Das alien hatte ihm die hand zerfetzt und schlaff und nutzlos hing sie an seinem rechten arm. doch damit nicht genug. das alien holte plötzlich aus, schlug ihm direkt ins gesicht und brach ihm das nasenbein.
Alien, Anthro, Human
Ohne diese äffchen haben wir gar keine chance gegen die aliens."
„ah! aliens heißen diese kreaturen?"
„ja. hattet ihr schon kontakt?"
„ja, das sagte ich bereits. sie sind wie spinnen."
Alien, Anthro, Human, Tiger
Leider hatte dieses alien auch nie ein mensch zuvor gesehen.
die aliens hatten, bedingt durch die atomare verseuchung des planeten lv426, eine mutation erfahren.
Anthro, Sex, Tiger, Violence
Jade turned a corner and almost ran straight into a zombie, robot, alien.
he spun around and dashed the other direction. his older brother archer was in the security control room, opening locked doors as jade needed them.
Babyfur, Cat, Diaper change, Fox, imagination
You can expect scenes of giant alien-on-person sex, said giant alien harming people, and acts of depravity such as torturous murder.
Alien, Vore
You can expect scenes of giant alien-on-person sex, said giant alien harming people, and acts of depravity such as torturous murder.
Alien, Vore
You can expect scenes of giant alien-on-person sex, said giant alien harming people, and acts of depravity such as torturous murder.
Alien, Vore
I am what you call an alien my name would mean nothing to you my friend. i call you friend for my kind has mostly out grown hate. if you need a name call me noah. ahhh you are confused i see no worries my friend i shall explain.
Alien, Transformation
It wasn't long before he was no longer able to hold it up, the alien hissing in his face as his arms slumped to the ground, d'sim falling unconcious.
Alien, Elites
Disclaimer: The Warcraft universe is a creation of Blizzard Entertainment, not me. I intend not to, nor am I making, any money from this work. Some rights reserved. This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 License. Summary: A...
Alien, Tauren
His voice was gruff, highly commanding. As he ordered the Sobie troops, they followed and obeyed his every command. He didn't hesitate to tell them what to do, or what he thought. He watched them scramble to their posts.
"Get going, or you'll be...
Alien, War