Queen Muz-Ra #17

Story by bluedraggy on SoFurry

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#26 of Queen Muz-Ra

In which Muz-Ra asks for money to buy a pony, gets ready to go to town, and studiously answers no questions.

| "Wow. You must_really_ know how to sex up your men!" Kitty laughed.

"Oh, I know how to do that all right! I tell you, it's all in the prostate!" she laughed back, looking forward to the disgusted look she expected from Ubergard.

"So, what are you going to do?" Ubergard asked, ignored the jibe.

"Something," she replied. | image | | Then, changing the subject, she turning to Kitty and asked, "Kitty, you know I don't ask for much, but I need some money."

"Money? How much money?"

"Enough to buy a horse."

"A horse? What on earth do you need a horse for?"

Muz-Ra obviously ignored the question and continued on, "A pretty horse. An expensive horse." | image | | "Well... you know you can have anything you need. Sure. Get yourself the best horse you can find!"

Muz-Ra thanked her sincerely, then bid her friends goodnight.

"A bit early to turn in yet, don't you think?" asked Kitty.

Muz-Ra again smiled her mysterious smile. "Well, a girl needs her beauty sleep. Tomorrow's going to be an interesting day".

Kitty looked to Ubergard, who just shrugged. | image | | The day dawned clear and mild as Muz-Ra opened one eye, then closed it and decided to stay in bed. She knew that what she was planning today was risky. Possibly even deadly. But her mind was set on this course of action after she had received Balgruuf's proposal, and she had already accepted that the consequences must fall where they would. But by the end of the day, one way or the other, she would have made her statement. And if the worst did happen, she would be damned if she wasn't going to sleep in late this day! | image | | Later Muz-Ra woke to the smell of bacon and it's aroma was irresistible. Reluctantly she sat up and looked at the old gold bikini. The bikini was known to be magical, though what it's real purpose was she didn't know. But among those unnatural features was the simple fact that it was always clean no matter what abuse she put it through.

She sighed as if looking at it for the last time. "Well, I'm afraid I won't be getting any help from you today. I guess I'll be on my own." Then she put on the bikini and stepped out. | image | | While Muz-Ra was the best cook in the castle, the others shared the duties and today it was Kitty making the breakfast. Still clad in her ubiquitous and too-short nightshirt, she was just bringing out a plate when she saw Muz-Ra shuffling into the eating area. While the castle had more than one grand table, obviously meant for feasts and parties, the three occupants had taken to eating at this small table near the kitchen. | image | | "Red! We just finished eating but here's some if you want it."

"Sure! What did you make?"

"Bacon, fried potatoes and eggs with strawberries on the side."


The Khajiit smiled and quickly stirred something around vigorously on the plate...

"They are now!"

Muz-Ra laughed and sat down beside Ubergard. | image | | "Well good morning Ubergard!" she said, feeling very good herself.

Kitty sat the plate down in front of her and left to clean up.

"Good morning Red. What are you planning to do today?"

"Oh, I'm heading over to Dragonsreach. I need to give the Jarl my answer."

"And... what is that answer?"

"What happened to that stoic Ubergard patience? You'll know soon enough." | | | Ubergard looked at her with a concerned look on her face. "Red, you know now that the Jarl loves you, right?"

"Yes... I do. What's your point?"

"I don't think love is enough. If you go through with this, you may well cause the Jarl to be dethroned or worse. You know that don't you? Not to mention the danger to yourself should some fanatic decide to try and stop the marriage. Do you really want to do that to him?"

Muz-Ra drew in a deep breath. "Uber, I understand that. But this is my decision, and I won't be ruled by fear. Fear gets nothing accomplished. Today, I will have no fear. Whatever I do, that will not be a factor. I refuse to let it be." | | | Ubergard looked at Muz-Ra as if for the first time. "Red, sometimes I don't think I know who you are. You've never struck me as a warrior, but that is a warrior's spirit. I can only admire it. Well then, good luck to you. Whatever you decide, you'll have me at your side." | |