Hero to Cum Dump
Commissioned by FA: Torin13 , we have a little story of a dragon that thinks that he's ready to be a hero...and another dragon that shows him just how wrong he actually is about that.
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Hero to Cum-Dump For Torin By Draconicon
"You son of a bitch!"
Torin ducked around one of the bursts of lightning breath from the supervillain at the other end of the vault. Every time he tried to poke his head out, the thieving blue dragon shot another blast of electricity his way. While they weren't as powerful as normal lightning bolts, they still packed a punch, as several flaming piles of paper attested to.
The golden dragon grunted under his breath, shaking his head as he thought about his options. He had a bit of protection, for now, in the form of a thick table that he'd flipped over during his entrance, and the blue dragon couldn't get around him without exposing himself. At the same time, he couldn't get to the blue without becoming a target for the lightning.
Maybe not. Torin still had a few strongboxes that were left over from the initial break-in down on the floor, and one of them might have something...
"Heh, you ready to give up, hero?"
"Not yet."
"Well, make up your mind. I have some stuff I want to do when I finish becoming a millionaire."
As if you need all that money, Torin thought. He had yet to see a dragon supervillain - or any supervillain, for that matter - that genuinely needed the money that they were stealing. More often, it was making a statement.
He hurriedly flicked through the different strongboxes, hoping to find something, anyway. Money, stocks, notes, bonds -
Ah. That'd work.
"You know, you could just surrender."
"Does that line ever work?"
"Eh, I'm still waiting."
Grabbing the little squares in the strongbox, he stood up. The blue was already breathing in, pulling in the lightning -
And Torin threw the overgrown nanites he'd found. They flew through the air, completely dead from a long term lack of charge. The shielding squares were almost completely useless, more of a collectible antique than anything else, considering how much power they required to run.
Power that they received from the lightning breath. It crackled over them, and they surged to life, forming a floating, moving barrier as Torin ran ahead. The blue was completely shocked, giving the golden dragon the opening he needed to tackle him to the floor. They went flying head over heel, the barrier nanites protecting him from the different blows that inevitably came, until they hit the far side of the vault and came to a halt.
The nanites clattered to the ground, and Torin grabbed hold of the blue dragon's snout, holding it closed.
"You're under arrest."
"I'm sorry, I can't understand 'loser' dialect."
Torin sighed as he leaned forward, shaking his head a few times. It had been too close; if the nanites hadn't collected enough charge, if they hadn't been in the strongbox to begin with...too many 'ifs' for this victory to feel particularly good. Too many for him to feel right about.
Well, on the plus side, the police would be here before too long, and he could hand over this dragon. Though...
He paused, looking back at the blue. There were no markers, like most supervillains had, of who he was. No emblem on the latex bodysuit that he wore, no sign of ID. The blue stared up at him so imperiously, so...glaringly...that Torin felt like he should know him, that there should be some recognition, but...
He shook his head, but the feeling remained, like he needed to figure this out. He looked back into those eyes, those...swirling...eyes...
His hands started to weaken, and the blue dragon opened and closed his snout a few times. It didn't take long for the grip to be broken, and his hands fell to his sides. The blue dragon chuckled.
"I see that the loyalty to my father still hasn't been broken."
Torin was helpless to do anything but stare into the depths of those swirling eyes as the blue dragon pushed him down, reversing their positions. Now he was the one on his back, and the blue dragon was the one standing over him, dominating him with his sheer size and his strange eyes. The golden dragon struggled, but it was weak, token at best, as he was straddled by the bigger blue.
"You wouldn't know the name anymore...most dragons don't. But I do. I remember my Father, even if you don't..."
Father...Father of Dragons...
An old myth, the idea that all dragons were descended from some godly being, which was why they had so many different powers. It was something that most of them remembered, but Torin had dismissed it as a legend. After all, there was no trace of divine blood in any of the dragons that lived today...
"I might not be a god, but I am more closely related to him than any of you...and I carry some of his authority."
The blue dragon grinned, leaning forward. Those swirling eyes absorbed Torin more than ever, making him feel as though his mind was getting sucked out through his eye sockets. He groaned, trying to turn his head away, but the grip was too absolute. His skull ached slightly, his mental protests dying away as the swirls sucked them away like a ship caught in a whirlpool.
Bit by bit, he went slack against the floor, his body going limp and loose. He could no longer support himself, his neck going slack as his head bumped against the ground. The blue dragon chuckled, and the sound echoed around his skull. As did the words that came after.
"You will be my slave...you will serve me as all of our kind once served my Father...You will serve me, and be happy doing it..."
"Serve...Serve you...happily..."
"Open your mouth..."
Torin did, and as soon as his jaws parted, he tasted the powerful flavor of a male's shaft. It slipped across his tongue without warning and without care, the thick tip pushing into his throat with abandon. If it hadn't been for the fact that he was so loose and relaxed, he would have gagged, perhaps even vomited.
But as it was, there was no stopping it. He laid there, loose and relaxed, unable to do anything but take that cock as far and as hard as the blue wanted to give it to him. In and out, in and out it went, grinding against his lips and leaving them burning with the friction of a thing just a bit too big. His throat felt violated, his neck felt stretched by the thick, solid shaft that was forced down it...
And somehow, he loved it. The costume he wore was already stretching, pulling tighter around his crotch as a result of the command in his head. He had to love serving this male, had to enjoy doing what he was doing. His cock throbbed harder with every extra inch to pass his lips and go down his throat.
Again and again that cock slipped into his throat, forcing it open in a way that he had never imagined. A scaly sac smacked against his lips, leaving its own rhythm in the air. Smack, smack, smack, getting wetter with each passing second.
"Swallow me..."
And without questioning it, Torin started swallowing. Gulping down the meat, gulping down the goo that was already oozing from it, the golden dragon swallowed everything.
There was so much, so much pre that was coming from it that his belly started to swell. The golden dragon groaned from the feeling, his stomach going from loose to tight, and then pushing further and further against his costume. It swelled upwards with each swallow, feeling like his scales were being stretched tight around his rapidly expanding gut. He panted around the cock, unable to think, unable to vocalize what he felt, but he knew that he was getting too big.
But it never stopped. In and out, in and out, getting faster with each passing second as the blue dragon rutted his face. Balls smacking against his lips, crotch mashed against his face, his nose filled with the rutting musk of a bigger male; it was all pushing him further and further.
As his belly reached a size almost twice as large as it had been before, swelling to the point of ripping the spandex around his middle, the blue rammed himself forward harder than ever. A thick hand held him in place, keeping Torin from pulling back as shot after shot of cum ran down his throat, filling him to the brim. Only the constant command to swallow let him keep up with it, and his belly...
He groaned as his belly continued to rise, swelling off of the ground into a rolling, gurgling mound that felt like it was ready to pop at any second. The hard tension behind his scales was beyond anything that he had ever felt before, and if he had been sober...
But he wasn't, and so he kept swallowing.
"Roll over, boy..."
Six hours later...
The terrors of dragons rutting was enough to keep the police at bay, and so Torin was at the mercy of the bigger blue for hours on end. He was fucked in the face, up the ass, and made to drink of the bigger dragon's cum as often as the blue could produce it. Every orgasm swelled him further, and further, until he occupied the middle of the small vault like a boulder blocking the way to a tomb.
Then, and only then, did the bigger blue pull back. He smiled, tapping Torin's cheek with his wet, cum-soaked cock, and walked over to the wall.
"I'll be back for you, another time. Keep yourself in good shape, my little cum dump. I will want you again."
And with a punch, he broke the wall, and disappeared.
Torin was stuck there for who knew how long, his mind frazzled and his body oozing and leaking slowly. The police were too afraid to do anything, so only the gradual oozing from both ends of his body took him down to a more normal size. When he was finally able to move, he was horribly ashamed.
After giving his statement, he flew home, and went back to his room. He couldn't believe how he'd been defeated, how embarrassing it had turned out to be...
But at the same time...
He rolled over, his stomach still gurgling as he reached down to his shaft and started stroking himself.
The End