Ferron's best day ever

Story by Yaxnonth on SoFurry

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#4 of an island mansion -

hey there this is chapter 4 of this series it has yiffing in it even though its a bit shorter than the others i hope it will make up for it with more action. warning to you now there is both m/f and m/m/f so if your not into that stuff i'd suggest you stop now, or read on its your choice but for those who like it go right ahead and enjoy! Chapter 4 Ferrons best day ever

  • * * The glow of the moon on the open water seemed magical as Hyeed and Kayla looked into each others eyes while sitting on the dock "your eye's look beautiful in the moon light" Hyeed said trying to sound romantic blushing a bit thinking he messed up Kayla blushed as well taking the complement she said nothing, she leaned in as the two sat there for a while being in they're own little world holding each other close with almost no space between them not knowing they were being watched. "wish I could be like them...only...there's no one for me..." * * * *yawn Mike stretches ‘ time for some breakfast' he thought as his stomach grumbled for food "morning Mike" Gigi giggled as she walked out of her room and went up to give Mike a hug "morning" he said back tiredly but blushed a bit when she started hugging him "going for some breakfast Big guy?" Gigi already knew the answer "yea, you coming with" he gestured her to follow as she grabbed his arm and went with him to the kitchen Mike had figured out how to order stuff with Dachii's on screen help they got breakfast and started eating while waiting for the others to come down Suddenly * Ring! Ring! *Ring! Ring! The phone was ringing, so Dachii had to wake Tye up knowing it was for him * * * "Tye the phones ringing!" Dachii then used the ringtone to wake Tye up "huh, what's going on... oh the phone" Tye got up and picked up the phone from his desk * click "hello" "hello Tye, how are things at the house?" "things are looking fine dad..." Tye had a few mixed feelings from what had happened yesterday but he still wasn't going to let that affect him to much "that's good, I called to tell you that I'll be coming home tomorrow for the day for my break" "that's great, can't wait until then" "also there is some thing I have to ask you about... did you give the captain instructions to look for someone?" "yes I did I ...was trying to help out a friend" "hmm... alright but if your inviting them over they're your responsibility while they are there, got it" Mr. Hue said with a stern voice to make sure Tye was listening "yes sir" Tye said slightly sarcastically making both him and his father laugh a bit "good to here, I better get back to work see you tomorrow son, oh yea and when you go to the kitchen check the stock if its running a bit low call the captain for the next delivery alright" "ok ill do that in a minute, bye" "bye Tye" *click *click As Tye put down the phone Dachii spoke up "looks like you have some work to do" "yep so I should do that right now, plus I'm getting hungry." Tye then headed out of his room to the kitchen As he entered the kitchen he didn't notice Gigi and mike sitting there quietly but deeply kissing He checked the stock, it seemed alright so he turned to go to get some food, but when he turned around he saw what seemed to break his heart now knowing that he had no chance with this fascinating ferret girl. All of a sudden he forgot about his appetite and went back to his room holding back his anger and sadness he dropped onto his bed and hid his head as he tried to figure things out with himself. * * * Ferron woke up feeling the breeze from his window on his fur "looks like a good day for flying a kite... to bad I didn't bring one" He got out of bed and headed to the bathroom, as he was finishing up by combing his head fur he heard the noise of someone running up the stairs and closing the door behind them and it didn't sound like they were doing to well, so Ferron being curious went to investigate He walked out of his room and looked around, no one was in the hallway but Tye's door was the only one that was closed ‘is Tye alright... maybe he's hurt, I should go check up on him he'd do the same thing...' Ferron thought as he headed toward Tyes room and knocked on the door "Tye ... you ok in there?" Tye pulled his head from under the pillow to hear if someone was at the door "can I come in?" Ferron asked sounding a bit worried "I guess..." Ferron opened the door "what's wrong you look a bit down" Ferron said hoping to help out his friend "its nothing" Tye said sighing slightly still having a few tears running down his face "ok ... I can tell your lying, c'mon spill it what's really wrong with you?" "... fine" Tye told Ferron about how he liked Gigi and how he couldn't really find a way to talk to her, and how he saw her and Mike in the kitchen. "wow ... I didn't notice you had feelings for her" Ferron put his paw on Tye's shoulder "its alright man, you'll find some one ... someday" ‘I have a chance' that's right Ferron had a secret he actually really liked Tye he didn't understand at first, the way he felt, but he knew that he had feeling towards him. "maybe..." Tye said still a little upset "don't worry about them, they're making the most of things and I say you should do the same" Ferron said with a hopeful tone Tye smiled and thought about that "I think your right, lets go get something to eat." The two of them left the room and headed toward the kitchen catching up with Hyeed and Kay on the stairs "how'd you two sleep, I've noticed you guys come out of the same room in the morning, you guys having fun in there" Tye said with a little chuckle Both Hyeed and Kay blushed at this even through there fur you could still see it "we couldn't really get to sleep so we decided to spend most of the night out on the dock and look out at the stars" Hyeed said still blushing from Tye's comment They got into the kitchen to see Mike and Gigi had stopped briefly to finish eating "morning guys" Mike said raising his paw to the group "morning" a few said back starting up there own little conversations with each other "so what's the plan for today Tye? Ferron asked taking a bite out of a piece of toast "hmmm I don't know ... you know, aren't you waiting for a phone call" Tye pointed toward the phone "oh right... but we still can do stuff while we wait" Ferron said back "well you guys haven't been in the simulator for a day maybe we could see if Dachii has something for us to do" "yea sounds fun, maybe he could set up a game..." The group continued eating and talking it seems they were really getting along well. * * * "Sir all monitors are up, and all components have been found" "good now start up the building process and lets get this thing done" "yes Sir... uhh Sir you sound like there is a problem?" "there is...why are we working on this thing anyway?" "it was an order made directly from the U.N Sir, why? Is there a problem?" "yes why would the U.N order 400 military training simulators and ask us to add full programming for training? ... this makes no sense" "we can't disobey orders Sir, we work by commission, we have to finish the order by the end of the month" "alright then we'll finish the order but I want a full report on the U.N uses for it as well I need to speak with the original client, now make it happen" "yes Sir right away" "I thought the U.N were peace keepers..." * * * Somewhere in cyber space "Hey Dachii do you mind setting up a game for us in a few minutes" Tye asks through the monitor "sure thing" Dachii replied happy that Tye wasn't so depressed anymore "ok thanks Dachii see you soon" *click The monitor disappeared and Dachii flew down to make a field to play in "hmm maybe I can set up more of a social game everyone looks like they can just relax for one day... I know a day at the beach sounds like it'll work" Dachii then opened his wings and flew over the open field as the ground below turned into sand and then a wave of water washed up near the edge to form the beach "perfect, some volleyball should be a good game for them" Dachii continued to make the right equipment for the game to be played. * * * "All right everybody lets go check what Dachii's got for us" Tye said motioning everyone to follow him They all entered the simulator as they watched the area around them transform into a tropical sandy beach The temperature was about 35 C (about 94 F) the sand was white with little speckles of black, there were shells all over the place in different sizes and shapes. There was a perfect breeze just enough to keep them cool as they looked at the water is was clear blue you could see through it almost up to the horizon. They had noticed they're clothing had changed to, they where all wearing beach ware and sandals. "when did we change?" Ferron asked looking down at his swim shorts "Dachii must of did a little extra to make it look that way" Tye said looking around and spotted Dachii lying on his back soaking in the sunlight They approach Dachii as they looked for a few spots to sit "you guys like the beach right? Its almost like a real vacation." Dachii said chuckling "I set up a few mats over there and there's also a volleyball net if you want to play" he throw the ball and it landed next to the net "come on lets go play 3 verses 3" Ferron scrambled to be the first one to the net "you going to join us Dachii?" Tye asked as the others went to join Ferron "naw I'm enjoying myself right here" he held his hand out and a smoothie appeared as he started drinking it Tye chuckled "alright, you should make this place more often" Tye walked over to where the rest of his friends were and they started a few games up On Ferrons team it was Gigi and Mike and on Tye's team were Hyeed and Kayla it was pretty evenly matched ferron won the first two rounds of 3 out of 5 point games and Tye won the third round. They were all a bit tired from playing so they decided to take a little rest, Ferron jumped strait into the water slashing around but not going to far not knowing how far he might get pulled. Gigi and Mike were sitting on a mat in the shade just cuddling together, Tye went to sit by Dachii and take in the sunshine where as Hyeed and Kayla were lying on there mat staring into each others eyes. They were all enjoying themselves it's almost like it was there first vacation. Then out of nowhere *ring ring *ring ring "looks like there's a phone call I can connect you down here if you want to answer it or should I decline it" Dachii stated "who is calling?" Tye asked "hmm ... it looks like the captains number" "oh good then put us through" Tye called over Ferron as Dachii made a cell phone appear in his claw and handed it to Ferron "hello" "hello, are you Ferron by any chance?" "yes I am" "perfect, then I'd like to let you know that I've found a Dobie girl named Roxy, and when I told her about what Tye had told me she came on board and we are heading to the island soon so be ready to meet her at the dock across from the city alright" Ferron was so excited he almost dropped the phone "thank you so much" "not a problem kid, could you hand the phone to Tye please I need to speak with him" "alright" Ferron handed Tye the phone his tail was wagging like crazy over the thought of finally meeting his sister after so long. Tye talked to the captain privately and then hung up "ok guys looks like we got to go, lets go meet Ferrons sister!" Tye said signaling Dachii to let them out They waved goodbye as the room went to normal and they returned to there regular clothing They all left in anticipation to see the newest guest Ferron could barely control himself, he practically ran the whole way there, seeing the boat almost at the dock so he let the others catch up Tye was out of breath when he reached the dock, the boat had just hit the shore and saw the door open from the middle of the boat There was the captain walking out with the Dobie named Roxy She stepped off the boat first as she was quickly grabbed into a hug by Ferron "Roxy, I'm so glad to see you, it's been so long" a few tears escaped ferrons eyes She squeezed back with a hug as she spoke into his ear "I know, its been a long time and you still look like you did years ago only bigger... I missed you." tears started forming in both there eyes now "isn't that just the sweetest thing" Gigi said watching the two siblings The two of them kept talking while Tye had walked past them smiling at them before going to talk to the captain "thanks for bringing her here, this should make Ferron a lot happier" "it was my pleasure, it looks like they haven't seen each other in a long time" "11 years, what a reunion" "yea... I also brought extra stock while I was getting her, you should take it back with you now ok" "I got it thanks again" Tye took the cart with two large crates in it off of the boat and asked mike to help him pull it back to get to the back of the mansion They all waved the captain goodbye as he left the dock and sailed off to do other business They carried the crates to a hatch near the back of the house with the two siblings still catching up along the way. Once the crates were loaded they all went to the kitchen to eat a late lunch "wow such a big house" Roxy said "well yea it is a pretty big house...what do you guys want to eat?" Tye asked as he put in the orders They all ate and started talking and asking questions as usual They had learned that Roxy was adopted by a young Doberman couple who found out they couldn't have kids so they adopted and Roxy seemed to fit in with them, even though they knew she had a twin they refused to take him, saying they could only support one child. The orphanage had to accept it even though it seemed a bit unstable to separate twins in such a way. But at least they treated her nicely, they never yelled or hit her, they were pretty supportive of what she wanted to do. They even let her go on this little trip after she told them she was going to meet with her twin brother as long as she called them every night she was away from home. "its great to see you two finally get to see each other again...but Roxy I need to ask how long are you staying?" Tye asked so he could plan where she could stay "uhhh I'm not sure but I think I should be able to stay as long as Ferron is here" "ok, well do you mind staying in his room for tonight" "yea sure, that sounds fine for me... you ok with that Ferron?" "that'll be great, I just need a few extra pillows" "I'll get those for you later" Tye said It was the three of them left in the kitchen since everyone else had finished and was watching some TV They then joined the group in the entertainment room sitting on the bean bag chairs for hours with many of them falling asleep Every one was snoozing except Ferron he was to excited to sleep, it had been one of the greatest days of his life, he had found his long lost sister after all this time, there was so much he wanted to do he wanted to make up for lost time and get to know her better. He looked at the clock on the wall it read 11:49 he thought it would be a good idea to get people to bed He lifted up his sleeping sister cradling her in his arms and took her up to they're room and set her down to sleep and covering her with the sheets as he went back down to get the others to bed Ty had already woken up he noticed it was pretty late and sent the others off to there rooms before Ferron even got back down to the first floor ‘Roxy is pretty cute, I wonder if I could get to know her better to' Tye thought seeing Ferron get back into the room "looks like every ones already in there rooms" Ferron said "yea I'm heading off to bed to, good night" Tye said walking up to his room "he's such a nice guy ... I have to thank him for helping me find my sis" Ferron whispered to himself then walking up into his room and sitting next to his sleeping sister and thinking about how his life would be like now. Before long he headed into the bathroom to get ready for bed shutting the door behind him, he didn't notice his sister wake up * * * "what a day" Tye said "it seemed to go by really fast to" Tye sat down on his bed in his boxers when he noticed the door handle turning He quickly grabbed the blanket and covered him self "Tye..." it was Roxy's voice "yea..." Tye replied "I wanted to thank you for letting me stay here" "your...welcome" She closed the door and got closer, as she reached Tye she pulled off the blanket "you know I think your pretty cute..." she said sitting next to Tye "r- really" Tye sounded a bit nervous "yea" she said in a slower voice while pulling his face closer to hers She pulled him into a deep kiss and Tye didn't fight it he went with it deepening the kiss They pulled off of each other after a few moments as Roxy noticed a tent in Tye's boxers She kissed again while rubbing his groin, and Tye putting his hands on her back feeling up her body They continued for some time until Roxy spoke up and said "I really want to thank you" She pushed him over onto his sides as she stripped away her clothing as Tye did the same Pulling out his erect 6 and a half inch manhood he watched her undress She was beautiful she was a coal black with light brown Doberman features but hers were a little different near some of her curves and longer fur points there were silver streaks that flowed toward the end of her short tail, it seems she had some of the wolf fur like Ferron She jumped into the bed with him lying on there sides she pulled him in closer for a deep kiss as he put his manhood into her feeling the warmth and the moister was exhilarating Pleasure pulsed through both of there bodies as Tye started to pump, moaning from the feeling * * * Ferron had finally finished in the bathroom when he noticed his sister wasn't in the bed where he had left her, this worried him greatly, he didn't know if she had to leave even after only finding her for this short time So he went in search of her. He took a sniff from the bed to get her scent and followed it out into the hall way as he noticed it was coming from Tye's room Not thinking he grabbed the door handle and opened it * * * Tye was enjoying this new sensation while still being locked in a kiss with Roxy only taking small breaks for breathing He then heard a noise that panicked him greatly, he heard the door swing open As he opened his eyes and looked he saw a very surprised Ferron "Your sleeping with my sister!" Ferron growled Tye started to panic he was scared of what Ferron might do "without letting me join in" Tye was in shock did he just hear that Ferron removed his clothing revealing his 7 inch unsheathed wolf meat He jumped behind Tye and started to nuzzle his neck "you know I've ... had a crush on you since I got here" he whispered in Tye's ear Was Tye ready for this, two canines in bed with him he thought for a moment before turning his head and giving Ferron a light kiss Ferron pressed into the kiss to deepen it as Roxy nuzzled Tyes chest and getting him to start pumping again Tye then turned his head back to Roxy and gave her a deep kiss as he winced from feeling two of Ferron's wet digits enter his hole Ferron tried to relax him by using his other paw to rub up and down his back before entering another digit, pushing them in with Tye's current pumping motion. Ferron thought Tye's hole was stretched enough to enter with his wolfhood He lubed up Tyes hole by taking a few quick licks successfully getting a slight moan out of Tye who was suckling and caressing Roxy's breasts He finally pushed his meat into Tye's hole, it hurt Tye for a moment but it quickly subsided with all the pleasure Ferron started to pump in unison with Tye Tye could feel he was getting closer to his climax as well as Ferron when he started to go faster Ferrons knot formed as the bulb swelled he decide to push it in and tie him and Tye Roxy was sensing that Tye was close so she desided she wanted to taste Tye she quickly pulled off and went down putting her maw almost all the way to the end of Tye's cock Tye felt this as a surge of pleasure and as she was sucking along his length he felt his orgasm coming along "augh I â€"I'm gonna ... cum ahhhh" he bucked into Roxys maw as he came she took in all that she could not letting a drop spill With Tye's orgasm he clenched his butt sending a great pulse of pleasure through Ferron leading to his orgasm, Ferron let out a howl as he came into Tye's bowels The warm wolf seed quickly shot up into Tye as he felt full on the inside and warm between the two canine bodies on the bed with him, he then passed out so tired from the experience The others did the same Ferron still tied to Tye holding him from behind whispering into Tyes ear "this really was my best day ever...I love you Tye" and Roxy came back up as she wrapped her arms around Tye's body feeling the warmth between them she nuzzled into his chest she whispered to the sleeping Tye "I love you Tye, I want to be with you" they trio drifted off to sleep from pure orgasmic exhaustion. * * * The whole house seemed quiet the day was filled with many surprises and now the night with action as the mansion sleeps there are still plenty of people awake and working * * * "Sir 387 of the training simulators are complete and I checked the records it seems like the genuine article when it come to the U.N" "did you get me the meeting with the client?" "yes I did Sir, its in 42 hours, are you going to be leaving on our break before then or are you going to wait" "I'm going to take my break tomorrow and be back atleast 3 hours before the meeting just make sure it's the real client alright" "yes Sir, have a nice break then" "you are dismissed" * * * End of chapter 4 i hope you all like this chapter even though its shorter i hope to make it longer possibly when I'm done the seriess I might have more ideas to add in and please comment i still wanna know what the readers think it'd help me figure out what needs improving in my writing