors hit the sands of the new beach, they felt rejuvenated. The white-golden shoreline crunched like fine grains beneath their feet, the smell of bursting blossoms and tropical fruits filtered through their nostrils with fresh scents...

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Blasting Zone 4 - Volatile Vitriol

The trickiest part was getting in, they all agreed. There were guards stationed at the cragged entrance to Mujoe's lair and boats flitting across the water with rocks and plants being carried back. Brightman waited for at least 40 minutes watching...

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Blasting Zone 2 - Strike the Earth

The next morning Oddclaw awoke with a wondrous stretch, groaning as he popped his muscles slightly with relish and headed down to the lake to wash himself and drink. Moonclaw was there along with Eggfang and Barren chatting away amidst the small group...

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The Rogue and the Hunter 5 - Ghosts of Her Past

Returning back to base, the majority of the Bane clan were kept under watch by the guards and separated into different parts of the compound with Lord Bane being given the strictest security in isolation. Despite their numerous wounds they were no...

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The Rogue and the Hunter 3 - Red Earth

The ride on Vyse's ship was mercifully brief, as Oddclaw felt his claws sinking into the bark of the long middle mast at seeing the ocean far beneath. He bandaged up his arms and belly before they got on to let the blood clot itself, using the medical...

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The Rogue and the Hunter 2 - Blue Skies

"Are you absolutely certain?" asked Jane. "Well what do YOU think it is?" said Andrea. "I think it is just a collected group of meteorites that just HAPPEN to look like that." "That's impossible," stated Thomas, "no comet or meteorite looks like...

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Across the World 5 - The Ambassador

The sun soon set over the Hunter's Nest. An air of solemnity crossed the trees as the raptors all circled around the accused Sunscreech. Sitting with guards on either side of him to prevent him trying to escape, his family watched on with a mixture of...

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I Dreamed of Fire 7 - Tomorrow Is Another Day

_" morning. No morning left for us."_ _"Gerald. Don't. Ah need you to be strong okay? Just...just stop thinkin' aboot the fire, that wuz JUST a dream, th-that means nuthin'!"_ _"No. N-no it wasn't Mary. I know when it's a dream and what's...

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Your Possible Pasts 5 - Empty Spaces

_"Nnnnngh..."_ Moonclaw shook her head, _"what...what happened? S-seaclaw, Seaclaw where are you?!"_ _"I-I'm heeere!"_ The sounds of scattering rock came from the darkness. _"A-are you okay?!"_ _"I...I think I am...did we fall into a cave?"_ ...

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The Hunted

There was a time when everything made sense. When you could look at something and know exactly what it is. Where the good guys were always good and the bad guys were always bad. A time when we did not have to run and fight for our very survival because...

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Times have changed: Prologue part 1

This story contains offensive content and name calling and violence If it bothers you don't read any further I own these characters in the story, so don't use them without my permission My names Sif stone I'm a grey wolf/fox hybrid or Folf for...

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The Son of Oddscar 3 - Dreamers and Murderers

After their first mating, Barkclaw became more and more sociable just as Oddclaw had intended him to. Slowly but surely, he began to coax him into opening up, allowing others to touch him and soothe his troubled mind with their intimate sessions. They...

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