Dog Gone (16)

Dog Gone (16) By Roofles "And that's one small step for this dog and," Biscuit turned looking back at me. Our paws were locked as he helped me across. "One giant leap," I jumped and he caught me, spun me around and set me down. "For the Gravy."...

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Dog Gone (15)

Dog Gone (15) By Roofles I wanted to ask him more about him but we ended up walking in silence. After it all I didn't really have my heart in it. What could I say? Or do? His home was a hell he had just now found out about. It was gone and he'd...

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Dog Gone (13)

Dog Gone (13) By Roofles "Biscuit, stay." Twister said pushing the dog back. The entrance was right there and once more the husky was helping me walk up those flights of stairs. Going up them wasn't as bad as going down had been. With my leg...

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Dog Gone (14)

Dog Gone (14) By Roofles Biscuit looked around the corner before I followed him out. He had told me the layout of the place and I had picked out the quickest way for us both to escape. The closest exit was directly under us and following his...

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Dog Gone (12)

Dog Gone (12) By Roofles "Mind control?" I asked munching on a dog biscuit while talking to Biscuit. The treat was a bit old and stale but it smelt good and somehow that made it taste better. My taste sense itself seemed to be lacking. Just from...

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Dog Gone (11)

Dog Gone 11 By Roofles My legs still felt like jelly. I couldn't even wiggle my toes. Yet I could feel the cold cement beneath me, the scratchy dirt on it that rubbed against my cheek and taste it in my mouth as I breathed slowly. Evenly. At...

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Ocean Depths part 32

Ocean Depths (32) By Roofles "And I want you guys to be careful ok...but have fun... and no horsing around in the apartment though. Sorry, didn't mean to..." Lucas mispoke trying not to look at the mule next to the young otter. "You know what I...

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Dog Gone (9)

Dog Gone 9 By Roofles My memories began to fade of a life outside this place as I took heavy breaths and looked around. The hallways were all beginning to blur together and it was impossible to tell which way was which. If I hadn't run in a...

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Dog Gone (10)

Dog Gone 10 By Roofles So the fact of the matter was...that I was lost. No matter if I look to the left. Right. Behind me or in front. It all looked the same. And I was truly beginning to hate this place with an undying passion of a thousand...

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Dog Gone (8)

Dog Gone (8) By Roofles "The fuck." The words only escaped me as my foot hit the bottom of the steps. Blue led us deeper within. His navigational skills were rather astute. How many times had he gone through these halls? Looking around the...

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Ocean depths part 1

Ocean Depths. By Roofles Lucas fiddled with the lock several times, trying one key after another, mumbling under his breath the whole time. Again he rotated through the mix of keys trying to find the right one. "Car key. Bike lock. Work key....

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Dog Gone (7)

Dog Gone (7) By Roofles "Hey," the guard banged on the door forcing me back. I could hear his heavy boots coming down the hall and was ready for him to open it. I should've realized, a prisoner, had no such right to talk face to face. "Keep it...

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