The Power of silence.

Story by Serpent_Lord on SoFurry

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Well you know the rules.

Kyle strolled through the ever shrinking forest next to his house. The large forest was rapidly shrinking, a once beautiful landscape disappearing due to the constant construction. Kyle estimated that there wouldn't even be a tree left by next summer. He sighed, looking down at the small game trail as he walked through, silently stepping over twigs and leaves. He had always loved the forest, and he liked walking through it, especially to think. Tonight he had a lot to think about and none of it was pleasant. Kyle's parent's relationship had slowly fallen apart over the years and tonight his dad had finally left. All his life he had been very close with his parents and he had always wondered what he would do if his parents ever divorced.

Now that his parents finally were divorced, Kyle really didn't know what to do. He just wanted to get away from everything and everyone. His pace slowly increased, as his anger and frustration built up inside, until he was at a sprint. He stopped a few minutes later, panting, to look around his surroundings. He noticed a small cave entrance he had never seen before, but due to the constant construction it was quite obvious now, no longer hidden by the foliage.

Kyle slowly walked towards it and peered in. It was dark and humid and had a heady, "thick" smell to it. He stepped into the cave only to realize that it was an amazingly steep slope covered in water and he quickly slid down into darkness.

Three dragons were advancing closer to the mouth of the cave. They had been ordered to seal off the cave before the corruption of the humans invaded their last sanctuary. Their ebony claws clacked as the dragons approached in silence. They all mourned for having to close themselves from the outside world, however they must protect what was theirs.

All three dragons solemnly stepped around the caves mouth and bowed their heads. They began to chant in deep hollow language that was unknown to almost everyone. Slowly the walls crumbled as the magic took its effect causing thousands of years of erosion in just a few seconds.

Kyle began to awaken, a bit of blood drying on the side of his head. He groggily lifted his head off the cold rocky floor. He squinted but could not make anything out. He quickly began to panic. How long had he been down here? How did he plan to get back up? Thousands of thoughts rushed through his mind and he quickly stood up. He tried in vain to walk back up the slope that he had slid down but all he managed to do was fall down a few times. He finally stopped and sat back down, resting his head against a small stalagmite. He slowly breathed in the damp air trying to collect himself. He slowly calmed down and listened to the cave walls in an attempt to quiet his mind.

Whispering. Was that what he heard? Kyle had no clue how long he had sat there. Yes, there it was again. As he listened a little more carefully he noticed it was not English, but for some reason he understood some of it. "Maybe it's English in a foreign accent." He thought. He strained his ears trying to pick up the voices. After a few minutes of waiting he heard them again but this time the voices were louder. It didn't sound like English but still he could understand it. He was so caught up in trying to figure out what kind of accent it was that he failed to notice the light in the cave becoming brighter. As soon as he noticed this, he panicked, and stumbled backwards not caring how much noise he made. He crawled back until he reached a wall and couldn't go any further he then looked at the approaching light and gasped.


The dragons were returning back from their completed mission when they heard something. They all stopped and listened again, nothing. "Did you hear that?" Ayia asked.

"Yeah, a scratching or something..." Aepas trailed off.

Ayia held out her hand conjuring a small ball of fire so they could see, and they proceeded to slowly search around. For a good five minutes they found nothing, but they kept searching. As Aepas slowly examined a small group of rocks something crawled backwards. He quickly ducked his head and called his brethren over.


Kyle stared as three dragons stood behind a small collection of rocks and stalagmites. He was both scared and amazed at the same time. They were absolutely beautiful. All them had the same body build, somewhat humanoid, though their legs were bestial, fairly long necks, fangs, spikes protruding from their backs they were all about 10 feet give or take a few.

One was green, not a dark green but more of a lighter milky color. He was perhaps the smallest of them, quite sleek with an athletic build.

The second held a small ball of fire illuminating the cave. Kyle squinted and noticed that this dragon was female. Her scales shone off a deep blood red. Although she was female she still had quite a muscle build. Not enough to be unattractive, but enough to be intimidating none the less.

The third was a deep blue, the tallest and by far the most beautiful. He was the most muscular of the three. His entire upper body was well built and his legs were like that of a professional runner.

Kyle had almost no time to examine them. As he sat there gawking, the green one came with an almost impossible speed and grabbed him by the throat. "Human," he snarled, "Come here to defile our lands eh?"

"N...No" Kyle stuttered "I got lost and... and" his reply was cut short by claws tightening around his neck.

The large green dragon started to squeeze harder, the tips of his talons cutting into the back of his neck and cutting off air to Kyle when the red dragon called out "Aepas! Drop him! He means us no harm."

Aepas snaked his head around and snapped, "Oooh, Forgive me, I can't read minds, unlike someone."

"Shut up! I didn't even have to, just look at the thing!" Yelled the red dragon, bits of fire escaping from her maw, her eyes flashing dangerously.

He snarled and dropped the small human and walked over the others as the red one walked foreword. She knelt down, to Kyle. "Sorry about him, he has a short temper. And is quite prejudice." She said with a strange smile that only a giant reptile as herself could manage. "What's your name?"


The red dragon picked up Kyle and set him back on his feet. Kyle just stood there in a shock. The dragons except for the green one looked at him in curiosity. "How did you get here?" questioned the red dragon.

"I was looking in the cave and I slid down, and then you showed up."

The dragon nodded in response and decided to introduce herself and her brethren.

"Well I am Ayia, and these are my brothers, Aepas you already met, and the blue one.... Well, just call him "silence". He's been a mute ever since he was born and only his parent knew his name but they died not to long ago and we can't coax his name out of him, He won't even write it down for us!"

Kyle let out a harsh laugh. Right now he was just relieved that these creatures were not going to eat him. However some panic started to set in. How was he going to get home?

"I'm sorry" Ayia said softly "we sealed the tunnel to prevent the humans and their horrible machines from getting in."

Kyle sighed "I know, it's horrible what they did to this forest. That place used to be like my second home. I would camp out in it and play in the creek..." he trailed off thinking of the great memories.

As Kyle said this the blue dragon raised his head and peered at the human. He thought for a moment and then dismissed it. This was not the time.

"Well I guess you'll come with us then, we'll see what the elders say." Ayia said.

Kyle nodded his head in response. They all started down the path once again, Aepas in the front grumbling about having a human along with them. The blue dragon "silence" just walked in the center looking straight ahead and Ayia stayed in the back and chatted with Kyle the whole time.

She talked about her life, how the humans were destroying resources, and many other things. While they chatted Kyle learned that the reason that he could understand them although they did not speak English was because they spoke a kind of universal language that all living creatures could understand and even speak if they put their minds to it.

After hours of walking, the small group reached their destination. Although they were originally in a cave, Kyle stepped out into a huge outdoor field. The land stretched as far as the eye could see and in the distance there were huge mountains.

"You are the first human to ever set foot here" Ayia said. "This is a magical place that only the dragons, and you, know of."

Kyle stared in awe at the amazing sanctuary. "We will go to the elders later, to speak of our success and to see what to do with you." Ayia said answering Kyle's silent thoughts.

"And do not worry, Dragons are fair. We would not have to kill you to preserve our secret." She said once again reading his mind and answering.

"Her mind reading ability is a bit annoying. She answers before I can even ask." thought Kyle.

Ayia let out a small chuckle "Aepas says the same thing. Especially when he's thinking about different females in bed!"

Kyle was a bit taken back by her straightforwardness but laughed along with her, it felt good just to let a bit of the tension out.

"Well you can't stay with me and Aepas but you can stay with silence, right?" she peered over at him and he stared back, with unmoving eyes. "You can at least nod." Silence let out a somewhat crooked smile and nodded. "There, that wasn't so hard was it?" And with that Ayia and Aepas flew into the air their great wings bolstering Kyle with gusts of wind and grass.

Silence walked up to Kyle placed a large claw on his shoulder and guided him away heading towards and unknown destination.

After walking for a few hours, they finally arrived at their destination. It was a large cave etched in the side of a mountain. Silence ushered Kyle into the cave. Kyle looked around in amazement. The cave was massive. The ceiling must have been at least 50 feet high and there were chairs, more like thrones, molded from polished stones. And a small pit glowing with embers. While Kyle was still admiring the cave, Silence sat down and signaled Kyle over. Kyle walked over, although somewhat timidly as he knew that if these creatures wanted, he would be dead in a matter of seconds.

Kyle sat next to the dragon and waited. He knew he couldn't make the dragon talk and the dragon had signaled him, so he obviously wanted something.

The blue dragon slowly stretched out his neck and put his muzzle on Kyle's chest taking in a deep breath. Kyle started to panic. "Crap he's sniffing me! Does he want to eat me?"

The dragon, recognizing the panic abruptly sat up and looked Kyle in the eye. "I remember you." He said, his voice no louder than a whisper.

Kyle was a bit taken back as he didn't expect the dragon to talk at all, let alone "remember" him. The dragon's voice was indeed deep but also had a strange softness to it.

"What do you mean, remember, I've never seen a dragon in my life."

"But I've seen you. You used to play in my forest before the humans started building and I was called into the sanctuary." Stated the dragon. "I would watch you hours on end as you never seemed to tire and always had respect for nature."

Kyle sat there wondering how something as big as him had gone undetected.

"Would you like some food? I was having some prepared." Silence then reached down and pulled a deer carcass out of the embers in a large fire pit.

After a long silent dinner, Kyle tried to break the silence. "Why is it that you talk to me and not anyone else?"

"There was just no need to talk to anyone. I managed fine not talking right?"

"I guess but..." before Kyle could ask again, Silence cut him off.

"Enough, I am tired and it has been a long day for you as well."

Kyle was escorted deeper into the cave, opening into another chamber. Almost the same as the last, however this one had a bed laden with furs silks and other exotic fabrics. Silence walked over to one side of the bed and got comfy underneath the blankets. He then looked over and noticed that Kyle was still just standing there.

"You gonna sleep standing up?"

"No, but I don't have any sleeping clothes."

"Then strip it all down."

"Wouldn't that be a little gay? I mean I'm not like that."

Silence stared for a second. "You humans and your modesty." He rolled onto one side. "Just take off those garments and get in."

Kyle hesitantly stripped down to nothing and slowly got into the bed, staring as far away from the dragon as he could. Try as he might though he was slowly drawn to the dragon, whether it be for some heat, or comfort, he just ended up laying right next to Silence and thinking of the days events. Although he might never see his family or friends again at least someone cared. He then rolled over and clutched Silence, burying his head into his chest.

The dragon just looked down upon this human snuggling against him, and rested a hand on his head.

"Silence, what is your real name?" asked Kyle. "I really need to know."

Silence thought for a second. "Ok but you must not tell anyone, and I mean anyone. It's Tuuvean. And that isn't my real name, I don't know what my real name is, but this is my self proclaimed name."

As Tuuvean said this, it felt as if something huge had been taken off his shoulders and something filled the hole in his life. He truly smiled for the first time in ages, and gripped Kyle tightly, letting out tears of joy.

They held onto each other finally feeling that something that was once lost, was found.


"Hey, hey, Kyle? Can you hear me?"

"Yes, where am I, and who are you?"

"Oh it's just me, Ayia. And you're in a dream. It's much easier to contact you this way that to fly two thousand stretches. Anyway, I'm afraid I have bad news. There is no way back to your world. That was the last entrance that we sealed, I'm sorry. "

"I understand"

Kyle thought back to his family and friends, but his mind was drawn to something else. Even through all the sorrow of loosing everything, one person was still there for him. A large blue figure appeared in his dream as he thought of him.

"Do you want to live with him right now? I'm sure he wont mind, and if he does, he won't object." Ayia chuckled a little.

Kyle laughed to but only because she meant he wouldn't talk. "Yeah, Ill stay here."


The dream faded and Kyle slowly awoke. Light appeared in the far end of the cave from the rising sun, however he refused to move. It just felt to good to and he did not want to let go of Tuuvean. Kyle pulled his head up and looked at Tuuvean. He was already awake and staring right back at Kyle. He leaned in and kissed Kyle on the lips. Kyle returned the kiss before he knew what he was doing but then pulled back. "No, no, I mean I'm not gay."

"There really is no gay or straight only love, and it doesn't matter who it is, what it is, or what sex it is."

Kyle sat there for awhile, finding his own feelings and thinking of what Tuuvean just said. He once again looked at the dragon and Kissed him deeply, allowing his tongue to slip into his mouth, savoring the taste and enjoying the sensation of a serpentine tongue in his mouth. After a few minutes of kissing and cuddling, they broke. "Ayia says I can never go back to my homeland. Can I stay with you?"

"Of course you can."

They sat there a little longer, enjoying each other's body heat and scent. Kyle thought back once again to his childhood memories and how he had always longed to be a dragon. Now he may have his chance! He was around dragons, who could use magic. It might work. "Hey Tuuvean what's it like to be a dragon?"

"hehe you want to become one?"

"How did you know?" asked Kyle.

"I could just see it in the way you were thinking and speaking. You actually want that?"

"Yes" Kyle answered, "I'd give anything to be one."

"Well there is a way, but from what I've heard, it's extremely painful, and there is no going back. Also it must be done in a way that might not appeal to you."

Kyle sat still. He could handle the pain, as for never going back, well there was no way to even get home, but what did he mean by not appealing? "Ok, what do I have to do?"

"Let's head to the hot springs"

The dragon and human got up from the bed and walked down a small corridor. The smell of sulfur was a tell tale sign that there were hot springs nearby. Once again the corridor opened into a large chamber and in the center there was a large steaming bath. Kyle slowly waded in followed by Tuuvean.

Tuuvean sat down on a small ridge around the edge of the pool so his torso was out but the rest was underneath the water. He signaled Kyle over to sit on his lap. Kyle did and pressed his head against the large dragon's chest. "What needs to happen?"

"Well the most sacred thing to us is our seed. It holds the secrets to life, and who we are. So by receiving it, it would also allow you to change what makes you, you into what makes us, us."

Kyle looked up at Tuuvean and nodded. "I can handle it, as long as it's from you"

"I was hoping you would say that."

Tuuvean moved his hand down in the water to Kyle's member and gently grasped it. He took one taloned finger and ran it on the underside causing Kyle to tense up and moan. His member quickly became erect under this teasing. Tuuvean locked Kyle in another deep kiss as he sped up the pace. "First we have to get your seed out. So mine can take hold."

Kyle started to main and buck into the long scaly hand as a finger slipped deep inside him gently massaging his prostate. Kyle had never had this happen before and as soon as it did, it sent him over the edge. He bucked, moaned and shot the biggest load he ever had into the water.

Tuuvean looked down at his own, now stiff member. He slowly lifted Kyle and gently placed the tip of his ebony cock right on Kyle's hole and slowly let him down onto it. Kyle gasped from the pain and gritted his teeth. "Just relax, it will get better."

Tuuvean shuddered at the amazing pleasure running through his body due to Kyle's tightness. He slowly brought Kyle down the rest of the way, plunging his length into Kyle's depths. Once again Kyle was lifted, and once again impaled his anal ring being stretched. Kyle was just starting to notice how wonderful this felt, the large rock hard cock rubbing back and forth on his prostate. Kyle moaned and arched his back, but was hushed by a kiss from Tuuvean as his long head snaked around. They sat there rocking for minutes on end until finally Tuuvean shot a hot sticky load deep into Kyle.

They both just sat there for awhile, basking in the after glow, until Kyle noticed his stomach started to feel a bit strange. He let out a muffled grunt as a pain slowly descended into his body. Tuuvean noticed this and picked up Kyle and laid him down on the ground beside the pool. Kyle curled into a ball and laid on his side as the pain got worse and then faded, Kyle sat up and looked at himself, eagerness for his new body, but realized nothing had changed. He looked over at Tuuvean puzzled. Suddenly there was a sickening *crack*. Kyle's vision faded from the extreme pain for a second, he then looked at his legs, the pain overwhelming. His bones kept rearranging themselves by breaking and moving, Kyle laid back screamed and convulsed, with Tuuvean right there holding his hand.

Kyle's legs had been completely transformed. His heel and ankles had moved up making his legs become more bestial. His toes had molded together to make three along with large black talons. Kyle started to convulse again, his voice now lost, at a quickly forming tail. His tailbone had stretched out all his skin and small spines were slowly protruding from his skin along his tail and spinal cord. Each one broke the skin, causing blood to spurt from his back.

The tail was now reaching an impressive length of five feet with small spines protruding all the way to the end. The tip was a large blade shaped spine, larger than all the rest.

On Kyle's back his shoulder blades began rapidly expanding, starching, breaking and rearranging. Small tips protruded from his skin and began to rapidly fill out into wings, stretching out, becoming longer, and a thick mucus that covered it began to form into a thin membrane.

Kyle's chest began to puff out his ribcage expanding and his organs growing. His neck began to stretch out, and his head felt as though a vice grip was tightening over it, changing the shape. Even in his mouth, new sharper teeth were forming pushing out all his old ones and becoming much sharper. Kyle's ears quickly shrank to nothing, and small protrusions came out of his cheekbones.

Finally the pain seemed to stop and Kyle was just strong enough to roll over and throw up.

Tuuvean looked at Kyle and chuckled lovingly. "Do not worry the worst part is over. The rest is actually quite enjoyable."

Kyle stood up, wobbly, however due to his new legs. When he stood all the way up, Tuuvean started laughing. "What, what's wrong?"

"Nothing, you just look funny, completely human outside on a dragon skeletal system." He chuckled some more. "Don't worry, the rest will develop soon."

Before he had even finished he sentence however, Kyle noticed a small rippling sensation under his skin. Muscles were slowly forming al over, especially on his cock. As they grew it felt like a massage and his member slowly started to grow. It grew and grew, Kyle was amazed by how much bigger it was getting than it was originally. Where as it used to only get around to six inches, it was now up to thirteen. He felt down and touched it, and a shock of pleasure ran through him, just like the very first time he ever explored himself. He proceeded to his balls and gasped, not only were they more sensitive, they were about the size of an orange.

While he was doing this the rest of his body was growing, muscles starting to bulge in places he never knew existed. His pecks filled out nicely, small lines forming around the sinew. His arms filled out and he touched them, they were hard as rocks and HUGE! His legs also filled out like a really powerful runner. Muscles moved up his back attaching themselves to his newly grown wings. After admiring himself he moved back to his new balls and gave them a gentle squeeze. It felt so good! He had to get off, he felt like he was going to explode. He started to stroke his member, but Tuuvean stopped him.

"You're not done yet."

"There's so much pressure." Klye moaned.

"And there will be plenty of time for that later. Look"

Kyle looked and once again something was happening. Jet black scales were quickly traveling up his legs. They began to cover his entire body, until his newly shaped head was covered. They then started to change the spines up his back black as well, but they were tipped with a dark green.

Kyle admired himself some more when suddenly he felt something warm and wet engulf his still rock hard cock. Tuuvean was quickly slurping at it, his tongue tracing over the sensitive head while the sides of his sharp teeth massaged the base of the cock. Tuuvean's hand grabbed the balls and slowly started to roll them around while suckling. Kyle was Moaning in complete ecstasy and it didn't take long for the already exited dragon to shoot his load. It came harder and longer than ever before and felt twice as good. Tuuvean slurped up as much as he could but some still managed to slip out of his maw and onto the floor and on his feet.

They slowly retreated back to the water and locking themselves in a deep passionate kiss.

Authors notes

Ok so I know there was not too much yiff in this one, but there will be a sequel, with more yiff, and maybe more after that, if I get more ideas.

This is only my second story, but I still hope that you enjoyed it. As you can all see my writing is not perfect. Which is why I have people proof it, however this time my proofreader was really busy so i tried it myself. I right my storys on a private wiki so if anyone would like to join, write storys and have them proofread, contact CryptoQuick.

Also please post your thoughts. it doesnt really take all that long, and it really helps.

If you really dont want to do that, you can always email me or IM me (kamekazibanshee)