We'll Get Caught!

Story by Gruffy on SoFurry

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We'll Get Caught!


Heheh. This one featuresavatar?user=71693&character=0&clevel=2 Perrin Wolfbrother (in his commission from me!) and Daddy Gruff aka Druff, that very interesting, hefty muscle gut daddy counterpart to...well, yours truly! Oh dear...wonder what is gonna happen when Druff's released into the general furry population...read on and find out!

I look forward to your feedback!


"...but it may be that... "

The sudden knock on the door made Perrin jump on his seat. It sent the wolf's ears and tail into bristling alarm. The fact that the door into his office swung open almost immediately after the knock made him appear even more shocked. A large tiger burst into the room, uninvited and quite intimidating despite his neat attire and his bespectacled gaze. He looked like an average visitor to the wolf's law practice, but usually they did not make such an unannounced entrance into his office.

"Excuse me?" Perrin blurted out, once he had managed to re-compose his lupine body language to be of a less shocked quality.

The large tiger closed the door behind himself and now shared closed space with the wolf. That kind of initiative made Perrin raise a brow at this. His tail flicked quietly under his chair, unseen by the cat who had entered his office.

"The secretary told me that you are free," the tiger murmured in a deep, yet smooth voice,"I decided to come in."

Perrin made a few hurried taps on his computer screen to remove his previous business from it in case the tiger might peek at his monitor, and then concentrated only on the cat in question. The tall, hovering male was looking down to the wolf whom remained still seated, and there was a curiosity to his gaze.

"Yes...ahem...my three o'clock appointment?" Perrin mumbled.

"Indeed," the tiger's tail swished.

The wolf hurried to his paws.

"Perrin Wolfbrother, attorney," he said.

The tiger grabbed his paw. His own dwarfed the wolf's, and the squeeze was firm, and warm, yet not bone-crunching. He didn't appear to need to assert himself with such a brutish gesture.

"Mister Druff...Professor Druff," the tiger replied.

"Good afternoon...ah...sir," the wolf hurried to speak up. "Will you sit down, please?"

He gestured at the chair for the clients to sit in, before returning to his own. It felt warm under his butt, after sitting on it for the better part of an hour before the tiger's abrupt entrance.

"By all means," said the cat.

He sat heavily, and crossed his legs while he did so, watching the wolf at all times. Perrin felt slightly intimidated again. The tiger appeared to have a different idea about what amounted to polite amount of eye contact.

"So, I hear that you are good at handling assets," the tiger said.

Perrin's ears flicked back and forth curiously.


"I have some money I want to keep safe," the tiger said,"some intellectual property as well that needs managing. I hear you can do this. Can you?"

Perrin felt his cheeks warm a little. The tiger made him feel self-conscious and on the spot.

"Well...we have done such things in the past, certainly," he said, "of course general financial counseling is offered by various other agencies but...legal protection..."

"I like to keep hold of what belongs to me," the tiger rumbled," there's too many grabby paws out there who want a share, and I'm not in the mood for giving handouts."

"Ahem..." said Perrin.

The tiger's statement was somewhat strange, and he wasn't entire sure just what he meant by it. The gist of it was clear enough, though, and Perrin knew about such things from his training and his past experience with the practice.

"Yes?" the tiger snapped. Perrin hoped he wasn't feeling cross at him. The wolf felt that he had made a rather blustered first impression on the neatly dressed feline, whom kept looking at him firmly through his pince-nez spectacles.

"Ah... I mean, sir..." the wolf hurried,"I mean, the company has experience in drawing such contracts, for the protection of intellectual property, and the like..."

The tiger changed the cross of his legs so swiftly that it almost made Perrin jump.

Damn feline body talk! the wolf grumbled to himself. Sometimes they were confusing.

"Good!" the tiger grumbled. "Show me!"

"Ahem...what would you like to see?"

"An example, a template," the tiger tilted his big paw. "Surely you have something on the computer."

"Of...of course," Perrin hurried, "our files are naturally confidential, but...ah...I might be able to pull something up..."

The tiger stood up fluidly and made a move towards the tiger. Perrin's ears flicked back quickly, in surprise.

"Ah...a moment, please, I'll have to...find it..." Perrin said, putting his paws onto the keyboard.

The tiger looked impatient.

"Well, alright..."

Perrin felt time pressure unlike he hadn't felt since some of his most grueling exams at the University. Suddenly it felt like his computer desktop was cluttered with many things he didn't want the tiger to see - confidentiality was part of his utmost creed, after all, and even if Justice might be blind, but the tiger was not. His father would tear him a new one, figuratively, if he'd let any top secret information slip.

"Just a second...I think..." Perrin tried to make small talk with the tiger hovering nearby," ah...I think this might be..."


The insides of Perrin's ears heated up. He wondered if the tiger was going to tell his boss that he had been unhelpful while facing the cat's impatience.

"I think I found it, now, sir...ah...yes..."

He clicked on the file in question and it popped open on the screen. The tiger moved behind him without a further invitation and leaned down to read from the wolf's monitor. Perrin could hear his chair creak when the tiger's gut pressed against the backrest of his chair. He felt slotted in, between the desk and the chair that now trapped him, since the broad tiger stood just behind him.

"Let's see, then..." the tiger said.

"Ah...this is a sample...contract...as drawn up by us for the...control of intellectual property..." Perrin stated," it shows how the creator retains the basic right as the copyright holder and how he or she may relinquish part of this control to third parties for the purpose of further - ah...application..."

"Where does it say that they can't steal my stuff?" the tiger huffed.

The breath tickled down the wolf's neck. It felt warm at first when it struck him but cooled when it went below his collar. It prickled and almost made him shiver. It certainly made it difficult to concentrate on the work at paw.

"Ah...that would be under the recognition of...hmm...intellectual rights as per the Act of..."

"Hmph," the tiger snorted.

Perrin gave the tiger a hurried look over his shoulder.


"Are you sure you are up to this?" the tiger grumbled. "You seem distracted. Should I ask someone else instead?"

"No, sir!" Perrin almost yelped. He felt embarrassed by how high his voice rose when he gave his protest. "I am...I have done this in the past!"

"You could have fooled me," the tiger rumbled. "You're jumpy and out of it!"

Perrin's ears became intensely flat. The tiger sounded incredibly displeased with him, and looked like he might decide to storm out of the office, possibly after complaining to Perrin's boss about the wolf's inadequate performance. The wolf didn't look forward to being told off.

"I'm sorry sir if I appear - "

The tiger glared at him.

"Do you have a problem with me?" the cat growled down at the wolf.

"S-sir?" Perrin questioned. "I - of course not!"

"You act like a scolded pup..." the tiger rumbled, "I see no reason why you would behave in such a way towards me, unless you are troubled by my presence."

"N-no sir - " Perrin stammed.

One huge paw suddenly landed onto his shoulder and held onto him firmly. The wolf's entire body trembled under such a touch.

"Is that so, pup?" the tiger hissed.

"Uh..hhhh..." Perrin panted. It was hard to concentrate now that blood rushed onto his face and his heart began to race. The tiger's demeanor was threatening, and Prerrin wondered if he should yell for help. He wondered if anyone in the office could even render such assistance, against the big tiger who had now physically...assaulted...him.

"Thought so..." the tiger slurred," just a silly little pup who needs a real man to take care of him..."

Perrin's eyes widened. Had the tiger truly just said something like that.

The cat smirked at him, showing teeth and his pink tongue between those threatening gnashers.

"Think I can't smell a bitch in heat?" the tiger hissed. "Oh I saw right when I entered that you're a right tail raiser..."

Perrin felt his cock harden in an instant. The situation still felt wrong and threatening, but being spoken to in such a manner stirred the wolf in ways that he was ashamed to admit.

"The way you look at real men like they're just a walking cock that will be rammed down your throat and in your ass so hard you won't walk properly for a week..." the tiger detailed.

The wolf felt his asshole clench nervously at such a description. He had no idea how a normal consultation could have had such a turn in such a short time, too.

"S-sir..." Perrin gawked.

"That's_Daddy_ to you," Druff growled. His smirk had grown even more evil, and his gesture of possession upon the wolf became even more so when his other paw fell onto the back of Perrin's head.

"D-daddy..." Perrin whimpered.

The tiger kicked on the swiveling chair to turn the wolf about and tugged his face against the crotch of his neatly cut dress pants. The wolf's muzzle was forced against a seemingly huge, musky bulge that throbbed with constrained masculine energy, incredible amounts of musk and the sheer lusty knowledge that the expensive cloth covered a pulsing, hard, barbed daddycock.

"Mmmph!" the wolf whimpered and huffed onto the tiger's bulge.

"That's right...you know what to do with it like a good pussyboy does..." the tiger drawled.

It felt so incredibly wrong and yet the wolf couldn't deny his own arousal. The tiger dominated him completely with his musk and his presence. It really was as if the cat could sense his secret desire for submission, somehow, even if the wolf went to great lengths to make sure that he projected the image of a confident, professional young man. Still the tiger managed to reduce him into what was essentially a complete cock slut in a matter of minutes with his mere scent and dominant demeanor.

Grit is going to kill me! the wolf's mind screamed.

"Let's see if your company can really provide the services I need..." the tiger growled.

Perrin dared to look up towards the smirking tiger. Druff moved his paw from the wolf's shoulder, and to the wolf's horror and joy, began to unbutton his suit jacket.


"Stand up, pussyboy," the tiger growled.

Perrin did not have the resolution to resist any of the tiger's obvious commands. He stood up to jelly-like legs and swayed in place, not daring to meet the tiger's eyes. The cat pushed the chair to the side and grabbed the wolf.

"Bend over, bitch."

"Y-yes sir - "

He was manhandled and had to plant his paws on either side of his computer keyboard. His position was one of classic submission, leaving his ass vulnerable for the rough gropes and spanks that followed from the tiger.

"Doubt your coworkers know what a little slut you are..." the tiger pulled on the wolf's belt.

His paw moved across Perrin's hip and grasped the buckle.

"Hmm...all hard, too...silly pup..." the tiger clicked his tongue. The movement of his paw brushed along the wolf's own erection, but he did not longer there. Instead of that he put his paws onto the wolf's hips and pulled his pants down .


"Even a ring on the left paw..." the tiger mused," I hope your husband knows that he married a slut who gives it out to strangers..."

Perrin's throat clenched. His ears were as flat as they ever could be.


"But that doesn't matter now, does it?" the tiger snorted when he grabbed Perrin's tail and gave it a hard tug.

"U-uh!" Perrin bit his teeth so as not to make too much noise.

"You're all mine now," the tiger hissed into his ear.

"Y-yes sir..." Perrin whispered obediently.

There was some shuffling of clothing and the click of buttons, before Perrin felt the tiger's beefy legs against the backs of his own. The tiger pulled on the hems of the wolf's jacket and shirt to expose his ass even further, and it was then when the tiger felt something very hot and stiff slide under his tail and between his butt cheeks.

"Uhhhh...s-sir!" the wolf panted.

It felt huge.

It felt threatening.

It was convered in angry barbs and it pushed into his ass crack and towards his clenching, itching by nows very much needy pucker. The pre-cum oozing from its tip slickened the way, but with that thick meat rubbing down on him, Perrin knew that it was going to be rough.

The tiger grabbed the wolf's hips. His thumbs pressed onto the fleshy part of Perrin's ass, hard enough that it almost hurt.

"Hush, pup boy...Daddy'll take care of ya..."

"H-uhh...ahhuuhh..." Perrin panted.

"If you do well, boy, maybe I'll even hire you for work other than being my cock warmer..." hissed the tiger.

"A-ah..." Perrin moaned. His cock splurted pre-cum onto the hems of his shirt.

The tiger gripped onto him and made sure that the wolf was not going to be escaping anywhere while he began to push.

"Ow..." Perrin bit his teeth together.

"Take it, boy..."

The cock just felt too big to properly fit into his hole, whatever experience he had in the past of taking it in the ass. Perrin just couldn't imagine how dirty it felt, getting fucked right on his desk at work. Even his husband Gritou hadn't done something that naughty, and his boyfriend did have his moments.

Now he was giving his married ass to a stranger, a tiger who had practically walked in and now tried to shove his dick up the wolf's rump.

"Take it...hussh...less hissing, more fucking..."

His hole clenched desperately against the intrusive slab of meat, but there was very little he could do to resist such an invasion. His muscles were ruthlessly stretched by the tiger's barbed cock, pushing onto him, trying to gain new ground inside the wolf.


The tiger's insistence soon paid off. The wolf's asshole tired out and could only admit the tiger's massive member into Perrin's anus. The puckered muscles clenched and parted, and when the tiger noted that there was give, he simply shoved forward and buried his angry red, leaking tip into the wolfy lawyer's rear.


The tiger slid into his ass. Perrin wondered if it was actually tearing him open, being so big and him being mostly unprepared, but the pain that came from the penetration soon melted into the familiar pleasure of receiving a cock into his ass.

"There we go..." the tiger murmured.

The panting wolf felt the huge cock move even deeper into him. The tiger must've been struggling not to simply bury his entire tool into Perrin's ass in one go.


The wolf thought he saw stars when the barbed tip slid against his prostate. The pressure made him leak ,the stretching sent waves of pleasure and hints of pain through his entire abdomen and made the tall wolf shudder under the tiger's treatment. His body was truly submitting to the daddy tiger's cock, being stretched open and simply used like the bitch he had become right now for the stranger.


The tiger mouthed at his neck. It slobbered on his collar and made a mess of both his furs and his clothing. The wolf was too deep in his submission to wonder just how he was going to get out of work without anyone noticing his state. Right now all he could think about was the huge cock going inside him, plowing into him and making him moan uncontrollably in pleasure and submission.

And he wasn't even getting fucked, properly. The Druff first pushed all of him inside the wolf's ass before he finally began to hunch back and forth while his paws and his muzzle also laid their claim on the wolf's body. He groped, grabbed and fondled, all the while his hips moved and pumped his cock into the wolf's tight heat. The wolf's neck and shoulder offered good targets for his tongue and his teeth to make sure that the wolf knew he was going to be marked with bites and spit from the rough dom. His ass was on fire, as were his cheeks, burning with the lust for submission and the knowledge of the depravity of what he was doing, having illicit sex at work while anyone might come knocking at the door at any time needing the wolf's attention.

Oh God!

The tiger did not spare anything when he fucked the wolf. His cock pounded into the wolf's once tight ass and sent his balls slapping against Perrin's own. The wolf huffed and whimpered in his submission to the huge cock and the big tiger that owned it...and right now he was owning the wolf's body and mind as well. He was but an extension to that big took pumping in and out of his burning rump.

"Is this how you treat...*huff* all your clients..." the tiger teased him verbally, "...give them some ass to keep them coming...sate that asshole of yours for a little time...and then need more..."

Perrin wanted to object to such claims, but he knew he would be just lying to himself. Right now he was nothing more than a complete slut for the big daddy tiger, something to stick his cock into. And the wolf craved every moment of those barbs scraping roughly through his asshole and then deep inside him, churning pleasure into his body that practically rode on the spear that humped back and forth inside him.


Perrin's balls drew up to his body just before he cummed - from the stimulation, in and out, from the sheer humiliating pleasure of the whole situation. His cum spewed into his shirt and made it darken with the spreading moisture the cloth absorbed. It did nothing to hide the obscene scent of male rut and cum that filled the air of his office now.


The tiger's growl rose from his throat. He clamped his jaws around Perrin's shoulder to keep himself quiet during the time when he drained his balls into the wolf's hole through the jerking, stiff shaft of his cock buried into the wolf's rear. His heat spilled deep into the wolf's hole and he knew that he was going to be carrying the signs of the tiger's conquest of his body for a long time - even beyond the soreness that was going to be inevitable.


In a room quite some distance away from the law office, an orca stared at his computer screen. He was breathless, panting still yet, and his hand clutched around a very stiff, cum-covered cock. Stains of his pearly cream covered his chest and ran over his knuckles as well while he tried to get his breathing steadied.

On the screen, his husband remained hunched against his desk, panting and with his cock making his shirt tent up. Behind him, the huge tiger smirked and licked his chops happily.

"Good slut."

Gritou wasn't sure if even Perrin himself knew that the wolf's Skype had been left open when he'd suddenly received the client and things had taken such a dangerous and...the orca had to admit, sexy turn.

"Y-yes sir..." his husband whimpered on screen, completely under the tiger's spell.

"Get to the floor and clean my dick, boy."

The weary wolf was beyond resistance. He slipped sloppily off the tiger's still very hard cock and buried his muzzle to the root on it. The tiger let out a deep purr and closed his eyes in satisfaction at the wolf's submission.


Gritou whimpered.

"D-daddy..." the orca muttered into the quiet, smelly air of his room.


And so as not to spoil the surprise, I didn't mention in the opening notes that Gritou makes a cameo as well :)

Thank you for reading my story! I hope you had a good time, and I look forward to your feedback! Remember that all votes, faves and watches will help others to find these stories to enjoy as well!

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