Forgiveness, endgame, never mind

Story by Yaxnonth on SoFurry

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#9 of an island mansion -

yay chapter 9 is up it has m/f in it by a familiar couple so if your not quite into that then i'd suggest you check out one of my other stories, or just read on anyway everybody else enjoy

Chapter 9

Forgiveness, endgame, never mind

Mr. Hue walked toward the hall of Tye's bedroom, he tried to open the door but it was locked

"He must be taking a nap...better let him sleep" Mr. Hue said quietly to himself

He walked down the stairs and went into the kitchen to get some coffee

When he sat down he heard the back door open, Hyeed and Kayla both walked in holding each others hands, they quickly went up to their room

"The house is quiet, even with so many people in it... is it always like this? Do I always leave Tye in such silence?" Mr. Hue mumbled to himself before taking a sip of his coffee

The day went by very quickly the moon sprung up and the twinkle of stars reached the darkened sky.

Everyone was very tired they knew there trip was ending only a few days left until the project clean up was finished

Mr. Hue didn't bother going back up to Tye's room to see if he was awake, he just went back to bed for a much needed rest

Tye woke up and stretched on his bed as he sat up; he looked at his sleeping lovers who lay quietly under the blanket

Tye looked out his window to see a slight glow off in the horizon the sun hadn't come up yet but he knew he wouldn't be able to get back to sleep, so he got off the bed making sure not to disturb Ferron and Roxy, he grabbed some clothes, changed, and walked out into the kitchen

‘Ok, I know I have to do this quickly, the earlier I do this the easier it will be' Tye thought picking up the phone and dialed the police station that was holding Roxy's father

He set up a time to visit luckily it was early so he could go any time so he called the captain who agreed to take him to the station, it seemed safe enough at this time

Tye went to one of the monitors and contacted Dachii


"Tye I'm so glad you're alright"

"Dachii, could you do me a favor?"

"Ok Tye what is it"

"I need you to tell the others that I'll be gone, for a little while"

"Your, going to leave after just coming back?"

"I'll try to be quick"

"Ok Tye, but promise when you get back you'll come to see me..."

"I will Dachii, I'll be back soon"

Tye walked away from the monitor and headed outside with the boat waiting at the dock and the captain waiting to take him to the station

"Well it looks like your getting a visit" one of the police officers said to a Dobie in his cell

"Hmm, really? From who?" he asked back

"Some kid"

He growled a little to himself, he knew it would be Tye, he thought he would be there to see the police throw him off to a dangerous prison and laugh in his face

"He's the reason I'm here" he mumbled to himself

He was becoming more and more angry, his mind plotted all the things he could have done, and why the boy had survived... but he still didn't understand what was really going on

The captain walked Tye to the station which was strangely close to the docks

Tye waved goodbye to the captain as they agreed to meet back on the boat in a little while

Tye walked into the police station and was greeted by the officer he had met the other day

"Hello Tye you here to visit...Mr. Maart" he said looking at the list

"Yes I am, I'm guessing you told him I was coming"

"we're assuming he knows who would visit him, now follow me this way we set up a place were you can talk privately" the officer led Tye to a small interrogation room with Roxy's father already there handcuffed to the desk, he gave Tye a seat before saying "I'll be right out the door, when you need to leave just knock"

Tye nodded and the officer left as Tye turned his attention to the Dobie in front of him

"Hi" Tye said quietly

"Look kid I get it your mad, but you didn't have to come here to taunt me"

"I haven't come here to taunt you, I'm here to-" Tye was cut off

"Humiliate me, laugh at me, I don't care" the Dobie yelled

"Wait" Tye put his hands out "just hear me out"

Roxy's father became quiet

"I'm here to let you go, and explain a few things"

"What? ... You're here to let me go" the Dobie said surprised ‘Roxy must have put him up to it' he thought

"Yes, I've dropped all charges against you so you don't have to worry about those either, but before you can freely walk out of here we need to come to an understanding" Tye said answering the Dobie's question

"An understanding... like how you lied about you and my daughter" he was getting a little mad

"Please let me explain... you've got the wrong idea, I'm not cheating on Roxy"

"Then tell me, I'm all ears" the Dobie said sarcastically glaring at Tye

Tye explained the relationship between him Ferron and Roxy as much as he could, at first Roxy's father thought it was a joke and just mocked him, but then he noticed Tye wasn't lying and all he felt was confusion



"You and..."


"And when you..."


"Have you guys ever..."

"Whoa! no we haven't done that are you nuts?"

With little chatter and many questions later Roxy's father started to understand even though he didn't really like the idea, but he saw Tye as a good person suitable enough for Roxy

"I guess now I know why she likes you Tye"

"Thank you sir"

"You don't have to call me that, just call me Jim or pops if that's what sounds better for you"

Tye smiled when Jim said ‘pops', he knew that meant that he had been accepted by him

Tye thought for a moment "how would you like to come to the island with me, I think you should talk to Roxy... I think she would be worried if you didn't see her"

Jim looked at Tye curiously "you want me to go back there" he hung his head low "she probably hates me right now and the same with all of your friends"

"When I asked her if she was mad at you, she said yes... but she never said she hated you, I don't think she could ever hate you" Tye said trying to convince him to go

"Even if she didn't... I'm sure everyone else there would-"

Tye interrupted him "how about I just make it the two of you... you can meet outside, and then if you want you can go home" tye said

The Dobie pondered the thought "... alright... I'll go, as soon as we're out of here"

"perfect, I'll set everything up when we get there... oh and by the way you might need to apologize to the captain, for hijacking the boat" Tye said about to get up

Jim looked embarrassed "yea I should really do that to..."

Tye walked up to the door and knocked, the police officer asked if they were done and Tye said they were and to get the forms for Jim's release

All the forms were filled out and the handcuffs were removed

"Thank you officers" Tye said waving them goodbye as he walked out with Jim

"If he causes any more trouble notify us immediately, alright" one of the police officers said

Tye chuckled "alright" apparently he took it as a joke

The two of them walked up to the boat with the captain waiting for Tye

Mr. Hue woke up from his relaxing sleep; he really needed it after all the crap he's been through this entire week

He got up and realized he was still in his work clothes; he looked down at himself before getting up and heading into the bathroom to take a shower and change into more suitable clothing

Mr. Hue came out of the bathroom looking refreshed and in his inside ware which strangely looked similar to his work clothing

He discarded his old clothes into a hamper and decided to go down to the kitchen for some coffee

As he ordered the coffee Dachii appeared on the monitor

"Hello Carlos" Dachii said

Mr. Hue was a bit startled to see Dachii appear on the monitor but he quickly recognized who it was and calmed down "hello to you to Dachii, you scared me there for a second..." Mr. Hue said before taking a sip of his coffee

Dachii chuckled "hopefully that'll wake you up more than your coffee" they both laughed for a moment "... I have to tell you something... Tye isn't in the house anymore"

"What?!" Mr. Hue almost spilled his coffee "where did he go?" Mr. Hue asked

"I'm not sure, but he left early this morning and he said he would be back soon" Dachii answered

"Does he leave often?"

"No, this is probably the longest he's ever been out of the house other than yesterday"

After Jim apologized to the captain they headed back to the island

Tye walked up toward the captain to talk

"you took that apology well, I thought you would be more angry"

"well I sort of check if he was sincere enough, and I'd say he was"

"you're a very forgiving person"

"you have to be, when you know people are going through so much"

Tye nodded in agreement and they continued on there way to the island in silence

Tye and Jim thanked the captain as they got off of the boat before Tye told Jim of his plan

"ok Jim, you should wait here near the docks and I'll go get Roxy and bring her here, ok?" Tye said

"alright, just don't be long" Jim replied before Tye took off toward the mansion

Tye got to the mansion and entered the door; he heard little noise in the house

‘I guess no one is awake yet' he walked in front of the kitchen and was stopped by the sight of his father

"Good morning Tye" Mr. Hue said cheerfully

"Good morning dad..." Tye answered back with a smile, there was a few seconds of awkward silence before Tye spoke out

"I'm glad your back home dad"

"I'm glad I'm here with you to kiddo" Mr. Hue ruffled Tye's hair

"I have to do something quickly" Tye said turning around

"Alright I'll still be here for a bit"

Tye ran upstairs to go wake up Roxy who looked rather beautiful and peaceful in her sleep, he walked up to her at the edge of the bed and spoke into her ear

"Roxy, wake up, there's someone you need to talk to" Tye shook her a little before she stirred and sat up

"Morning Hun" she said tiredly, she planted a kiss strait on his lips and they held there for a few moments

When they separated Tye told her about meeting up with someone and told her to get dressed

She got dressed and headed toward the door, Tye looked back to see Ferron still laying there quietly and was surprised that he was still sleeping

They both headed out of the door and went outside, Tye told Roxy to head toward the docks

Tye didn't go with her; he had a promise to keep

Tye walked down the hall to get to the simulator room, he typed into the computer as always and headed inside the simulator

When Tye entered he was grabbed and pulled into a strong hug by Dachii

"I'm so glad you're alright, I was afraid when you didn't come back from fighting that guy"

"I'm ok Dachii, but it's getting hard to breathe" Tye said squirming in the hug

"Oh sorry" he quickly let go of Tye

Roxy walked up to the docks and saw a tall figure standing off to the side

Roxy walked up to it and spoke "hey..." she already knew who it was

Jim had tears in his eyes "I'm sorry, Roxy... so sorry" he crouched down trying to get closer "I was just really upset... I don't mean to do all of those things"

"..." Roxy stayed silent

"I get it... you hate me..." he got up and started walking to the end of the dock "then... I won't bother you again..." he sat right on the edge of the dock and put his paws over his eyes

Roxy just watched, her father was apologizing she didn't know what to say, she was still mad, he almost killed Tye and yet here he is, saying he was sorry like some pup who had broken something important

Jim just plain looked sad, he pulled his hands off his eyes and looked at the water below

It moved quickly yet looked very calm, Jim's mind turned dark, he didn't like what was going on

His only daughter hated him, he almost killed someone, there was no way he could explain this to his wife... if things always turn out wrong for him... what was the point?

He pulled himself closer over the water, staring strait down into the deep darkness that was at the bottom

An arm wrapped around Jim's body

"I don't hate you daddy"

Jim's ears perked

"I know what you were thinking about" she smacked him "how could you be so selfish" a tear rolled down her face

"I..." Jim grabbed onto Roxy and stood up to give her a hug "I... didn't want to cause anymore problems for you..."

"By doing that... you would be hurting me more..." she nuzzled into his shoulder and started crying

"Then what do I do" he put his head lower

"Tye forgave you... I have also... now you have to forgive yourself" Roxy said still sniffling

"Then I have to go... back home, but... you won't be there" tears started to flow down his face

"Don't worry; I'll come to visit..." Roxy pulled away

"Things just won't be the same..." Jim said wiping a few of his tears away with his sleeve "how will I explain this to your mother"

"Something tells me you'll find a way" Roxy turned away and started to walk away

"Remember baby... daddy always loves you" Jim said

Roxy stopped and turned back towards her father, she hugged him tightly

"I'll always love you to daddy... and tell mom that I love her to when you get back"

"ok baby" she let go again and started walking away, tears were forming in Jims eyes, to see his little girl go, just made him feel like he was going to break down and cry, but he held together before stepping on the boat for the ride home

"Dachii are you alright, you look sad" Tye asked his dragon friend

Dachii put his head down to the ground, a frown pasted on his face

"I wanted to see you one last time..."

Tye jumped back a little in shock "What?! What are you talking about Dachii"

"You... don't need me anymore..." Dachii sighed

"Dachii how can you say that?"

"you have a perfect life... you have friends out there, a father to support you, a great place to live... and two people who love you... you just don't need me anymore... you'll be perfectly happy without me" Dachii's whole body drooped "I know what comes next... your going to delete would have been better if I had never existed"

"Dachii..." Tye was saddened by what Dachii had said

"I don't think... life would be any fun if you were gone" Tye got closer to Dachii "and you know you have always been there for me... even before I made you in here, you've been my friend since you were imaginary" Tye pulled Dachii's head up "if you were gone, my life could never be perfect..."

"Even if I remained here... you'd never come back..." Dachii said still sad

"Damn it Dachii! Stop thinking like that, I won't let you disappear, and I won't leave you here alone" Tye yelled, Dachii was a little scared he hadn't seen Tye this angry before "Dachii, ever since I can remember I've been trying my hardest to make you... real" Dachii looked surprise as Tye continued to talk "if you disappeared that dream would go with you... I promised myself I would someday do it, and I'm not going to let you tell me to stop, just because things change and I get new friends... it doesn't mean I'll abandon you, I'd be the worst friend in the world if I did that." Tye took a few deep breaths to calm himself down

"I never knew... you cared so much" Dachii said quietly

"of coarse I care I don't ever want you to say for me to get rid of you EVER!" Tye made sure Dachii understood

Dachii pulled Tye into a big hug again; the frown had been swept off of his face

"Why did you have to give me emotion...? I feel like they all hurt" Dachii whispered

"I already told you why Dachii... I wanted to make you real" Tye whispered back "do you mind putting me down now"

Dachii placed him on the ground softly

"Dachii don't ever think it will be the last time... at least not for a long time, and by then you can leave this place and see the world outside of the simulator"

"Ok Tye ... I understand... I'll stick around... but promise me that when you do make me real, that you'll show me the world... I don't want to explore alone"

"I promise buddy, and Maybe you'll find someone when you go, who knows someone might be waiting for a strong dragon to come along" Tye said with a smile

Dachii smiled back "maybe it's time you went back to your friends..."

"alright Dachii... I'll be back, and you can always see me in the house, maybe we should have a party before people go back home"

"I'll make preparations for that, it will be a night to remember"

"Thank you Dachii, your always there when I need you, you know how important you are to me, so don't give up on yourself" they said there goodbyes before Tye turned around and the room turned back into a white room

Tye walked out with a smile on his face, he knew now things were working out, he had friends, a father, and his two lovers, he was happy and he wanted everyone else to be happy, they only had so much time left on the island, he wanted to make sure things went perfectly

Mike and Gigi were lying down in there room making out on the bed, when mike pulled off from the kiss

"do you want to have some fun today babe?" Mike said suggestively smirking at her

Gigi giggled "sure teddy, I know I'll enjoy it"

Mike pulled her close and lifted her off of the bed, Gigi laughed as Mike picked her up

"Where do you want to do this?" Gigi asked

"How about, right here?" Mike said

"Then why'd you lift me up?"

"Because I know you love it" mike said

Gigi giggled again as Mike laid her on the bed, they were already naked so they didn't need to remove there clothes, Mike quickly ran and locked the door, he looked back at the bed at his beautiful Ferret putting herself in a sexy pose

Mike's cock shot up quickly, his musk was strong it was already filling up the room

Mike jumped up onto the bed next to Gigi and kissed her deeply, he took his paws and rubbed it against her slit lightly pushing in and then out, he could tell she was very aroused as well

He got really close as he pulled his paw away and pushed the tip of his meat inside her, he paused for a moment before separating from the kiss and started licking her nipples, she like that a lot

He pushed his cock into her he moaned in pleasure, he then pulled almost all the way out and then continued to push back in, Gigi moaned along with Mike this time, Mike knew he had hit the right spot and started going faster

You could here the moans and grunts echoing through out the room, Mike stopped licking Gigi's nipples and came back up to give her a deep kiss, there tongues danced between there muzzles in passion much like there body's passionate movements.

There furry body's seemed to fit together as they rocked back and forth, a load moan came from Gigi she was feeling and orgasmic rush pleasure pulsed through her body, Mike could feel himself get close

They continued to kiss, separating only for quick breaths, Mike was going faster and his climax was approaching

"ahhh mmmm" Mike then grunted as he came into Gigi, load after load of rich bear cum flowed into her

There orgasms lasted for only a short while before they became tired as they lay down next to each other

"How was that babe?" Mike asked smiling

"I loved it, and I love you teddy" she hugged her ursine lover

"I love you to babe" Mike pulled out of her as they lay side by side you could here them lightly panting

"Let's go take a shower babe" Mike said he sniffed the air and noticed the smell

"Yes lets" Gigi tried to get up but Mike stopped her

"I want to carry you" Mike walked over to the other side of the bed and lifted Gigi in his arms bridal style

Gigi giggled she loved being lifted by her big strong teddy

He lifted her into the bathroom and set her on her feet on the shower and joined her

He put the water to just the right temperature as they cleaned each other off and having a little fun with each other at the same time

The Hyeed's fluffy tail was wagging slowly as he sat looking out of the window, he was communicating with the captain again

‘Good morning captain'

‘Well, good morning boy, how've you been?'

‘I've been great; it really was the best thing to come back here'

‘See I told you boy'

‘Yes you did... captain are you just randomly drifting right now?'

‘No I'm actually taking that, Doberman back to the city'

‘You're taking Roxy there? Why?'

‘No boy not that Doberman, the other one, the one that had the gun'

‘Oh my gods! Are you alright? He isn't threatening you again is he?'

‘No, he actually came here on Tye's terms, he was on the island earlier but now I have to get him back home'

‘What? Tye brought him here?'

‘It was the oddest thing, but he apologized for the other day I think Tye released him from jail'

‘I wonder why'

‘I'm not even sure myself, but he's not that bad of a guy if he's not, you know, holding a gun to your head'

Hyeed heard Kayla stirring from her sleep

‘Kayla is waking up, I'll see you later right captain?'

‘yes siree, have fun boy'

"Morning Kayla, have a good dream" Hyeed spoke sweetly into her ear

"You were in it, so it's always good" she said to him tiredly

He chuckled "how about we get something to eat, maybe shake some of that sleep out of your beautiful eyes"

He extended his paw and she took it as he pulled her out of bed and the pair headed down the stairs to the kitchen

Ferron's eye's opened; he was completely covered in blankets even over his face

He pushed off all of the sheets when he found himself alone in Tye's bedroom

Being alone in a bedroom brought back bad memories from the few weeks at the orphanage that Roxy was taken away from him

He shivered, he never wanted to revisit those memories, he remembers lying in that small room with two mattresses side by side with one of them being empty, his small wolf body shivered from the cold and loneliness

Ferron snapped back to reality, he knew that it was all a distant memory; they wouldn't leave him behind again...would they?

Ferron heard footsteps coming down the hallway, the door handle was turned and the door opened

It was Tye he had walked back to his room to check if Ferron was still sleeping

"Morning sleepy head" Tye said smiling at Ferron

Ferron perked up "good morning Tye! ... Where's Roxy?"

"She just got back from talking to her father, she's already downstairs" Tye answered

Ferron growled a little "you mean that prick that almost killed you"

"Ferron... we have to move past this, he's really not a bad guy, he just got mad, it happens" Tye said sighing

"Tye how can you take this so lightly, he almost took you away from us..."

"I'm not taking it lightly... I just chose to forgive him" Tye got closer to Ferron "now get up and have something to eat, something tells me you get cranky when you don't have your breakfast" Tye laughed as Ferron nearly missed the end of the bed and almost tripped, Ferron didn't think it was funny but the look on his face was just perfect

Mr. Hue had finished his coffee and was going to head to his mini office next to his room, as he left the kitchen he saw Hyeed and Kayla walking down the stairs

"Morning you two" he waved to them

"Good morning sir" Hyeed called out

Kayla just smiled at him

‘Good to know the kids are getting along well'

He then saw Tye and Ferron heading down the stairs

Ferron quickly went by and said "morning" then walked into the kitchen

Tye however stopped in front of his father and looked him in the eyes

"Tye are you alright?" Mr. Hue asked

Tye smiled "I'm great, this has been the best week of my life"

Mr. Hue smiled back at his son "I'm glad you're enjoying this, maybe we should have done this a while ago"

Tye stared at his dad again and put on a more serious face

"Dad... about yesterday... I still want to know how you feel"

Mr. Hue froze up for a minute recollecting what had happened the other day

"I've decided that I'm ok with this... as long as your really happy together... a friend of yours convinced me that you were ready for this" Mr. Hue said and then got a quick surprise hug from his son

"Thank you dad, we really are happy together, it just feels right" Tye said letting go of his father

"Good... but make sure if you need anything or need to talk about, anything, then I'm here, alright son" Mr. Hue watched as his son nodded and then turned around to go into the kitchen with the others

"He's still just a kid, but I guess he has to grow up sometime..." Mr. Hue walked into his mini office, sat in his chair, and put on his headphones to listen to some calming music

End of chapter 9

i hope you enjoyed the chapter please tell me what you think i like to know what my reader think about my stories and it helps me continue writing as it makes me feel more inspired