Sonnet Redouble

Story by ArloLab on SoFurry

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I've always been fond of sonnets, and ever since I've heard of the sonnet redouble (or heroic crown), I've wanted to write one. In essence, it's a collection of sonnets, the last line of one being the first line of the next, ending with a repetition of the very first line and a summary sonnet consisting of every first line used. As is often the case, romance is the theme here, but not of the ordinary kind. Read on if you're curious.

We met, one summer's day, upon a hill.

To superstitious sorts, he seemed a grim.

As I got closer, I could feel a chill,

Because he looked unhealthy, weak and slim.

His hair was matted down with mud and dirt,

His ribs were showing through upon his sides,

And as he walked, he limped. One leg was hurt,

His face was wincing through his shaky strides.

The beast's tail gave a feeble, crooked wag,

And so at least his mind was healthy yet.

He needed food, a grooming for his shag,

And someday soon, a visit to the vet.

Without a clue about what would begin,

With just a room to spare, I took him in.

With just a room to spare, I took him in.

To get him following, I offered treats.

Though he was fearful, hunger did soon win,

And he accepted each of my dried meats.

My ward in tow, I got him to my truck,

And hastily drove off to find him aid.

I did not know the way, but fortune struck:

I saw a sign with "D.V.M." displayed.

I walked in, signed some papers, and to work

The aides and nurses went: they cleaned his wound,

Shaved off his mats. "Sadly," explained their clerk,

"Without a home, he'll likely be marooned."

I said I'd take him home. I paid his bill.

He shared my room, and ate and drank his fill.

He shared my room, and ate and drank his fill.

His health began to steadily improve.

His hair grew back, his figure rounded, 'til

He stopped requiring medicines to move.

Once he had healed, I pondered on his breed:

Was he a pit bull? Labrador? Sharpei?

Regardless, I admired the strength and speed

That he exhibited from day to day.

His favorite game was fetch, and for a ball

He'd swiftly run in chase, expand his maw,

Take hold, and come to me. His tongue would loll,

And I'd reward him with a pleased hurrah.

His vigor like a common violin,

We played together, both with widest grin.

We played together, both with widest grin.

And in our play, I saw our spirits soar,

Regardless of the game, we both would win,

With bliss as I had never felt before.

For months we shared our regular routine,

United in our appetite for life.

But gradually, in little steps unseen,

I valued him as husband values wife.

Our means were modest. I was self-employed,

And dogs can rarely sell their work for cash.

But for this mutt, I was more overjoyed

Than wealth could buy, however large my stash.

Whether by my intent, or lack thereof,

In time, our friendship turned to deepest love,

In time, our friendship turned to deepest love,

And we could scarcely bear to be apart.

I knew now how the fabled turtledove

Could mate for life, with thankful, open heart.

Our differences were miniscule, compared

To our ancestral bond, forged eons past.

As our nomadic forebears had, we shared

A hearth, our meals, and closeness unsurpassed.

But this was not platonic. I could see

I had a fondness for his wild desire.

From his behavior, sexuality

Was jointly craved, our souls in sync, on fire.

These feelings that we bore were closely paired,

Our love entwined with lust in which we shared.

Our love entwined with lust in which we shared,

We started to experiment with sex.

Beginning with a kiss, I then prepared

To stroke his sheath, caressing first his pecs.

Our tongues exploring caverns deep and damp,

My hand moved downwards, feeling for his nuts.

He started humping then, the playful scamp,

Which knocked me over. I was such a klutz.

I soon recovered, touching him again:

This time more stable, I caressed his cock,

Slowly at first, and tenderly, and then

More quickly. As he swelled, I had to gawk.

His length now freed from its protective glove,

Upon his whim, he gave a playful shove,

Upon his whim, he gave a playful shove,

And pushed me back, and pounced with utmost glee.

His tail a whirlwind, standing up above,

He stood upon my chest, so I could see

His member glistening and dripping down.

I sat up slowly, opening my mouth,

My tongue outstretched, prepared to go to town,

And lick him there, then work my way down south.

His panting, slow and heavy, urged me on

As in my fervor I engulfed his girth,

His hips began to thrust, until anon

His precum shot out, filling me with mirth.

Our matched intentions visibly declared,

I then undressed, and there our passions flared.

I then undressed, and there our passions flared.

First came my shirt, pulled up above my head.

My heart was racing and my chest was bared,

Our spirits like a couple newlywed.

Slowly, I pulled my jeans down to my feet

As my new lover, eager for my frame,

Licked all around my body for a treat,

Enthusiastic, keen to play this game.

My body now prepared, I knelt and crawled

On hands and knees, enticing him once more.

He licked my virgin hole; I was enthralled

By how he probed me to my very core.

As if to earn my thanks and my renown,

He climbed atop my back, and pinned me down,

He climbed atop my back, and pinned me down,

His zeal unmatched as I relaxed my form.

Between his fur and flesh, I thought I'd drown

In sweat as he embraced me, strong and warm.

I braced myself for impact speedily,

But found my preparations premature,

As, in his youth, he humped me greedily

But wildly, the desired spot unsure.

And so, I found my buttocks being poked

On alternating cheeks, with dewy dabs

At each near miss, a status which provoked

In me both pain and laughter at his stabs.

With hips and hands and legs at my employ,

I guided him inside me, filled with joy.

I guided him inside me, filled with joy.

At last he'd be contented, as would I,

For both of us to have the real McCoy,

In beauty too authentic to deny.

He ground on still, while I held on for life,

To both his legs and to my self-control.

As he pushed deeper, I was oddly rife

With pride for serving as his glory hole.

Too soon, I felt a swelling deep inside,

Not just of pride, but plainly now of flesh.

It was his knot! With that, we would be tied.

Our bodies, for a time, it would enmesh.

As I considered how we would be bound,

We sprayed our seed. Now tied, he turned around.

We sprayed our seed. Now tied, he turned around.

He stood behind me, touching rear to rear,

Reflecting me in sight as well as sound,

Our panting with fatigue the same to hear.

We stayed there for a while, pending release

As his erection shrank to normal size.

The minutes passed, in silence and in peace,

Both basking in our oxytocin highs.

At last, my partner tired of delay

And pulled, against my urgings and my pleas.

His cock contracted, he could pull away

And with a pop, came out, with guileless ease.

While he cleaned both of us, no longer coy,

I whispered tenderly to him, "Good boy."

I whispered tenderly to him, "Good boy."

I meant it as a title nobly earned,

For sharing in a deed we'd both enjoy,

How quickly we adjusted, what we learned,

And chiefly for the empathy he proved

That he could have for me, and I for him.

Whatever doubts I had, he had removed,

Replacing them with fondness for my grim.

What heavenly observer could predict

That two souls so dissimilar in view

Might come together, having wholly clicked

And find a love primordial, but new.

Whether 'twas by design or random glitch,

He's gone from pet to lover, quite a switch.

He's gone from pet to lover, quite a switch.

And yet, the contrast, looking back, feels wrong,

For both of us filled our respective niche,

Respecting limits as we went along.

If both were satisfied, and none were harmed,

What moral code was broken by our tryst?

Why should a puritan be so alarmed

That we must both be killed, not coexist?

Without a body damaged, or a mind,

There is no fault in love, no call for shame.

Though Bosie's love for Wilde was so defined,

Ours too is Love that dare not speak its name.

Though this won't make me powerful, or rich,

I'm glad to say I'm proud to be his bitch.

I'm glad to say I'm proud to be his bitch.

My pride stems not from exclusivity,

Nor skill in taming creatures, to bewitch

Their instincts in their cruel captivity,

Nor from discovering I can replace

Each man or maid with animals instead,

Nor even finding in the canine race

A common trait, which providence has bred.

More accurately, I am proud because

I've helped my lover in a manner rare,

To get release sans consequence, which was

Much easier than neutering to bear.

I think that both of us were lost, until

We met, one summer's day, upon a hill.

We met, one summer's day, upon a hill.

With just a room to spare, I took him in.

He shared my room, and ate and drank his fill.

We played together, both with widest grin.

In time, our friendship turned to deepest love,

Our love entwined with lust in which we shared.

Upon his whim, he gave a playful shove,

I then undressed, and there our passions flared.

He climbed atop my back, and pinned me down,

I guided him inside me, filled with joy.

We sprayed our seed. Now tied, he turned around.

I whispered tenderly to him, "Good boy."

He's gone from pet to lover, quite a switch.

I'm glad to say I'm proud to be his bitch.